Date: Tue Oct 21 2008 - 04:16:29 CDT

hi guys. i am a biologist and i haven't been programming in perl for a long time so my question may seem a little naive but i'm at a total loss and any help would be appreciated. i need a perl script to convert some binary files (.dcd if anyone knows what they are) to ascii or just extract the ascii that they contain. i tried plain read with no results. i searched the net and i only found this code :

use warnings;
use strict;
@ARGV == 2 or die "usage: $0 in_filename out_filename\n";
# get first argument, i.e filename my $in_filename = shift;
print "You chose input \n";
my $out_filename = shift;
print "You chose output \n";
#set infile to binary mode open INFILE, '', $out_filename or die "can't open $out_filename: $!";
# read 8 bytes at a time
$/ = \8;
while ( )
print OUTFILE join( ', ', map sprintf( '0x%04x', $_ ), unpack 'S*', $_ + ), "\n";

but when i run it it comes out with four columns of something seeming like hexadecimal (0xe15d ...). The dcd files are about 700 mb so i can't upload it for you to see it, but i managed to cut the first 80kb of it with hexedit and i upload it here: Does anyone have any idea or some plain guidelines because i really need get it done for my work. Thanks anyway!
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