From: Fred Moore (
Date: Mon Aug 13 2007 - 17:58:46 CDT


I just built a small linux box based around an asus p5b-vm motherboard.

Fedora-7 comes up nicely, but when I try installing the binary of vmd

The splash screen and the various windows come up and the system will
sit there waiting for me to do something for as long as I care to
wait with the logo spinning.

The minute I try to move the mouse or if I touch the keyboard the
system freezes, then the monitor goes dark and linux apparently hangs
(I've been ssh'd in from another machine and
this session goes non-responsive too). Can't find any useful log
files to scrutinize...

I considered compiling the source but got:

> > > > make: *** No rule to make target `',
> needed
> > > by `vmd_LINUX'. Stop.

The same error as this person reported recently.

Any help will be appreciated.