From: L. Michel Espinoza-Fonseca (
Date: Fri Aug 03 2007 - 02:59:02 CDT

Dear Shulin,

This is actually more a VMD issue, so in the future please post VMD
issues to the VMD list ;).

> I just do a MD simulations of a small protein using NAMD soft, now, I want
> to calculate the C alpha RMSD of the protein from the trajectory. Using VMD,
> only the backbone RMSD can be calculated.

In the RMSD trajectory tool, you should select "trace" instead of
"backbone". In that way, you'll compute the RMSD only for the Calpha

> Another question:
> For hydrogen analysis, how to calculate the hydrogen bond like soft PTRAJ.
> PTRAJ can easily calculate many kind of RMSD from Amber or charmm
> trajectory. How can we use ptraj to analyze trajectory produced by NAMD.

As far as I know, PTRAJ can read dcd trajectory files. You can also
compute h-bonds with VMD (you need a script for that purpose), so
consider it as an option.
