NAMD Wiki: NamdOnSolaris

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Binaries for Solaris on Sparc are available from the download page.

A port to Solaris on x86-64 processors will be in the next release.

Here is my experience while compiling NAMD and Cham++ on Solaris 10 x86 ==Machine info: Ultra 20 - AMD Opteron Solaris 10 x86 with mpich 1.1.2


  • We will learn how to compile NAMD2 with fftw on Solaris 10 x86. Compiling namd2 with fftw is still in the works.

Things to download:


  • Do take a look at the notes.txt under the namd2 directory.
  • Desist from using relative paths while setting the environment variables.


  1. untar charm-5.9, tcl and namd2

I. Compile charm++ for Solaris 10 x86

  1. cd charm-5.9/src
  2. mkdir arch/mpi-sol-x86
  3. cp mpi-sol/* mpi-sol-x86/
  4. vi mpi-sol-x86/;
    1. set CMK_QT to 'generic'
    2. append ' -lrt' to the value of CMK_LIBS
  5. Since I have mpich installed I give the following command in the charm-5.9 directory
    1. $ ./build charm++ mpi-sol-x86 gcc --incdir=/export/home/mpich/include --libdir=/export/home/mpich/lib
  6. This command creates a directory called 'mpi-sol-x86-gcc' under the 'charm-5.9' directory.
    1. mpi-sol-x86-gcc is your CHARMARCH

II. Compile NAMD on Solaris 10 x86

  1. cd namd2; chmod +x config
  2. vi Make.charm; and set the CHARMBASE to the top-level 'charm-5.9' directory.
  3. vi arch/Solaris-i686-g++.arch; and set the CHARMARCH to mpi-sol-x86-gcc.
  4. vi arch/Solaris-i686.tcl; and set the TCLDIR appropriately.
  5. ./config tcl Solaris-i686-g++
  6. cd Solaris-i686-g++;
  7. vi Makefile; go to the target 'psfgen' and append '-lsocket -lnsl' to the line starting with '$(CC)'
  8. make;
  9. Please check the compilation by running some examples. I haven't yet got time to run tests.

- author Jeevan email: