Paper Citing NAMD - Abstract
Liu, Jian; Shi, Guosheng; Guo, Pan; Yang, Jinrong; Fang, Haiping
Blockage of Water Flow in Carbon Nanotubes by Ions Due to Interactions between Cations and Aromatic Rings
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 115 Art. No. 164502, OCT 16 2015
Combining classical molecular dynamics simulations and density functional theory calculations, we find that cations block water flow through narrow (6,6)-type carbon nanotubes (CNTs) because of interactions between cations and aromatic rings in CNTs. In wide CNTs, these interactions trap the cations in the interior of the CNT, inducing unexpected open or closed state switching of ion transfer under a strong electric field, which is consistent with experiments. These findings will help to develop new methods to facilitate water and ion transport across CNTs.