Corry, Ben
Na+/Ca2+ selectivity in the bacterial voltage-gated sodium channel NavAb
PEERJ, 1 Art. No. e16, FEB 12 2013

The recent publication of a number of high resolution bacterial voltage-gated sodium channel structures has opened the door for the mechanisms employed by these channels to distinguish between ions to be elucidated. The way these channels select between Na+ and K+ has been investigated in computational studies, but the selectivity for Na+ over Ca2+ has not yet been studied in this way. Here we use molecular dynamics simulations to calculate the energetics of Na+ and Ca2+ transport through the channel. Single ion profiles show that Ca2+ experiences a large barrier midway through the selectivity filter that is not seen by Na+. This barrier is caused by the need for Ca2+ to partly dehydrate to pass through this region and the lack of compensating interactions with the protein. Multi-ion profiles show that ions can pass each other in the channel, which is why the presence of Ca2+ does not block Na+ conduction despite binding more strongly in the pore.


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