JMV - Java Molecular Viewer JMV - Java Molecular Viewer

JMV is a molecular viewer written in Java and Java3D. JMV is designed to be an easy-to-use platform neutral molecular visualization tool, which can be used standalone or integrated into other programs. JMV provides several molecular representations, multiple coloring styles, lighting controls, and stereoscopic rendering capabilities. JMV loads PDB format molecular structure files over the web, from the RCSB protein databank, from BioCoRE filesystems, and from local filesystems.
BioCoRE uses JMV, which allows you to quickly view molecules in different representations and color schemes. You can use JMV to view PDB files stored in the BioCoRE Filesystem by clicking "View this molecule using JMV" in the file's "Properties" window.
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JMV at Siggraph 2002
JMV in BioCoRE
JMV 0.7 (pre-release) is available!
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