Changes visible to users are discussed in the recent changes section. Changes listed here are not visible to users, but likely impact the local server administrators. It is common for the server changes to be minor compared to the list of changes that are visible to users. If there aren't any changes listed below for some versions of the server, this simply means that all of the changes for this release are visible to the user in some way and are thus listed in the recent changes link given above.

September 6, 2006

  • NOTE: There is a bug in the databaseTables.txt file in the version of the server that was released on September 6. Lines 348 and 349 need to be switched. The version in the distribution reads:
    CREATE TABLE biofsPublicLinks (
      id int primary key NOT NULL auto_increment,
      creator mediumint NOT NULL,
      biofsId int,
      projectId  mediumint,
      publicName varchar(255)
      lastUpdate TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
    and it needs to read:
    CREATE TABLE biofsPublicLinks (
      id int primary key NOT NULL auto_increment,
      creator mediumint NOT NULL,
      biofsId int,
      projectId  mediumint,
      lastUpdate TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
      publicName varchar(255)
  • This version (or later) of the server is needed for compatibility with the new BioCoRE enhancements available in VMD 1.8.5.
  • Added support for newer MySQL connectors, which are required when using MySQL 4.1+.

January 12, 2006

  • Several changes to work with newer versions of the mysql Connector/J that can be downloaded from
  • Improved error messages sent to log files when mail can't be sent.
  • Removed some system out prints that didn't need to be there.
  • API calls now return version numbers. If you have applications using the API, be aware of this.
  • Format of the .biocoreSession file has changed that is stored in the user's home directory. If you have API code that is relying upon this, you need to expect the revised version, or use client API calls to automatically interepret the new version.
  • If compiling yourself, a new 'signOther' target is provided for ant to sign auxiliary jar files with the same certificate as was used to sign the control panel.

Changes from 2005 Changes from 2004 Changes from 2003 Changes from 2002

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