231. Analysis and control of a rubbertuator arm.
P. van der Smagt, F. Grön, and K. Schulten.
Biological Cybernetics, 75:433-440, 1996.
230. Vision-based motion planning of a pneumatic robot using a topology
representing neural network.
Michael Zeller, Rajeev Sharma, and Klaus Schulten.
In Proceedings of 1996 IEEE Int. Symposium on Intelligent
Control, pp. 7-12, 1996.
229. Topology representing network for sensor-based robot motion planning.
Michael Zeller, Rajeev Sharma, and Klaus Schulten.
In Proceedings of the 1996 World Congress on Neural Networks,
pp. 100-103. INNS Press, 1996.
228. Quantum chemistry - molecular dynamics study of the dark adaptation
process in bacteriorhodopsin.
Ilya Logunov and Klaus Schulten.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 118:9727-9735, 1996.
227. Speech/gesture interface to a visual computing environment for
molecular biologists.
R. Sharma, T. S. Huang, V. I. Pavlovic, K. Schulten, A. Dalke, J. Phillips,
M. Zeller, W. Humphrey, Y. Zhao, Z. Lo, and S. Chu.
In Proceedings of 13th ICPR 96, volume 3, pp. 964-968, 1996.
226. NAMD - A parallel, object-oriented molecular dynamics program.
Mark Nelson, William Humphrey, Attila Gursoy, Andrew Dalke, Laxmikant Kalé,
Robert D. Skeel, and Klaus Schulten.
International Journal of Supercomputer Applications and High
Performance Computing, 10:251-268, 1996.
225. The crystal structure of the light harvesting complex II
(B800-850) from Rhodospirillum Molischianum.
Juergen Koepke, Xiche Hu, Cornelia Muenke, Klaus Schulten, and Hartmut Michel.
Structure, 4:581-597, 1996.
224. Protein response to external electric fields: Relaxation, hysteresis,
and echo.
Dong Xu, James Christopher Phillips, and Klaus Schulten.
Journal of Physical Chemistry, 100:12108-12121, 1996.
223. Molecular dynamics study of the activation of phospholipase A2
on a membrane surface.
Feng Zhou and Klaus Schulten.
PROTEINS: Structure, Function, and Genetics, 25:12-27, 1996.
222. VMD - Visual Molecular Dynamics.
William Humphrey, Andrew Dalke, and Klaus Schulten.
Journal of Molecular Graphics, 14:33-38, 1996.
221. Probing protein motion through temperature echoes.
Klaus Schulten, Hui Lu, and Linsen Bai.
In Henrik Flyvbjerg, John Hertz, Mogens H. Jensen, Ole G. Mouritsen,
and Kim Sneppen, editors, Physics of Biological Systems: From Molecules
to Species, Lecture Notes in Physics, pp. 117-152. Springer, 1997.
220. Principal component analysis and long time protein dynamics.
Manel A. Balsera, Willy Wriggers, Yoshitsugu Oono, and Klaus Schulten.
Journal of Physical Chemistry, 100:2567-2572, 1996.
219. A numerical study of learning curves in stochastic multi-layer
feed-forward networks.
K.-R. Müller, N. Murata, M. Finke, K. Schulten, and S. Amari.
Neural Computation, 8:1085-1106, 1995.
218. Molecular dynamics study of early picosecond events in the
bacteriorhodopsin photocycle: Dielectric response, vibrational cooling and
the J, K intermediates.
Dong Xu, Charles Martin, and Klaus Schulten.
Biophysical Journal, 70:453-460, 1996.
(PMC: 1224943) |
217. Topology representing maps and brain function.
Klaus Schulten and Michael Zeller.
In Nova Acta Leopoldina NF, volume 72, pp. 133-157.
Jahresversammlungsband, 1996.
216. Molecular dynamics study of the M412 intermediate of
Dong Xu, Mordechai Sheves, and Klaus Schulten.
Biophysical Journal, 69:2745-2760, 1995.
(PMC: 1236512) |
215. A perturbation treatment of oscillating magnetic fields in the
radical pair mechanism using the Liouville equation.
J. M. Canfield, R. L. Belford, P. G. Debrunner, and K. Schulten.
Chemical Physics, 195:59-69, 1995.
214. Curve crossing in a protein: Coupling of the elementary quantum
process to motions of the protein.
Klaus Schulten.
In D. Bicout and M. J. Field, editors, Proceedings of the Ecole
De Physique Des Houches, pp. 85-118, Paris, 1995. Les Editions de Physique,
213. Quantum chemistry of in situ retinal: Study of the spectral
properties and dark adaptation of bacteriorhodopsin.
Ilya Logunov and Klaus Schulten.
In D. Bicout and M. J. Field, editors, Proceedings of the Ecole
De Physique Des Houches, pp. 235-256, Paris, 1995. Les Editions de
Physique, Springer.
212. Biological visuo-motor control of a pneumatic robot arm.
Michael Zeller, K. R. Wallace, and Klaus Schulten.
In Dagli et al., editors, Intelligent Engineering Systems
Through Artificial Neural Networks, volume 5, pp. 645-650, New York, 1995.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
211. Molecular dynamics study of the early intermediates in the
bacteriorhodopsin photocycle.
William Humphrey, Dong Xu, Mordechai Sheves, and Klaus Schulten.
Journal of Physical Chemistry, 99:14549-14560, 1995.
210. Molecular dynamics studies of bacteriorhodopsin's photocycles.
Klaus Schulten, William Humphrey, Ilya Logunov, Mordechai Sheves, and Dong Xu.
Israel Journal of Chemistry, 35:447-464, 1995.
209. Molecular dynamics study of glucocorticoid receptor-DNA binding.
Thomas C. Bishop and Klaus Schulten.
PROTEINS: Structure, Function, and Genetics, 24:115-133, 1996.
208. Predicting the structure of the light-harvesting complex II of
Rhodospirillum Molischianum.
Xiche Hu, Dong Xu, Kenneth Hamer, Klaus Schulten, Jürgen Koepke, and Hartmut
Protein Science, 4:1670-1682, 1995.
207. MDScope - A visual computing environment for structural biology.
Mark Nelson, William Humphrey, Attila Gursoy, Andrew Dalke, Laxmikant Kalé,
Robert Skeel, Klaus Schulten, and Richard Kufrin.
In S.N. Atluri, G. Yagawa, and T.A. Cruse, editors,
Computational Mechanics 95, volume 1, pp. 476-481, 1995.
206. Diffusive hysteresis at high and low driving frequencies.
James Phillips and Klaus Schulten.
Physical Review E, 52:2473-2477, 1995.
205. A perturbation theory treatment of oscillating magnetic fields in the
radical pair mechanism - Erratum.
Jeff M. Canfield, R. Linn Belford, Peter G. Debrunner, and Klaus Schulten.
Chemical Physics, 191:347-347, 1995.
204. Large scale simulations for learning curves.
K.-R. Müller, M. Finke, N. Murata, K. Schulten, and S. Amari.
In Jong-Hoon Oh, Chulan Kwon, and Sungzoon Cho, editors,
Progress in Neural Processing Vol. 1 / Neural Networks: The Statistical
Mechanics Perspective, pp. 73-84. World Scientific, Singapore, 1995.
203. Prediction of the structure of an integral membrane protein-the
light-harvesting complex II of Rhodospirillum Molischianum.
Xiche Hu, Dong Xu, Kenneth Hamer, Klaus Schulten, Jürgen Koepke, and Hartmut
In K.M. Merz and B. Roux, editors, Biological Membranes: A
Molecular Perspective From Computation and Experiment, pp. 503-533.
Birkhäuser, Cambridge, MA, 1996.
202. Knowledge-based structure prediction of the light-harvesting complex
II of Rhodospirillum Molischianum.
Xiche Hu, Dong Xu, Kenneth Hamer, Klaus Schulten, Jürgen Koepke, and Hartmut
In P. M. Pardalos, D. Shalloway, and G. Xue, editors, Global
Minimization of Nonconvex Energy Functions: Molecular Conformation and
Protein Folding, pp. 97-122. American Mathematical Society, Providence,
R.I., 1996.
201. Introduction to the diffusion Monte Carlo method.
Ioan Kosztin, Byron Faber, and Klaus Schulten.
American Journal of Physics, 64:633-644, 1996.
200. Velocity reassignment echoes in proteins.
Dong Xu and Klaus Schulten.
Journal of Chemical Physics, 103:3124-3139, 1995.
199. Temperature quench echoes in proteins.
Dong Xu, Klaus Schulten, Oren M. Becker, and Martin Karplus.
Journal of Chemical Physics, 103:3112-3123, 1995.
198. A molecular dynamics simulation of immobilized artificial membranes.
Qing Sheng, Klaus Schulten, and Charles Pidgeon.
Journal of Physical Chemistry, 99:11018-11027, 1995.
197. Modeling AFM tip dynamics through diffusion in time-periodic
James Phillips and Klaus Schulten.
Beckman Institute Technical Report TB-95-03, University of Illinois,
196. Modeling biomolecules: Larger scales, longer durations.
John A. Board, Jr., Laxmikant V. Kalé, Klaus Schulten, Robert D. Skeel, and
Tamar Schlick.
IEEE Computational Science & Engineering, Winter:19-30,
195. MDScope - A visual computing environment for structural biology.
Mark Nelson, William Humphrey, Attila Gursoy, Andrew Dalke, Laxmikant Kalé,
Robert Skeel, Klaus Schulten, and Richard Kufrin.
Computational Physics Communications, 91:111-134, 1995.
194. Noise-induced neuronal oscillations.
Christian Kurrer and Klaus Schulten.
Physical Review E, 51:6213-6218, 1995.
193. Molecular dynamics study of a membrane-water interface.
Feng Zhou and Klaus Schulten.
Journal of Physical Chemistry, 99:2194-2208, 1995.
192. Molecular dynamics study of the 13-cis form (bR548) of
bacteriorhodopsin and its photocycle.
Ilya Logunov, William Humphrey, Klaus Schulten, and Mordechai Sheves.
Biophysical Journal, 68:1270-1282, 1995.
(PMC: 1282023) |
191. Models of orientation and ocular dominance columns in the visual
cortex: A critical comparison.
Edgar Erwin, Klaus Obermayer, and Klaus Schulten.
Neural Computation, 7:425-468, 1995.
190. Morphogenesis of the lateral geniculate nucleus: How singularities
affect global structure.
Svilen Tzonev, Joseph Malpeli, and Klaus Schulten.
In G. Tesauro, D. Touretzky, and T. Leen, editors, Advances in
Neural Information Processing Systems 7, pp. 133-140, Cambridge, Mass and
London, England, 1995. MIT Press.
189. A critical comparison of models for orientation and ocular dominance
columns in the striate cortex.
Edgar Erwin, Klaus Obermayer, and Klaus Schulten.
In G. Tesauro, D. Touretzky, and T. Leen, editors, Advances in
Neural Information Processing Systems 7, pp. 93-100. MIT Press, Cambridge,
Mass and London, England, 1995.
188. Molecular dynamics on parallel computers: Applications for
theoretical biophysics.
Thomas C. Bishop, Helmut Heller, and Klaus Schulten.
In Rajiv K. Kalia and Priya Vashishta, editors, Toward Teraflop
Computing and New Grand Challenge Applications, pp. 129-138. Nova Science
Publishers, Inc., New York, 1995.
187. A perturbation theory treatment of oscillating magnetic fields in the
radical pair mechanism.
Jeff M. Canfield, R. Linn Belford, Peter G. Debrunner, and Klaus Schulten.
Chemical Physics, 182:1-18, 1994.
186. Molecular dynamics study of a sequence specific protein-DNA
Thomas C. Bishop and Klaus Schulten.
In G. Wipff, editor, Computational Approaches in Supramolecular
Chemistry, pp. 419-439. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 1994.
185. Molecular dynamics study of bacteriorhodopsin and artificial
William Humphrey, Ilya Logunov, Klaus Schulten, and Mordechai Sheves.
Biochemistry, 33:3668-3678, 1994.
184. Mechanisms of liposomal contrast agents in magnetic resonance
Benno Pütz, Daniel Barsky, and Klaus Schulten.
Journal of Liposome Research, 4:771-808, 1994.
183. Topology representing network in robotics.
Kakali Sarkar and Klaus Schulten.
In J. Leo van Hemmen, Eytan Domany, and Klaus Schulten, editors,
Models of Neural Networks, volume 3 of Physics of Neural Networks, pp.
281-302. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1996.