TCB Publications - Search
182. A neural network with Hebbian-like adaptation rules learning visuomotor coordination of a PUMA robot. Thomas Martinetz and Klaus Schulten. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks (ICNN-93), San Francisco, pp. 820-825, 1993.
181. Control of pneumatic robot arm dynamics by a neural network. Patrick van der Smagt and Klaus Schulten. In Proceedings of the World Congress on Neural Networks, Portland, OR, July 11-15, volume 3, pp. 180-183, 1993.
180. A comparison of models of visual cortical map formation. Edgar Erwin, Klaus Obermayer, and Klaus Schulten. In Frank H. Eeckman and James M. Bower, editors, Computation and Neural Systems, chapter 60, pp. 395-402. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993.
179. Molecular dynamics simulation of a bilayer of 200 lipids in the gel and in the liquid crystal-phases. Helmut Heller, Michael Schaefer, and Klaus Schulten. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 97:8343-8360, 1993.
178. Topology representing networks. Thomas Martinetz and Klaus Schulten. Neural Networks, 7:507-522, 1994.
177. Dependence of percolation thresholds on lattice connectivity. Christian Kurrer and Klaus Schulten. Physical Review E, 48:614-617, 1993.
176. Multi-mode coupling of protein motion to electron transfer in the photosynthetic reaction center: Spin-boson theory based on a classical molecular dynamics simulation. Dong Xu and Klaus Schulten. In J. Breton and A. Vermeglio, editors, The Photosynthetic Bacterial Reaction Center: II. Structure, Spectroscopy and Dynamics, NATO Science Series A: Life Sciences, pp. 301-312. Plenum Press, New York, 1992.
175. Neural network control of a pneumatic robot arm. Ted Hesselroth, Kakali Sarkar, P. Patrick van der Smagt, and Klaus Schulten. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 24:28-37, 1994.
174. Performance analysis of a parallel molecular dynamics program. Amitabh B. Sinha, Klaus Schulten, and Helmut Heller. Computational Physics Communications, 78:265-278, 1994.
173. Accelerated molecular dynamics simulation with the parallel fast multipole algorithm. John A. Board, Jr., J. W. Causey, James F. Leathrum, Jr., Andreas Windemuth, and Klaus Schulten. Chemical Physics Letters, 198:89-94, 1992.
172. Diffusional edge enhancement observed by NMR in thin glass capillaries. Daniel Barsky, Benno Pütz, Klaus Schulten, J. Schoeniger, E. W. Hsu, and S. Blackband. Chemical Physics Letters, 200:88-96, 1992.
171. Parallel distributed computing for molecular dynamics: Simulation of large heterogeneous systems on a systolic ring of transputers. Helmut Heller and Klaus Schulten. Chemical Design Automation News, 7:11-22, 1992.
170. A comparison between a neural network model for the formation of brain maps and experimental data. Klaus Obermayer, Klaus Schulten, and Gary G. Blasdel. In D. S. Touretzky and R. Lippman, editors, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 4, pp. 83-90. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1992.
169. Molecular dynamics study of the proton pump cycle of bacteriorhodopsin. Feng Zhou, Andreas Windemuth, and Klaus Schulten. Biochemistry, 32:2291-2306, 1993.
168. Implementation of self-organizing neural networks for visuo-motor control of an industrial robot. Jörg A. Walter and Klaus Schulten. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 4:86-95, 1993.
167. Statistical-mechanical analysis of self-organization and pattern formation during the development of visual maps. Klaus Obermayer, Gary G. Blasdel, and Klaus Schulten. Physical Review A, 45:7568-7589, 1992.
166. Coupling of protein motion to electron transfer in a photosynthetic reaction center: Investigating the low temperature behaviour in the framework of the spin-boson model. Dong Xu and Klaus Schulten. Chemical Physics, 182:91-117, 1994.
165. Computational biology on massively parallel machines. Klaus Schulten. In Parallel Computation - Proceedings of the First International ACPC Conference, Salzburg, Austria, pp. 391-400, New York, 1992. Springer.
164. Self-organizing maps: Stationary states, metastability and convergence rate. Edgar Erwin, Klaus Obermayer, and Klaus Schulten. Biological Cybernetics, 67:35-45, 1992.
163. Self-organizing maps: Ordering, convergence properties and energy functions. Edgar Erwin, Klaus Obermayer, and Klaus Schulten. Biological Cybernetics, 67:47-55, 1992.
162. Nuclear spin dynamics (I=1/2) under the influence of random perturbation fields in the "strong collision" approximation. Wolfgang R. Bauer and Klaus Schulten. Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft - Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 96:721-727, 1992.
161. Edge enhancement by diffusion: Microscopic magnetic resonance imaging of an ultra-thin glass capillary. Benno Pütz, Daniel Barsky, and Klaus Schulten. Chemical Physics Letters, 183:391-396, 1991.
160. Vector quantization algorithm for time series prediction and visuo-motor control of robots. Stanislav G. Berkovitch, Philippe Dalger, Ted Hesselroth, Thomas Martinetz, Benoît Noël, Jörg A. Walter, and Klaus Schulten. In W. Brauer and D. Hernandez, editors, Verteilte Künstliche Intelligenz Und Kooperatives Arbeiten, volume 291 of Informatikfachberichte, pp. 443-447. Springer, Berlin, 1991.
159. Textbook: Neural Computation and Self-Organizing Maps: An Introduction. Helge Ritter, Thomas Martinetz, and Klaus Schulten. Addison-Wesley, New York, revised English edition, 1992.
158. Formation of dimension-reducing somatotopic maps. Edgar Erwin, Klaus Obermayer, and Klaus Schulten. In Samir I. Sayegh, editor, Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Neural Networks and Parallel Distributed Processing, pp. 115-126. Indiana University at Fort Wayne, 1992.
157. Molecular dynamics simulation on a network of workstations using a machine-independent parallel programming language. Mark A. Shifman, Andreas Windemuth, Klaus Schulten, and Perry L. Miller. Computers and Biomedical Research, 25:168-180, 1992. (PMC: 2247565)
156. Structure of bacteriorhodopsin and in situ isomerization of retinal: A molecular dynamics study. Marco Nonella, Andreas Windemuth, and Klaus Schulten. Journal Photochemistry Photobiology, 54:937-948, 1991.
155. Development and spatial structure of cortical feature maps: A model study. Klaus Obermayer, Helge Ritter, and Klaus Schulten. In D. Touretzky and R. Lippman, editors, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 3, pp. 11-17. Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo CA, 1991.
154. Dynamics of synchronous neural activity in the visual cortex. Christian Kurrer, Benno Nieswand, and Klaus Schulten. In Teuvo Kohonen, Kai Mäkisara, Olli Simula, and Jari Kangas, editors, Artificial Neural Networks, pp. 133-138. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1991.
153. Industrial robot learns visuo-motor coordination by means of "neural gas" network. Jörg A. Walter, Thomas Martinetz, and Klaus Schulten. In Teuvo Kohonen, Kai Mäkisara, Olli Simula, and Jari Kangas, editors, Artificial Neural Networks, pp. 357-364. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1991.
152. Convergence properties of self-organizing maps. Edgar Erwin, Klaus Obermayer, and Klaus Schulten. In Teuvo Kohonen, Kai Mäkisara, Olli Simula, and Jari Kangas, editors, Artificial Neural Networks, pp. 409-414. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1991.
151. A neural network model for the formation and for the spatial structure of retinotopic maps, orientation- and ocular dominance columns. Klaus Obermayer, Gary G. Blasdel, and Klaus Schulten. In Teuvo Kohonen, Kai Mäkisara, Olli Simula, and Jari Kangas, editors, Artificial Neural Networks, pp. 505-511. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1991.
150. A "neural gas" network learns topologies. Thomas Martinetz and Klaus Schulten. In Teuvo Kohonen, Kai Mäkisara, Olli Simula, and Jari Kangas, editors, Artificial Neural Networks, pp. 397-402. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1991.
149. "Neural gas" for vector quantization and its application to time-series prediction. Thomas M. Martinetz, Stanislav G. Berkovich, and Klaus Schulten. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 4:558-569, 1993.
148. A neural network for robot control: Cooperation between neural units as a requirement for learning. Thomas Martinetz and Klaus Schulten. Computers & Electrical Engineering, 19:315-332, 1993.
147. Edge enhancement by diffusion in microscopic magnetic resonance imaging. Benno Pütz, Daniel Barsky, and Klaus Schulten. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 97:27-53, 1992.
146. Coupling of protein motion to electron transfer: Molecular dynamics and stochastic quantum mechanics study of photosynthetic reaction centers. Klaus Schulten and Markus Tesch. Chemical Physics, 158:421-446, 1991.
145. A model for the development of the spatial structure of retinotopic maps and orientation columns. Klaus Obermayer, Helge Ritter, and Klaus Schulten. IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics Communications and Computer Sciences, E75-A:537-545, 1992. Reprinted in The Principles of Organization in Organisms - Santa Fe Institute Studies in the Sciences of Complexity, Vol. XII. A. Baskin and J. Mittenthal, Eds. (Addison Wesley, 1991).
144. A model for synchronous activity in the visual cortex. Christian Kurrer, Benno Nieswand, and Klaus Schulten. In A. Babloyantz, editor, Self-Organization, Emergent Properties, and Learning, volume 260 of NATO Science Series B: Physics, pp. 81-95. Plenum Press, New York, 1991.
143. Molecular dynamics investigation of the interaction between DNA and dystamycin. Klaus Boehncke, Marco Nonella, Klaus Schulten, and Andrew H.-J. Wang. Biochemistry, 30:5465-5475, 1991.
142. Molecular dynamics simulations in heterogenous dielectrica and Debye-Hückel media: Application to the protein bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor. Christoph Niedermeier and Klaus Schulten. Molecular Simulation, 8:361-387, 1992.
141. Generalized Verlet algorithm for efficient molecular dynamics simulations with long-range interactions. Helmut Grubmüller, Helmut Heller, Andreas Windemuth, and Klaus Schulten. Molecular Simulation, 6:121-142, 1991.
140. Simulation of self-organizing neural nets: A comparision between a transputer ring and a Connection Machine CM-2. Klaus Obermayer, Helmut Heller, Helge Ritter, and Klaus Schulten. In Alan S. Wagner, editor, NATUG 3: Transputer Research and Applications 3, pp. 95-106, Amsterdam, 1990. North American Transputer Users Group, IOS Press.
139. Molecular dynamics simulations on a systolic ring of transputers. Klaus Boehncke, Helmut Heller, Helmut Grubmüller, and Klaus Schulten. In Alan S. Wagner, editor, NATUG 3: Transputer Research and Applications 3, pp. 83-94, Amsterdam, 1990. North American Transputer Users Group, IOS Press.
138. A principle for the formation of the spatial structure of cortical feature maps. Klaus Obermayer, Helge Ritter, and Klaus Schulten. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 87:8345-8349, 1990. (PMC: 54952)
137. Effect of noise and perturbations on limit cycle systems. Christian Kurrer and Klaus Schulten. Physica D, 50:311-320, 1991.
136. Self-organizing maps and adaptive filters. Helge Ritter, Klaus Obermayer, Klaus Schulten, and Jeanne Rubner. In J. Leo van Hemmen, Eytan Domany, and Klaus Schulten, editors, Models of Neural Networks, Physics of Neural Networks, pp. 281-306. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1991.
135. Stochastic dynamics simulation for macromolecules. Andreas Windemuth and Klaus Schulten. Beckman Institute Technical Report TB-91-19, University of Illinois, 1991.
134. Molecular dynamics simulation of electron transfer in proteins: Theory and application to QA → QB transfer in the photosynthetic reaction center. Marco Nonella and Klaus Schulten. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 95:2059-2067, 1991.
133. Large-scale simulations of self-organizing neural networks on parallel computers: Application to biological modelling. Klaus Obermayer, Helge Ritter, and Klaus Schulten. Parallel Computing, 14:381-404, 1990.
132. Hierarchical neural net for learning control of a robot's arm and gripper. Thomas Martinetz and Klaus Schulten. In International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, San Diego, California, volume 2, pp. 747-752. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, New York, 1990.
131. A neural network model for the formation of topographic maps in the CNS: Development of receptive fields. Klaus Obermayer, Helge Ritter, and Klaus Schulten. In International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, San Diego, California, volume 2, pp. 423-429. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, New York, 1990.
130. Non-linear prediction with self-organizing maps. Jörg A. Walter, Helge Ritter, and Klaus Schulten. In International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, San Diego, California, volume 1, pp. 589-594. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, New York, 1990.
129. Theory of paramagnetic contrast agents in liposome systems. Daniel Barsky, Benno Pütz, Klaus Schulten, and Richard L. Magin. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 24:1-13, 1992.
128. A simulated cooling process for proteins. Markus Tesch and Klaus Schulten. Chemical Physics Letters, 169:97-102, 1990.
127. Molecular dynamics simulation on the Connection Machine. Andreas Windemuth and Klaus Schulten. Molecular Simulation, 5:353-361, 1991.
126. Semistochastic approach to many electron systems. M. K. Grossjean, Michael F. Grossjean, Klaus Schulten, and Paul Tavan. Journal of Chemical Physics, 97:1865-1875, 1992.
125. Theory of contrast agents in magnetic resonance imaging: Coupling of spin relaxation and transport. Wolfgang R. Bauer and Klaus Schulten. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 26:16-39, 1992.
124. Quantum chemical vibrational analysis of the chromophore of bacteriorhodopsin. Michael F. Grossjean, Paul Tavan, and Klaus Schulten. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 94:8059-8069, 1990.
123. Chromophore-protein interactions and the function of the photosynthetic reaction center: A molecular dynamics study. Herbert Treutlein, Klaus Schulten, Axel Brünger, Martin Karplus, J. Deisenhofer, and H. Michel. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 89:75-79, 1992.
122. Textbook: Neuronale Netze: Eine Einführung in Die Neuroinformatik Selbstorganisierender Abbildungen. Helge Ritter, Thomas Martinetz, and Klaus Schulten. Addison-Wesley, Bonn, second enlarged edition, 1990.
121. Micellar radical pair decay. Robert Bittl, Klaus Schulten, and Nick Turro. Journal of Chemical Physics, 93:8260-8269, 1990.
120. Propagation of chemical waves in discrete excitable media: Anisotropic and isotropic wave fronts. Christian Kurrer and Klaus Schulten. In A. V. Holden, M. Markus, and H. G. Othmer, editors, Nonlinear Wave Processes in Excitable Media, volume 244 of NATO Science Series B: Physics, pp. 489-500. Plenum Press, New York, 1991.