Structural Biology Software Database
Structural Biology Software Database

Application Index Record

Category: Molecular Visualization
Last Update: 12-16-2000

Molden is a package for displaying Molecular Density from the Ab Initio packages GAMESS-UK , GAMESS-US and GAUSSIAN and the Semi-Empirical packages Mopac/Ampac, it also supports a number of other programs via the Molden Format. Molden reads all the required information from the GAMESS / GAUSSIAN outputfile. Molden is capable of displaying Molecular Orbitals, the electron density and the Molecular minus Atomic density. Either the spherically averaged atomic density or the oriented ground state atomic density can be subtracted for a number of standard basis sets. Molden supports contour plots, 3-d grid plots with hidden lines and a combination of both. It can write a variety of graphicsinstructions; postscript, XWindows, VRML, povray, OpenGL, tekronix4014, hpgl, hp2392 and Figure. The Xwindows version of Molden is also capable of importing and displaying of chemx, PDB, and a variety of mopac/ampac files and lots of other formats. It also can animate reaction paths and molecular vibrations. It can calculate and display the true or Multipole Derived Electrostatic Potential and atomic charges can be fitted to the Electrostatic Potential calculated on a Connolly surface. Molden has a powerful Z-matrix editor which give full control over the geometry and allows you to build molecules from scratch, including polypeptides. The program is freely available for academic users. It can be used on Unix or Windows 95/98/NT machines.


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