TCBG Cluster-Building Workshop
An NIH-sponsored Workshop on Theoretical and Computational Biophysics
Held in Room 5602 at The Beckman Institute, 405 N. Mathews Avenue, Urbana, IL

Cluster-Building Workshop

Cluster assembly at a prior workshop

This day and a half workshop will explore help users and system administrators specify, design, build, and deploy PC Clusters running Linux, and even determine if a cluster is right for a specific application. Starting with a discussion of clustering basics, participants will actually build their own PC cluster and get to test out their own applications

This workshop is aimed at systems administrators that want a greater understanding of cluster technologies, as well as those end-users that want to better understand the systems that they work on for their day-to-day work. A basic understanding of system administration techniques is assumed; basic knowledge and understanding of Unix systems is recommended, but not required. Enrollment limited to 24 participants; application dates are listed below.

TCBG Computational Biophysics

March 16-17
April 20-21

Theoretical & Computational Biophysics Group
University of Illinois
Beckman Institute
405 N Mathews Ave
Urbana, IL 61801


Tim Skirvin (UIUC)
James Phillips (UIUC)



General Questions:


Date/Time   Title   Description
Day 1        
19:00-20:30   Introduction Lecture
(758K )
  Introduce clustering basics - why they're useful, how they work, when you need them, basic programming techniques, different design options.
Day 2        
09:00 - 11:30   Hands-On Cluster Building - Clustermatic and Warewulf   Groups of 3-4 people will put together four PCs into a working cluster.
11:30 - 12:30   Lunch    
12:30 - 14:00   Details Lecture
(233K )
  Cluster Design and Queuing Systems
14:00 - 14:30   Break    
14:30 - 17:00   Hands-On Running Jobs - Clustermatic and Warewulf   Users will run jobs on different cluster types, and get a chance to do some real work.


Application deadline for the 3/16-17 workshop is 2/28.  Participants will be notified of acceptance to the workshop by 3/03, and must confirm participation by 3/10 or lose their place.  For the 4/20-21 workshop, application deadline is 3/27, notification of acceptance occurs by 3/31, and those accepted must confirm their seat by 4/07 or lose their place. 


Please note that we cannot help participants with travel costs or arrangements, or any other costs associated with attending the workshop.