TCBG Seminar

Review of Multiscale Scientific Computation Methods

Professor Achi Brandt
Weizmann Institute of Science
Rehovot, Israel

Tuesday, July 20, 1999
3:00 pm (CT)
3269 Beckman Institute


Some of the most fundamental problems in many areas of science and engineering are computationally very hard or intractable, due to several types of SCALING DIFFICULTIES, which appear under different guises in different problems, and tend to multiply each other. Each of these difficulty types can be eliminated by a certain MULTISCALE ALGORITHMIC APPROACH, as has been demonstrated through various model problems. The lecture will survey some of the most prevalent types of difficulty, together with the most basic multiscale approaches. Examples will be mentioned from statistical physics, real-time path integrals, quantum chemistry, quantum field theory, and molecular mechanics.

Tea and coffee will be served in R3151 Beckman Institute at 2:15pm.

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