Go to the source code of this file.
Functions | |
CVSCRIPT (colvar_addforce,"Apply the given force onto this colvar and return the same\n""force:float or array-Applied force;matches colvar dimensionality", 1, 1,"force:float or array-Applied force;must match colvar dimensionality", std::string const f_str(script->obj_to_str(script->get_colvar_cmd_arg(0, objc, objv)));std::istringstream is(f_str);is.width(cvm::cv_width);is.precision(cvm::cv_prec);colvarvalue force(this_colvar->value());force.is_derivative();if(force.from_simple_string(is.str())!=COLVARS_OK){script->add_error_msg("addforce:error parsing force value");return COLVARSCRIPT_ERROR;}this_colvar->add_bias_force(force);script->set_result_colvarvalue(force);return COLVARS_OK;) CVSCRIPT(colvar_communicateforces | |
Communicate bias forces from this colvar to this_colvar | communicate_forces () |
CVSCRIPT (colvar_cvcflags,"Enable or disable individual components by setting their active flags", 1, 1,"flags:integer array-Zero/nonzero value disables/enables the CVC", std::string const flags_str(script->obj_to_str(script->get_colvar_cmd_arg(0, objc, objv)));std::istringstream is(flags_str);std::vector< bool > flags;int flag;while(is >> flag){flags.push_back(flag!=0);}int res=this_colvar->set_cvc_flags(flags);if(res!=COLVARS_OK){script->add_error_msg("Error setting CVC flags");return COLVARSCRIPT_ERROR;}script->set_result_str("0");return COLVARS_OK;) CVSCRIPT(colvar_delete | |
CVSCRIPT (colvar_get,"Get the value of the given feature for this colvar\n""state:1/0-State of the given feature", 1, 1,"feature:string-Name of the feature", return script->proc_features(this_colvar, objc, objv);) CVSCRIPT(colvar_getappliedforce | |
matches the colvar script | set_result_colvarvalue (this_colvar->applied_force()) |
CVSCRIPT (colvar_resetbiasforce,"Return the total of the forces applied to this colvar", 0, 0,"", this_colvar->reset_bias_force();return COLVARS_OK;) CVSCRIPT(colvar_getatomgroups | |
Variables | |
Communicate bias forces from this colvar to | atoms |
return | COLVARS_OK |
Delete this | colvar |
Delete this along with all biases that depend on | it |
Delete this along with all biases that depend on delete | this_colvar |
Return the total of the forces applied to this colvar n | force |
matches the colvar | dimensionality |
Return the atom indices used by this colvar as a list of lists n | groups |
Return the atom indices used by this colvar as a list of lists n std::string | result |
Definition at line 77 of file colvarscript_commands_colvar.h. Referenced by colvarmodule::parse_colvars. |
Definition at line 81 of file colvarscript_commands_colvar.h. |
Definition at line 77 of file colvarscript_commands_colvar.h. |
Definition at line 94 of file colvarscript_commands_colvar.h. |
Definition at line 60 of file colvarscript_commands_colvar.h. |