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00001 /***************************************************************************
00002  *cr
00003  *cr            (C) Copyright 1995-2019 The Board of Trustees of the
00004  *cr                        University of Illinois
00005  *cr                         All Rights Reserved
00006  *cr
00007  ***************************************************************************/
00009 /***************************************************************************
00011  *
00012  *      $RCSfile: Measure.C,v $
00013  *      $Author: johns $        $Locker:  $             $State: Exp $
00014  *      $Revision: 1.155 $       $Date: 2022/01/21 07:25:03 $
00015  *
00016  ***************************************************************************
00018  *   Code to measure atom distances, angles, dihedrals, etc.
00019  ***************************************************************************/
00021 #include <stdio.h>
00022 #include <stdlib.h>
00023 #include <math.h>
00024 #include "Measure.h"
00025 #include "AtomSel.h"
00026 #include "Matrix4.h"
00027 #include "utilities.h"
00028 #include "fitrms.h"
00029 #include "ResizeArray.h"
00030 #include "SpatialSearch.h"  // for find_within()
00031 #include "MoleculeList.h"
00032 #include "Inform.h"
00033 #include "Timestep.h"
00034 #include "VMDApp.h"
00035 #include "WKFThreads.h"
00036 #include "WKFUtils.h"
00038 // Standard functions available to everyone
00039 static const char *measure_error_messages[] = {
00040   "no atom selection",                                  // -1
00041   "no atoms in selection",                              // -2
00042   "incorrect number of weights for selection",          // -3
00043   "internal error: NULL pointer given",                 // -4
00044   "bad weight sum, would cause divide by zero",         // -5
00045   "molecule was deleted(?)",                            // -6
00046   "cannot understand weight parameter",                 // -7
00047   "non-number given as parameter",                      // -8
00048   "two selections don't have the same number of atoms", // -9
00049   "internal error: out of range",                       // -10
00050   "no coordinates in selection",                        // -11
00051   "couldn't compute eigenvalue/vectors",                // -12
00052   "unknown Tcl problem",                                // -13
00053   "no atom radii",                                      // -14
00054   "order parameter contains out-of-range atom index",   // -15
00055   "order parameter not supported in old RMS fit mode",  // -16
00056   "specified frames are out of range",                  // -17
00057   "both selections must reference the same molecule",   // -18
00058   "one atom appears twice in list",                     // -19
00059   "molecule contains no frames",                        // -20
00060   "invalid atom id",                                    // -21
00061   "cutoff must be smaller than cell dimension",         // -22
00062   "Zero volmap gridsize"                                // -23
00063 };
00065 const char *measure_error(int errnum) {
00066   if (errnum >= 0 || errnum < -23) 
00067     return "bad error number";
00068   return measure_error_messages[-errnum - 1];
00069 }
00071 int measure_move(const AtomSel *sel, float *framepos, const Matrix4 &mat) {
00072   if (!sel)       return MEASURE_ERR_NOSEL;
00073   if (!framepos)  return MEASURE_ERR_NOFRAMEPOS;
00075   // and apply it to the coordinates
00076   int i;
00077   float *pos = framepos;
00078   if (mat.mat[3]==0 && mat.mat[7]==0 && mat.mat[11]==0 && mat.mat[15]==1) {
00079     // then this is just a rotation followed by a translation.  Do it
00080     // the fast way.
00081     const float dx = mat.mat[12];
00082     const float dy = mat.mat[13];
00083     const float dz = mat.mat[14];
00084     const float *m = mat.mat;
00085     if (sel->selected == sel->num_atoms) {
00086       for (i=0; i<sel->num_atoms; i++) {
00087         float x = pos[0]*m[0] + pos[1]*m[4] + pos[2]*m[8] + dx;
00088         float y = pos[0]*m[1] + pos[1]*m[5] + pos[2]*m[9] + dy;
00089         float z = pos[0]*m[2] + pos[1]*m[6] + pos[2]*m[10] + dz;
00090         pos[0] = x;
00091         pos[1] = y;
00092         pos[2] = z;
00093         pos += 3;
00094       }
00095     } else {
00096       pos += sel->firstsel*3L;
00097       for (i=sel->firstsel; i<=sel->lastsel; i++) {
00098         if (sel->on[i]) {
00099           float x = pos[0]*m[0] + pos[1]*m[4] + pos[2]*m[8] + dx;
00100           float y = pos[0]*m[1] + pos[1]*m[5] + pos[2]*m[9] + dy;
00101           float z = pos[0]*m[2] + pos[1]*m[6] + pos[2]*m[10] + dz;
00102           pos[0] = x;
00103           pos[1] = y;
00104           pos[2] = z;
00105         }
00106         pos += 3;
00107       }
00108     }
00109   } else {
00110     pos += sel->firstsel*3L;
00111     for (i=sel->firstsel; i<=sel->lastsel; i++) {
00112       if (sel->on[i]) {
00113         mat.multpoint3d(pos, pos);
00114       }
00115       pos += 3;
00116     }
00117   }
00118   return MEASURE_NOERR;
00119 }
00121 // compute the sum of a set of weights which correspond either to
00122 // all atoms, or to selected atoms
00123 int measure_sumweights(const AtomSel *sel, int numweights, 
00124                        const float *weights, float *weightsum) {
00125   if (!sel)       return MEASURE_ERR_NOSEL;
00126   if (!weights)   return MEASURE_ERR_NOWEIGHT;
00127   if (!weightsum) return MEASURE_ERR_GENERAL;
00129   double sum = 0;
00131   if (numweights == sel->num_atoms) {
00132     int i;
00133     for (i=sel->firstsel; i<=sel->lastsel; i++) {
00134       if (sel->on[i]) {
00135         sum += weights[i];
00136       }
00137     }
00138   } else if (numweights == sel->selected) {
00139     int i, j;
00140     for (j=0,i=sel->firstsel; i<=sel->lastsel; i++) {
00141       if (sel->on[i]) {
00142         sum += weights[j];
00143         j++;
00144       }
00145     }
00146   } else {
00148   }
00150   *weightsum = (float) sum;
00151   return MEASURE_NOERR;
00152 }
00154 extern int measure_center_perresidue(MoleculeList *mlist, const AtomSel *sel, const float *framepos,
00155                    const float *weight, float *com) {
00156   if (!sel)      return MEASURE_ERR_NOSEL;
00157   if (!framepos) return MEASURE_ERR_NOFRAMEPOS;
00158   if (!weight)   return MEASURE_ERR_NOWEIGHT;
00159   if (!com)      return MEASURE_ERR_NOCOM;
00161   Molecule *mol = mlist->mol_from_id(sel->molid());
00162   int residue = mol->atom(sel->firstsel)->uniq_resid;
00163   int rescount = 0;
00164   int i, j = 0;
00165   float x=0, y=0, z=0, w=0;
00166   for (i=sel->firstsel; i<=sel->lastsel; i++) {
00167     if (sel->on[i]) {
00168       if (residue != mol->atom(i)->uniq_resid) {
00169         com[3*rescount    ] = x / w;
00170         com[3*rescount + 1] = y / w;
00171         com[3*rescount + 2] = z / w;
00172         residue = mol->atom(i)->uniq_resid;
00173         rescount++;
00174         x = 0;
00175         y = 0;
00176         z = 0;
00177         w = 0;
00178       }
00179       float tw = weight[j];
00180       w += tw;
00181       x += tw * framepos[3*i  ];
00182       y += tw * framepos[3*i+1];
00183       z += tw * framepos[3*i+2];
00184       j++;
00185     }
00186   }
00187   com[3*rescount    ] = x / w;
00188   com[3*rescount + 1] = y / w;
00189   com[3*rescount + 2] = z / w;
00190   rescount++;
00191   return rescount;
00192 }
00194 // compute the center of mass
00195 // return -5 if total weight == 0, otherwise 0 for success.
00196 int measure_center(const AtomSel *sel, const float *framepos,
00197                    const float *weight, float *com) {
00198   if (!sel)      return MEASURE_ERR_NOSEL;
00199   if (!framepos) return MEASURE_ERR_NOFRAMEPOS;
00200   if (!weight)   return MEASURE_ERR_NOWEIGHT;
00201   if (!com)      return MEASURE_ERR_NOCOM;   
00203 #if 0 && (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
00204   double x, y, z, w;
00205   w=x=y=z=0;
00207   int j=0;
00209 #if 1
00210   sel->for_selected_lambda([&] (int i) {
00211                              float tw = weight[j];
00212                              w += double(tw);
00214                              long ind = 3L * i;
00215                              x += double(tw * framepos[ind  ]);
00216                              y += double(tw * framepos[ind+1]);
00217                              z += double(tw * framepos[ind+2]);
00218                              j++; 
00219                            });
00220 #else
00221   auto lambda_com = [&] (int i) {
00222     float tw = weight[j];
00223     w += double(tw);
00225     long ind = 3L * i;
00226     x += double(tw * framepos[ind  ]);
00227     y += double(tw * framepos[ind+1]);
00228     z += double(tw * framepos[ind+2]);
00229     j++; 
00230   };
00232   sel->for_selected_lambda(lambda_com);
00233 #endif
00235   if (w == 0) {
00237   }
00239   x/=w;
00240   y/=w;
00241   z/=w;
00243   com[0] = float(x);
00244   com[1] = float(y);
00245   com[2] = float(z);
00246 #else
00247   // use double precision floating point in case we have a large selection
00248   int i, j;
00249   double x, y, z, w;
00250   j=0;
00251   w=x=y=z=0;
00252   for (i=sel->firstsel; i<=sel->lastsel; i++) {
00253     if (sel->on[i]) {
00254       float tw = weight[j];
00255       w += double(tw);
00256       x += double(tw * framepos[3L*i  ]);
00257       y += double(tw * framepos[3L*i+1]);
00258       z += double(tw * framepos[3L*i+2]);
00259       j++;
00260     }
00261   }
00263   if (w == 0) {
00265   }
00267   x/=w;
00268   y/=w;
00269   z/=w;
00271   com[0] = float(x);
00272   com[1] = float(y);
00273   com[2] = float(z);
00274 #endif
00276   return MEASURE_NOERR;
00277 }
00280 // compute the axis aligned aligned bounding box for the selected atoms
00281 int measure_minmax(int num, const int *on, const float *framepos, 
00282                    const float *radii, float *min_coord, float *max_coord) {
00283   int i;
00284   float minx, miny, minz;
00285   float maxx, maxy, maxz;
00287   if (!on)                      return MEASURE_ERR_NOSEL;
00288   if (num == 0)                 return MEASURE_ERR_NOATOMS;
00289   if (!min_coord || !max_coord) return MEASURE_ERR_NOMINMAXCOORDS;
00291   vec_zero(min_coord);
00292   vec_zero(max_coord);
00294   // find first selected atom
00295   int firstsel = 0;
00296   int lastsel = -1;
00297   if (analyze_selection_aligned_dispatch(NULL, num, on, &firstsel, &lastsel, NULL))
00298     return MEASURE_NOERR; // no atoms selected
00300   // initialize minmax coords to the first selected atom
00301   i=firstsel;
00302   if (radii == NULL) {
00303     // calculate bounding box of atom centers
00304     minx = maxx = framepos[i*3L  ];
00305     miny = maxy = framepos[i*3L+1];
00306     minz = maxz = framepos[i*3L+2];
00307   } else {
00308     // calculate bounding box for atoms /w given radii 
00309     minx = framepos[i*3L  ] - radii[i];
00310     maxx = framepos[i*3L  ] + radii[i];
00311     miny = framepos[i*3L+1] - radii[i];
00312     maxy = framepos[i*3L+1] + radii[i];
00313     minz = framepos[i*3L+2] - radii[i];
00314     maxz = framepos[i*3L+2] + radii[i];
00315   }
00317   // continue looping from there until we finish
00318   if (radii == NULL) {
00319     // calculate bounding box of atom centers
00320 #if 0
00321     minmax_selected_3fv_aligned(framepos, on, atomSel->num_atoms,
00322                                 firstsel, lastsel, fmin, fmax);
00323 #else
00324     for (i++; i<=lastsel; i++) {
00325       if (on[i]) {
00326         long ind = i * 3L;
00327         float tmpx = framepos[ind  ];
00328         if (tmpx < minx) minx = tmpx; 
00329         if (tmpx > maxx) maxx = tmpx;
00331         float tmpy = framepos[ind+1];
00332         if (tmpy < miny) miny = tmpy; 
00333         if (tmpy > maxy) maxy = tmpy;
00335         float tmpz = framepos[ind+2];
00336         if (tmpz < minz) minz = tmpz; 
00337         if (tmpz > maxz) maxz = tmpz;
00338       }
00339     }
00340 #endif
00341   } else {
00342     // calculate bounding box for atoms /w given radii 
00343     for (i++; i<=lastsel; i++) {
00344       if (on[i]) {
00345         long ind = i * 3L;
00346         float mintmpx = framepos[ind  ] - radii[i];
00347         float maxtmpx = framepos[ind  ] + radii[i];
00348         if (mintmpx < minx) minx = mintmpx;
00349         if (maxtmpx > maxx) maxx = maxtmpx;
00351         float mintmpy = framepos[ind+1] - radii[i];
00352         float maxtmpy = framepos[ind+1] + radii[i];
00353         if (mintmpy < miny) miny = mintmpy; 
00354         if (maxtmpy > maxy) maxy = maxtmpy;
00356         float mintmpz = framepos[ind+2] - radii[i];
00357         float maxtmpz = framepos[ind+2] + radii[i];
00358         if (mintmpz < minz) minz = mintmpz; 
00359         if (maxtmpz > maxz) maxz = maxtmpz;
00360       }
00361     }
00362   }
00364   // set the final min/max output values
00365   min_coord[0]=minx;
00366   min_coord[1]=miny;
00367   min_coord[2]=minz;
00368   max_coord[0]=maxx;
00369   max_coord[1]=maxy;
00370   max_coord[2]=maxz;
00372   return MEASURE_NOERR;
00373 }
00375 /*I'm going to assume that *avpos points to an array the length of 3*sel. The return
00376 value will indicate the ACTUAL number of residues in the selection,
00377 which tells the caller how many values should be in the returned list, or a number
00378 less than zero on error.
00379 */
00380 int measure_avpos_perresidue(const AtomSel *sel, MoleculeList *mlist, 
00381                          int start, int end, int step, float *avpos)  {
00382   //Get the per-atom average position. We'll be accumulating on this array.
00383   int retval = measure_avpos(sel, mlist, start, end, step, avpos);
00384   if (retval != MEASURE_NOERR) {
00385     return retval;
00386   }
00387   Molecule *mol = mlist->mol_from_id(sel->molid());
00388   int residue = mol->atom(sel->firstsel)->uniq_resid;
00389   int rescount = 0;
00390   int ressize = 0;
00391   float accumulate[3] = {0.0,0.0,0.0};
00392   int j = 0, k, i;
00393   for (i = sel->firstsel; i <= sel->lastsel; i++) {
00394     if (sel->on[i]) {
00395       if (residue != mol->atom(i)->uniq_resid) {
00396         for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
00397           avpos[3*rescount + k] = accumulate[k] / ressize;
00398           accumulate[k] = 0.0;
00399         }
00400         residue = mol->atom(i)->uniq_resid;
00401         ressize = 0;
00402         rescount++;
00403       }
00404       for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
00405         accumulate[k] += avpos[3*j + k];
00406       }
00407       j++;
00408       ressize++;
00409     }
00410   }
00411   for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
00412     avpos[3*rescount + k] = accumulate[k] / ressize;
00413   }
00414   rescount++;
00415   return rescount;
00416 }
00418 // Calculate average position of selected atoms over selected frames
00419 extern int measure_avpos(const AtomSel *sel, MoleculeList *mlist, 
00420                          int start, int end, int step, float *avpos) {
00421   if (!sel)                     return MEASURE_ERR_NOSEL;
00422   if (sel->num_atoms == 0)      return MEASURE_ERR_NOATOMS;
00424   Molecule *mymol = mlist->mol_from_id(sel->molid());
00425   int maxframes = mymol->numframes();
00427   // accept value of -1 meaning "all" frames
00428   if (end == -1)
00429     end = maxframes-1;
00431   if (maxframes == 0 || start < 0 || start > end || 
00432       end >= maxframes || step <= 0)
00435   long i;
00436   for (i=0; i<(3L*sel->selected); i++)
00437     avpos[i] = 0.0f;
00439   long frame, avcount, j;
00440   for (avcount=0,frame=start; frame<=end; avcount++,frame+=step) {
00441     const float *framepos = (mymol->get_frame(frame))->pos;
00442     for (j=0,i=sel->firstsel; i<=sel->lastsel; i++) {
00443       if (sel->on[i]) {
00444         avpos[j*3L    ] += framepos[i*3L    ];
00445         avpos[j*3L + 1] += framepos[i*3L + 1];
00446         avpos[j*3L + 2] += framepos[i*3L + 2];
00447         j++;
00448       }
00449     } 
00450   }
00452   float avinv = 1.0f / (float) avcount;
00453   for (j=0; j<(3L*sel->selected); j++) {
00454     avpos[j] *= avinv;
00455   } 
00457   return MEASURE_NOERR;
00458 }
00461 // Calculate dipole moment for selected atoms
00462 extern int measure_dipole(const AtomSel *sel, MoleculeList *mlist, 
00463                           float *dipole, int unitsdebye, int usecenter) {
00464   if (!sel)                     return MEASURE_ERR_NOSEL;
00465   if (sel->num_atoms == 0)      return MEASURE_ERR_NOATOMS;
00467   Molecule *mymol = mlist->mol_from_id(sel->molid());
00468   double  rvec[3] = {0, 0, 0};
00469   double qrvec[3] = {0, 0, 0};
00470   double mrvec[3] = {0, 0, 0};
00471   double totalq = 0.0;
00472   double totalm = 0.0;
00473   int i;
00475   // get atom coordinates
00476   const float *framepos = sel->coordinates(mlist);
00478   // get atom charges
00479   const float *q = mymol->charge();
00480   const float *m = mymol->mass();
00482   for (i=sel->firstsel; i<=sel->lastsel; i++) {
00483     if (sel->on[i]) {
00484       int ind = i * 3;
00485       rvec[0] += framepos[ind    ];
00486       rvec[1] += framepos[ind + 1];
00487       rvec[2] += framepos[ind + 2];
00489       qrvec[0] += framepos[ind    ] * q[i];
00490       qrvec[1] += framepos[ind + 1] * q[i];
00491       qrvec[2] += framepos[ind + 2] * q[i];
00493       mrvec[0] += framepos[ind    ] * m[i];
00494       mrvec[1] += framepos[ind + 1] * m[i];
00495       mrvec[2] += framepos[ind + 2] * m[i];
00497       totalq += q[i];
00498       totalm += m[i];
00499     }
00500   }
00502   // fall back to geometrical center when bad or no masses
00503   if (totalm < 0.0001)
00504     usecenter=1;
00506   switch (usecenter) {
00507     case 1:
00508     {
00509         double rscale = totalq / sel->selected; 
00510         dipole[0] = (float) (qrvec[0] - (rvec[0] * rscale)); 
00511         dipole[1] = (float) (qrvec[1] - (rvec[1] * rscale)); 
00512         dipole[2] = (float) (qrvec[2] - (rvec[2] * rscale)); 
00513         break;
00514     }
00516     case -1: 
00517     {
00518         double mscale = totalq / totalm; 
00519         dipole[0] = (float) (qrvec[0] - (mrvec[0] * mscale)); 
00520         dipole[1] = (float) (qrvec[1] - (mrvec[1] * mscale)); 
00521         dipole[2] = (float) (qrvec[2] - (mrvec[2] * mscale)); 
00522         break;
00523     }
00525     case 0: // fallthrough
00526     default: 
00527     {
00528         dipole[0] = (float) qrvec[0];
00529         dipole[1] = (float) qrvec[1];
00530         dipole[2] = (float) qrvec[2];
00531         break;
00532     }
00533   }
00535   // According to the values in
00536   //
00537   // 1 e*A = 4.80320440079 D
00538   // 1 D = 1E-18 Fr*cm = 0.208194346224 e*A
00539   // 1 e*A = 1.60217653 E-29 C*m
00540   // 1 C*m = 6.24150947961 E+28 e*A
00541   // 1 e*A = 1.88972613458 e*a0
00542   // 1 e*a0 = 0.529177208115 e*A
00544   if (unitsdebye) {
00545     // 1 e*A = 4.80320440079 D 
00546     // latest CODATA (2006) gives:
00547     //         4.80320425132073913031
00548     dipole[0] *= 4.80320425132f;
00549     dipole[1] *= 4.80320425132f;
00550     dipole[2] *= 4.80320425132f;
00551   }
00553   return MEASURE_NOERR;
00554 }
00557 extern int measure_hbonds(Molecule *mol, AtomSel *sel1, AtomSel *sel2, double cutoff, double maxangle, int *donlist, int *hydlist, int *acclist, int maxsize) {
00558   int hbondcount = 0;
00559   const float *pos = sel1->coordinates(mol->app->moleculeList);
00560   const int *A = sel1->on;
00561   const int *B = sel2 ? sel2->on : sel1->on;
00562   GridSearchPair *pairlist = vmd_gridsearch2(pos, sel1->num_atoms, A, B, (float) cutoff, sel1->num_atoms * 27);
00563   GridSearchPair *p, *tmp;
00564   float donortoH[3], Htoacceptor[3];
00566   for (p=pairlist; p != NULL; p=tmp) {
00567     MolAtom *a1 = mol->atom(p->ind1); 
00568     MolAtom *a2 = mol->atom(p->ind2); 
00570     // neither the donor nor acceptor may be hydrogens
00571     if (mol->atom(p->ind1)->atomType == ATOMHYDROGEN ||
00572         mol->atom(p->ind2)->atomType == ATOMHYDROGEN) {
00573       tmp = p->next;
00574       free(p);
00575       continue;
00576     } 
00577     if (!a1->bonded(p->ind2)) {
00578       int b1 = a1->bonds;
00579       int b2 = a2->bonds;
00580       const float *coor1 = pos + 3*p->ind1;
00581       const float *coor2 = pos + 3*p->ind2;
00582       int k;
00583       // first treat sel1 as donor
00584       for (k=0; k<b1; k++) {
00585         const int hindex = a1->bondTo[k];
00586         if (mol->atom(hindex)->atomType == ATOMHYDROGEN) {         
00587           const float *hydrogen = pos + 3*hindex;
00588           vec_sub(donortoH,hydrogen,coor1);
00589           vec_sub(Htoacceptor,coor2,hydrogen);
00590           if (angle(donortoH, Htoacceptor)  < maxangle ) {
00591             if (hbondcount < maxsize) {
00592               donlist[hbondcount] = p->ind1;
00593               acclist[hbondcount] = p->ind2;
00594               hydlist[hbondcount] = hindex;
00595             }
00596             hbondcount++;
00597           }
00598         }
00599       }
00600       // if only one atom selection was given, treat sel2 as a donor as well
00601       if (!sel2) {
00602         for (k=0; k<b2; k++) {
00603           const int hindex = a2->bondTo[k];
00604           if (mol->atom(hindex)->atomType == ATOMHYDROGEN) {
00605             const float *hydrogen = pos + 3*hindex;
00606             vec_sub(donortoH,hydrogen,coor2);
00607             vec_sub(Htoacceptor,coor1,hydrogen);
00608             if (angle(donortoH, Htoacceptor)  < maxangle ) {
00609               if (hbondcount < maxsize) {
00610                 donlist[hbondcount] = p->ind2;
00611                 acclist[hbondcount] = p->ind1;
00612                 hydlist[hbondcount] = hindex;
00613               }
00614               hbondcount++;
00615             }
00616           }
00617         }
00618       } 
00619     }
00620     tmp = p->next;
00621     free(p);
00622   }
00623   return hbondcount;
00624 }
00626 int measure_rmsf_perresidue(const AtomSel *sel, MoleculeList *mlist, 
00627                         int start, int end, int step, float *rmsf) {
00628   if (!sel)                     return MEASURE_ERR_NOSEL;
00629   if (sel->num_atoms == 0)      return MEASURE_ERR_NOATOMS;
00631   Molecule *mymol = mlist->mol_from_id(sel->molid());
00632   int maxframes = mymol->numframes();
00634   // accept value of -1 meaning "all" frames
00635   if (end == -1)
00636     end = maxframes-1;
00638   if (maxframes == 0 || start < 0 || start > end ||
00639       end >= maxframes || step <= 0)
00642   int i;
00643   for (i=0; i<sel->selected; i++)
00644     rmsf[i] = 0.0f;
00646   int rc; 
00647   float *avpos = new float[3*sel->selected];
00648   //rc will be the number of residues.
00649   rc = measure_avpos_perresidue(sel, mlist, start, end, step, avpos);
00650   if (rc <= 0) {
00651     delete [] avpos;
00652     return rc;
00653   }
00655   int frame, avcount;
00656   float *center = new float[3*rc];
00657   float *weights = new float[sel->selected];
00658   for (i = 0; i < sel->selected; i++) {
00659     weights[i] = 1.0;
00660   }
00661   // calculate per-residue variance here. Its a simple calculation, since we have measure_center_perresidue.
00662   for (avcount=0,frame=start; frame<=end; avcount++,frame+=step) {
00663     const float *framepos = (mymol->get_frame(frame))->pos;
00664     measure_center_perresidue(mlist, sel, framepos, weights, center);
00665     for (i = 0; i < rc; i++) {
00666       rmsf[i] += distance2(&avpos[3*i], &center[3*i]);
00667     }
00668   }
00669   delete [] center;
00670   delete [] weights;
00672   float avinv = 1.0f / (float) avcount;
00673   for (i=0; i<rc; i++) {
00674     rmsf[i] = sqrtf(rmsf[i] * avinv);
00675   }
00677   delete [] avpos;
00678   return rc;
00679 }
00681 // Calculate RMS fluctuation of selected atoms over selected frames
00682 extern int measure_rmsf(const AtomSel *sel, MoleculeList *mlist, 
00683                         int start, int end, int step, float *rmsf) {
00684   if (!sel)                     return MEASURE_ERR_NOSEL;
00685   if (sel->num_atoms == 0)      return MEASURE_ERR_NOATOMS;
00687   Molecule *mymol = mlist->mol_from_id(sel->molid());
00688   int maxframes = mymol->numframes();
00690   // accept value of -1 meaning "all" frames
00691   if (end == -1)
00692     end = maxframes-1;
00694   if (maxframes == 0 || start < 0 || start > end ||
00695       end >= maxframes || step <= 0)
00698   int i;
00699   for (i=0; i<sel->selected; i++)
00700     rmsf[i] = 0.0f;
00702   int rc; 
00703   float *avpos = new float[3L*sel->selected];
00704   rc = measure_avpos(sel, mlist, start, end, step, avpos);
00706   if (rc != MEASURE_NOERR) {
00707     delete [] avpos;
00708     return rc;
00709   }
00711   // calculate per-atom variance here
00712   int frame, avcount, j;
00713   for (avcount=0,frame=start; frame<=end; avcount++,frame+=step) {
00714     const float *framepos = (mymol->get_frame(frame))->pos;
00715     for (j=0,i=sel->firstsel; i<=sel->lastsel; i++) {
00716       if (sel->on[i]) {
00717         rmsf[j] += distance2(&avpos[3L*j], &framepos[3L*i]);
00718         j++;
00719       }
00720     }
00721   }
00723   float avinv = 1.0f / (float) avcount;
00724   for (j=0; j<sel->selected; j++) {
00725     rmsf[j] = sqrtf(rmsf[j] * avinv);
00726   }
00728   delete [] avpos;
00729   return MEASURE_NOERR;
00730 }
00734 //  rgyr := sqrt(sum (mass(n) ( r(n) - r(com) )^2)/sum(mass(n)))
00735 //  The return value, a float, is put in 'float *rgyr'
00736 //  The function return value is 0 if ok, <0 if not
00737 int measure_rgyr(const AtomSel *sel, MoleculeList *mlist, const float *weight, 
00738                  float *rgyr) {
00739   if (!rgyr) return MEASURE_ERR_NORGYR;
00740   if (!sel) return MEASURE_ERR_NOSEL;
00741   if (!mlist) return MEASURE_ERR_GENERAL;
00743   const float *framepos = sel->coordinates(mlist);
00745   // compute the center of mass with the current weights
00746   float com[3];
00747   int ret_val = measure_center(sel, framepos, weight, com);
00748   if (ret_val < 0) 
00749     return ret_val;
00751   // measure center of gyration
00752   int i, j;
00753   float total_w, sum;
00755   total_w=sum=0;
00756   for (j=0,i=sel->firstsel; i<=sel->lastsel; i++) {
00757     if (sel->on[i]) {
00758       float w = weight[j];
00759       total_w += w;
00760       sum += w * distance2(framepos + 3L*i, com);
00761       j++;
00762     } 
00763   }
00765   if (total_w == 0) {
00767   }
00769   // and finalize the computation
00770   *rgyr = sqrtf(sum/total_w);
00772   return MEASURE_NOERR;
00773 }
00775 /*I'm going to assume that *rmsd points to an array the length of sel1. The return
00776 value will indicate the ACTUAL number of residues in the selection (specifically sel1),
00777 which tells the caller how many values should be in the returned list, or a number
00778 less than zero on error.
00779 */
00780 int measure_rmsd_perresidue(const AtomSel *sel1, const AtomSel *sel2, MoleculeList *mlist,
00781                  int num,
00782                  float *weight, float *rmsd) {
00783   if (!sel1 || !sel2)   return MEASURE_ERR_NOSEL;
00784   if (sel1->selected < 1 || sel2->selected < 1) return MEASURE_ERR_NOSEL;
00785   if (!weight || !rmsd) return MEASURE_ERR_NOWEIGHT;
00787   // the number of selected atoms must be the same
00788   if (sel1->selected != sel2->selected) return MEASURE_ERR_MISMATCHEDCNT;
00790   // need to know how to traverse the list of weights
00791   // there could be 1 weight per atom (sel_flg == 1) or 
00792   // 1 weight per selected atom (sel_flg == 0)
00793   int sel_flg;
00794   if (num == sel1->num_atoms) {
00795     sel_flg = 1; // using all elements
00796   } else {
00797     sel_flg = 0; // using elements from selection
00798   }
00800   // temporary variables
00801   float tmp_w;
00802   int w_index = 0;              // the term in the weight field to use
00803   int sel1ind = sel1->firstsel; // start from the first selected atom
00804   int sel2ind = sel2->firstsel; // start from the first selected atom
00805   float wsum = 0;
00806   float twsum = 0;
00807   float rmsdsum = 0;
00808   const float *framepos1 = sel1->coordinates(mlist);
00809   const float *framepos2 = sel2->coordinates(mlist);
00810   Molecule *mol = mlist->mol_from_id(sel1->molid());
00813   int count = sel1->selected;
00814   int residue = mol->atom(sel1ind)->uniq_resid;
00815   int rescount = 0;
00816   while (count-- > 0) {
00817     // find next 'on' atom in sel1 and sel2
00818     // loop is safe since we already stop the on count > 0 above
00819     while (!sel1->on[sel1ind])
00820       sel1ind++;
00821     while (!sel2->on[sel2ind])
00822       sel2ind++;
00823     if (residue != mol->atom(sel1ind)->uniq_resid) {
00824       rmsd[rescount] = sqrtf(rmsdsum / wsum);
00825       rmsdsum = 0;
00826       twsum += wsum;
00827       wsum = 0;
00828       residue = mol->atom(sel1ind)->uniq_resid;
00829       rescount++;
00830     }
00831     // the weight offset to use depends on how many terms there are
00832     if (sel_flg == 0) {
00833       tmp_w = weight[w_index++];
00834     } else {
00835       tmp_w = weight[sel1ind]; // use the first selection for the weights
00836     }
00838     // sum the calculated rmsd and weight values
00839     rmsdsum += tmp_w * distance2(framepos1 + 3*sel1ind, framepos2 + 3*sel2ind);
00840     wsum += tmp_w;
00842     // and advance to the next atom pair
00843     sel1ind++;
00844     sel2ind++;
00845   }
00846   twsum += wsum;
00847   // check weight sum
00848   if (twsum == 0) {
00850   }
00852   // finish the rmsd calcs
00853   rmsd[rescount++] = sqrtf(rmsdsum / wsum);
00855   return rescount; // and say rmsd is OK
00856 }
00859 //  1) if num == sel.selected ; assumes there is one weight per 
00860 //           selected atom
00861 //  2) if num == sel.num_atoms; assumes weight[i] is for atom[i]
00862 //  returns 0 and value in rmsd if good
00863 //   return < 0 if invalid
00864 //  Function is::=  rmsd = 
00865 //    sqrt(sum(weight(n) * sqr(r1(i(n))-r2(i(n))))/sum(weight(n)) / N
00866 int measure_rmsd(const AtomSel *sel1, const AtomSel *sel2,
00867                  int num, const float *framepos1, const float *framepos2,
00868                  float *weight, float *rmsd) {
00869   if (!sel1 || !sel2)   return MEASURE_ERR_NOSEL;
00870   if (sel1->selected < 1 || sel2->selected < 1) return MEASURE_ERR_NOSEL;
00871   if (!weight || !rmsd) return MEASURE_ERR_NOWEIGHT;
00873   // the number of selected atoms must be the same
00874   if (sel1->selected != sel2->selected) return MEASURE_ERR_MISMATCHEDCNT;
00876   // need to know how to traverse the list of weights
00877   // there could be 1 weight per atom (sel_flg == 1) or 
00878   // 1 weight per selected atom (sel_flg == 0)
00879   int sel_flg;
00880   if (num == sel1->num_atoms) {
00881     sel_flg = 1; // using all elements
00882   } else {
00883     sel_flg = 0; // using elements from selection
00884   }
00886   // temporary variables
00887   float tmp_w;
00888   int w_index = 0;              // the term in the weight field to use
00889   int sel1ind = sel1->firstsel; // start from the first selected atom
00890   int sel2ind = sel2->firstsel; // start from the first selected atom
00891   float wsum = 0;
00892   float rmsdsum = 0;
00894   *rmsd = 10000000; // if we bail out, return a huge value
00896   // compute the rmsd
00897   int count = sel1->selected;
00898   while (count-- > 0) {
00899     // find next 'on' atom in sel1 and sel2
00900     // loop is safe since we already stop the on count > 0 above
00901     while (!sel1->on[sel1ind])
00902       sel1ind++;
00903     while (!sel2->on[sel2ind])
00904       sel2ind++;
00906     // the weight offset to use depends on how many terms there are
00907     if (sel_flg == 0) {
00908       tmp_w = weight[w_index++];
00909     } else {
00910       tmp_w = weight[sel1ind]; // use the first selection for the weights
00911     }
00913     // sum the calculated rmsd and weight values
00914     rmsdsum += tmp_w * distance2(framepos1 + 3L*sel1ind, framepos2 + 3L*sel2ind);
00915     wsum += tmp_w;
00917     // and advance to the next atom pair
00918     sel1ind++;
00919     sel2ind++;
00920   }
00922   // check weight sum
00923   if (wsum == 0) {
00925   }
00927   // finish the rmsd calcs
00928   *rmsd = sqrtf(rmsdsum / wsum);
00930   return MEASURE_NOERR; // and say rmsd is OK
00931 }
00933 /* jacobi.C, taken from Numerical Recipes and specialized to 3x3 case */
00935 #define ROTATE(a,i,j,k,l) g=a[i][j];h=a[k][l];a[i][j]=g-s*(h+g*tau);\
00936         a[k][l]=h+s*(g-h*tau);
00938 static int jacobi(float a[4][4], float d[3], float v[3][3])
00939 {
00940   int n=3;
00941   int j,iq,ip,i;
00942   float tresh,theta,tau,t,sm,s,h,g,c,*b,*z;
00944   b=new float[n];
00945   z=new float[n];
00946   for (ip=0;ip<n;ip++) {
00947     for (iq=0;iq<n;iq++) v[ip][iq]=0.0;
00948     v[ip][ip]=1.0;
00949   }
00950   for (ip=0;ip<n;ip++) {
00951     b[ip]=d[ip]=a[ip][ip];
00952     z[ip]=0.0;
00953   }
00954   for (i=1;i<=50;i++) {
00955     sm=0.0;
00956     for (ip=0;ip<n-1;ip++) {
00957       for (iq=ip+1;iq<n;iq++)
00958         sm += (float) fabs(a[ip][iq]);
00959     }
00960     if (sm == 0.0) {
00961       delete [] z;
00962       delete [] b;
00963       return 0; // Exit normally
00964     }
00965     if (i < 4)
00966       tresh=0.2f*sm/(n*n);
00967     else
00968       tresh=0.0f;
00969     for (ip=0;ip<n-1;ip++) {
00970       for (iq=ip+1;iq<n;iq++) {
00971         g=100.0f * fabsf(a[ip][iq]);
00972         if (i > 4 && (float)(fabs(d[ip])+g) == (float)fabs(d[ip])
00973             && (float)(fabs(d[iq])+g) == (float)fabs(d[iq]))
00974           a[ip][iq]=0.0;
00975         else if (fabs(a[ip][iq]) > tresh) {
00976           h=d[iq]-d[ip];
00977           if ((float)(fabs(h)+g) == (float)fabs(h))
00978             t=(a[ip][iq])/h;
00979           else {
00980             theta=0.5f*h/(a[ip][iq]);
00981             t=1.0f/(fabsf(theta)+sqrtf(1.0f+theta*theta));
00982             if (theta < 0.0f) t = -t;
00983           }
00984           c=1.0f/sqrtf(1+t*t);
00985           s=t*c;
00986           tau=s/(1.0f+c);
00987           h=t*a[ip][iq];
00988           z[ip] -= h;
00989           z[iq] += h;
00990           d[ip] -= h;
00991           d[iq] += h;
00992           a[ip][iq]=0.0;
00993           for (j=0;j<=ip-1;j++) {
00994             ROTATE(a,j,ip,j,iq)
00995               }
00996           for (j=ip+1;j<=iq-1;j++) {
00997             ROTATE(a,ip,j,j,iq)
00998               }
00999           for (j=iq+1;j<n;j++) {
01000             ROTATE(a,ip,j,iq,j)
01001               }
01002           for (j=0;j<n;j++) {
01003             ROTATE(v,j,ip,j,iq)
01004               }
01005         }
01006       }
01007     }
01008     for (ip=0;ip<n;ip++) {
01009       b[ip] += z[ip];
01010       d[ip]=b[ip];
01011       z[ip]=0.0;
01012     }
01013   }
01014   delete [] b;
01015   delete [] z;
01016   return 1; // Failed to converge
01017 }
01018 #undef ROTATE
01020 static int transvecinv(const double *v, Matrix4 &res) {
01021   double x, y, z;
01022   x=v[0];
01023   y=v[1];
01024   z=v[2];
01025   if (x == 0.0 && y == 0.0) {
01026     if (z == 0.0) {
01027       return -1;
01028     }
01029     if (z > 0)
01030       res.rot(90, 'y');
01031     else
01032       res.rot(-90, 'y');
01033     return 0;
01034   }
01035   double theta = atan2(y,x);
01036   double length = sqrt(x*x + y*y);
01037   double phi = atan2(z,length);
01038   res.rot((float) RADTODEG(phi),  'y');
01039   res.rot((float) RADTODEG(-theta), 'z');
01040   return 0;
01041 }
01043 static int transvec(const double *v, Matrix4 &res) {
01044   double x, y, z;
01045   x=v[0];
01046   y=v[1];
01047   z=v[2];
01048   if (x == 0.0 && y == 0.0) {
01049     if (z == 0.0) {
01050       return -1;
01051     }
01052     if (z > 0)
01053       res.rot(-90, 'y');
01054     else
01055       res.rot(90, 'y');
01056     return 0;
01057   }
01058   double theta = atan2(y,x);
01059   double length = sqrt(x*x + y*y);
01060   double phi = atan2(z,length);
01061   res.rot((float) RADTODEG(theta), 'z');
01062   res.rot((float) RADTODEG(-phi),  'y');
01063   return 0;
01064 }
01066 static Matrix4 myfit2(const float *x, const float *y, 
01067                const float *comx, const float *comy) {
01069   Matrix4 res;
01070   double dx[3], dy[3];
01071   dx[0] = x[0] - comx[0];
01072   dx[1] = x[1] - comx[1];
01073   dx[2] = x[2] - comx[2];
01074   dy[0] = y[0] - comy[0];
01075   dy[1] = y[1] - comy[1];
01076   dy[2] = y[2] - comy[2];
01078   res.translate(comy[0], comy[1], comy[2]);
01079   transvec(dy, res);
01080   transvecinv(dx, res);
01081   res.translate(-comx[0], -comx[1], -comx[2]);
01082   return res;
01083 }
01085 static Matrix4 myfit3(const float *x1, const float *x2, 
01086                       const float *y1, const float *y2,
01087                       const float *comx, const float *comy) {
01089   Matrix4 mx, my, rx1, ry1;
01090   double dx1[3], dy1[3], angle;
01091   float dx2[3], dy2[3], x2t[3], y2t[3];
01093   for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
01094     dx1[i] = x1[i] - comx[i];
01095     dx2[i] = x2[i] - comx[i];
01096     dy1[i] = y1[i] - comy[i];
01097     dy2[i] = y2[i] - comy[i];
01098   }
01100   // At some point, multmatrix went from pre-multiplying, as the code of 
01101   // Matrix.C itself suggests, to post multiplying, which is what the 
01102   // users must have expected. Thus my.multmatrix(mx) is the same as 
01103   // my = my * mx, not mx * my.  This means that you use the matrix 
01104   // conventions of openGL (first matrix in the code is the last 
01105   // matrix applied)
01106   transvecinv(dx1, rx1);
01107   rx1.multpoint3d(dx2, x2t);
01108   angle = atan2(x2t[2], x2t[1]);
01109   mx.rot((float) RADTODEG(angle), 'x'); 
01110   mx.multmatrix(rx1);
01111   mx.translate(-comx[0], -comx[1], -comx[2]);
01113   transvecinv(dy1, ry1);
01114   ry1.multpoint3d(dy2, y2t);
01115   angle = atan2(y2t[2], y2t[1]);
01116   my.rot((float) RADTODEG(angle), 'x');
01117   my.multmatrix(ry1);
01118   my.translate(-comy[0], -comy[1], -comy[2]);
01119   my.inverse();
01120   my.multmatrix(mx);
01121   return my;
01122 }
01124 // find the best fit alignment to take the first structure into the second
01125 // Put the result in the matrix 'mat'
01126 //  This algorithm comes from Kabsch, Acta Cryst. (1978) A34, 827-828.
01127 // Need the 2nd weight for the com calculation
01128 int measure_fit(const AtomSel *sel1, const AtomSel *sel2, const float *x, 
01129                 const float *y, const float *weight, 
01130                 const int *order, Matrix4 *mat) {
01131   float comx[3];
01132   float comy[3];
01133   int num = sel1->selected;
01134   int ret_val;
01135   ret_val = measure_center(sel1, x, weight, comx);
01136   if (ret_val < 0) {
01137     return ret_val;
01138   }
01139   ret_val = measure_center(sel2, y, weight, comy);
01140   if (ret_val < 0) {
01141     return ret_val;
01142   }
01144   // the Kabsch method won't work of the number of atoms is less than 4
01145   // (and won't work in some cases of n > 4; I think it works so long as
01146   // three or more planes are needed to intersect all the data points
01147   switch (sel1->selected) {
01148   case 1: { // simple center of mass alignment
01149     Matrix4 tmp;
01150     tmp.translate(-comx[0], -comx[1], -comx[2]);
01151     tmp.translate(comy[0], comy[1], comy[2]);
01152     memcpy(mat->mat, tmp.mat, 16L*sizeof(float));
01153     return MEASURE_NOERR;
01154   }
01155   case 3:
01156   case 2: { 
01157     // find the first (n-1) points (from each molecule)
01158     int pts[6], count = 0;
01159     int n;
01160     for (n=sel1->firstsel; n<=sel1->lastsel; n++) {
01161       if (sel1->on[n]) {
01162         pts[count++] = n;
01163         if (sel1->selected == 2) {
01164           count++;                   // will put y data in pts[3]
01165           break;
01166         }
01167         if (count == 2) break;
01168       }
01169     }
01170     for (n=sel2->firstsel; n<=sel2->lastsel; n++) {
01171       if (sel2->on[n]) {
01172         pts[count++] = n;
01173         if (sel1->selected == 2) {
01174           count++;
01175           break;
01176         }
01177         if (count == 4) break;
01178       }
01179     }
01180     if (count != 4) {
01182     }
01184     // reorder the sel2 atoms according to the order parameter
01185     if (order != NULL) {
01186       int i; 
01187       int tmp[6];
01188       memcpy(tmp, pts, sizeof(pts));
01189       for (i=0; i<num; i++) {
01190         pts[i + num] = tmp[num + order[i]]; // order indices are 0-based
01191       } 
01192     }
01194     if (sel1->selected == 2) {
01195       *mat = myfit2(x+3L*pts[0], y+3L*pts[2], comx, comy);
01196       ret_val = 0;
01197     } else {
01198       *mat = myfit3(x+3L*pts[0], x+3L*pts[1], y+3L*pts[2], y+3L*pts[3], comx, comy);
01199       ret_val = 0;
01200     }  
01201     if (ret_val != 0) {
01202       return MEASURE_ERR_GENERAL;
01203     }
01205     return 0;
01206   }
01207   default:
01208     break;
01209   }
01210   // at this point I know all the data values are good
01213   // use the new RMS fit implementation by default unless told otherwise 
01214   char *opt = getenv("VMDRMSFITMETHOD");
01215   if (!opt || strcmp(opt, "oldvmd")) {
01216     int i, k;
01217     float *v1, *v2;
01218     v1 = new float[3L*num];
01219     v2 = new float[3L*num];
01220     for (k=0, i=sel1->firstsel; i<=sel1->lastsel; i++) {
01221       if (sel1->on[i]) {
01222         long ind = 3L * i;
01223         v1[k++] = x[ind    ];
01224         v1[k++] = x[ind + 1];
01225         v1[k++] = x[ind + 2];
01226       }
01227     }
01228     for (k=0, i=sel2->firstsel; i<=sel2->lastsel; i++) {
01229       if (sel2->on[i]) {
01230         long ind = 3L * i;
01231         v2[k++] = y[ind    ];
01232         v2[k++] = y[ind + 1];
01233         v2[k++] = y[ind + 2];
01234       }
01235     }
01237     // reorder the sel2 atoms according to the order parameter
01238     if (order != NULL) {
01239       int i; 
01240       float *tmp = new float[3L*num];
01241       memcpy(tmp, v2, 3L*num*sizeof(float));
01242       for (i=0; i<num; i++) {
01243         long ind = 3L * i;
01244         long idx = 3L * order[i]; // order indices are 0-based
01245         v2[ind    ] = tmp[idx    ];
01246         v2[ind + 1] = tmp[idx + 1];
01247         v2[ind + 2] = tmp[idx + 2];
01248       } 
01249       delete[] tmp;
01250     }
01252     float tmp[16];
01253     // MatrixFitRMS returns RMS distance of fitted molecule.  Would be nice
01254     // to return this information to the user since it would make computing
01255     // the fitted RMSD much faster (no need to get the matrix, apply the
01256     // transformation, recompute RMS).
01257     MatrixFitRMS(num, v1, v2, weight, tmp);
01259     delete [] v1;
01260     delete [] v2;
01261     //fprintf(stderr, "got err %f\n", err);
01262     // output from FitRMS is a 3x3 matrix, plus a pre-translation stored in
01263     // row 3, and a post-translation stored in column 3.
01264     float pre[3], post[3];
01265     for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
01266       post[i] = tmp[4L*i+3];
01267       tmp[4L*i+3] = 0;
01268     }
01269     for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
01270       pre[i] = tmp[12+i];
01271       tmp[12+i] = 0;
01272     }
01273     Matrix4 result;
01274     result.translate(pre);
01275     result.multmatrix(Matrix4(tmp));
01276     result.translate(post);
01277     memcpy(mat->mat, result.mat, 16L*sizeof(float));
01278     return 0;
01279   }
01281   // the old RMS fit code doesn't support reordering of sel2 currently
01282   if (order != NULL) {
01283     return MEASURE_ERR_NOTSUP;
01284   }
01286   // a) compute R = r(i,j) = sum( w(n) * (y(n,i)-comy(i)) * (x(n,j)-comx(j)))
01287   Matrix4 R;
01288   int i,j;
01289   float scale = (float) num * num;
01290   for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
01291     for (j=0; j<3; j++) {
01292       float tmp = 0;
01293       int nx = 0, ny = 0, k = 0; 
01294       while (nx < sel1->num_atoms && ny < sel2->num_atoms) { 
01295         if (!sel1->on[nx]) {
01296           nx++;
01297           continue;
01298         }
01299         if (!sel2->on[ny]) {
01300           ny++;
01301           continue;
01302         }
01304         // found both, so get data
01306         tmp += weight[k] * (y[3L*ny+i] - comy[i]) * (x[3L*nx+j] - comx[j]) /
01307           scale;
01308         nx++;
01309         ny++;
01310         k++;
01311       }
01312       R.mat[4L*i+j] = tmp;
01313     }
01314   }
01316   // b) 1) form R~R
01317   Matrix4 Rt;
01318   for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
01319     for (j=0; j<3; j++) {
01320       Rt.mat[4L*i+j] = R.mat[4L*j+i];
01321     }
01322   }
01323   Matrix4 RtR(R);
01324   RtR.multmatrix(Rt);
01326   // b) 2) find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors
01327   float evalue[3];
01328   float evector[3][3];
01329   float tmpmat[4][4];
01330   for (i=0; i<4; i++)
01331     for (j=0; j<4; j++)
01332       tmpmat[i][j]=RtR.mat[4L*i+j];
01334   if(jacobi(tmpmat,evalue,evector) != 0) return MEASURE_ERR_NONZEROJACOBI;
01335   // transposition the evector matrix to put the vectors in rows
01336   float vectmp;
01337   vectmp=evector[0][1]; evector[0][1]=evector[1][0]; evector[1][0]=vectmp;
01338   vectmp=evector[0][2]; evector[0][2]=evector[2][0]; evector[2][0]=vectmp;
01339   vectmp=evector[2][1]; evector[2][1]=evector[1][2]; evector[1][2]=vectmp;
01342   // b) 4) sort so that the eigenvalues are from largest to smallest
01343   //      (or rather so a[0] is eigenvector with largest eigenvalue, ...)
01344   float *a[3];
01345   a[0] = evector[0];
01346   a[1] = evector[1];
01347   a[2] = evector[2];
01348 #define SWAP(qq,ww) {                                           \
01349     float v; float *v1;                                         \
01350     v = evalue[qq]; evalue[qq] = evalue[ww]; evalue[ww] = v;    \
01351     v1 = a[qq]; a[qq] = a[ww]; a[ww] = v1;                      \
01352 }
01353   if (evalue[0] < evalue[1]) {
01354     SWAP(0, 1);
01355   }
01356   if (evalue[0] < evalue[2]) {
01357     SWAP(0, 2);
01358   }
01359   if (evalue[1] < evalue[2]) {
01360     SWAP(1, 2);
01361   }
01364   // c) determine b(i) = R*a(i)
01365   float b[3][3];
01367   Rt.multpoint3d(a[0], b[0]);
01368   vec_normalize(b[0]);
01370   Rt.multpoint3d(a[1], b[1]);
01371   vec_normalize(b[1]);
01373   Rt.multpoint3d(a[2], b[2]);
01374   vec_normalize(b[2]);
01376   // d) compute U = u(i,j) = sum(b(k,i) * a(k,j))
01377   Matrix4 U;
01378   for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
01379     for (j=0; j<3; j++) {
01380       float *tmp = &(U.mat[4L*j+i]);
01381       *tmp = 0;
01382       for (int k=0; k<3; k++) {
01383         *tmp += b[k][i] * a[k][j];
01384       }
01385     }
01386   }
01388   // Check the determinant of U.  If it's negative, we need to
01389   // flip the sign of the last row.
01390   float *um = U.mat;
01391   float det = 
01392     um[0]*(um[4+1]*um[8+2] - um[4+2]*um[8+1]) -
01393     um[1]*(um[4+0]*um[8+2] - um[4+2]*um[8+0]) +
01394     um[2]*(um[4+0]*um[8+1] - um[4+1]*um[8+0]);
01395   if (det < 0) {
01396     for (int q=0; q<3; q++) um[8+q] = -um[8+q];
01397   }
01399   // e) apply the offset for com
01400   Matrix4 tx;
01401   tx.translate(-comx[0], -comx[1], -comx[2]);
01402   Matrix4 ty;
01403   ty.translate(comy[0], comy[1], comy[2]);
01404   //  U.multmatrix(com);
01405   ty.multmatrix(U);
01406   ty.multmatrix(tx);
01407   memcpy(mat->mat, ty.mat, 16L*sizeof(float));
01408   return MEASURE_NOERR;
01409 }
01411 // For different values of the random seed, the computed SASA's of brH.pdb 
01412 // converge to within 1% of each other when the number of points is about
01413 // 500.  We therefore use 500 as the default number.
01414 #define NPTS 500 
01415 extern int measure_sasa(const AtomSel *sel, const float *framepos,
01416     const float *radius, float srad, float *sasa, 
01417     ResizeArray<float> *sasapts, const AtomSel *restrictsel,
01418     const int *nsamples) {
01420   // check arguments
01421   if (!sel) return MEASURE_ERR_NOSEL;
01422   if (!sel->selected) {
01423     *sasa = 0;
01424     return MEASURE_NOERR;
01425   }
01426   if (!framepos) return MEASURE_ERR_NOFRAMEPOS;
01427   if (!radius)   return MEASURE_ERR_NORADII;
01428   if (restrictsel && restrictsel->num_atoms != sel->num_atoms)
01431   int i;
01432   int npts = nsamples ? *nsamples : NPTS;
01433   float maxrad = -1;
01435 #if 0
01436   // Query min/max atom radii for the entire molecule
01437   mol->get_radii_minmax(minrad, maxrad);
01438 #endif
01440   // find biggest atom radius 
01441   for (i=0; i<sel->num_atoms; i++) {
01442     float rad = radius[i];
01443     if (maxrad < rad) maxrad = rad;
01444   }
01446   // Find atoms within maxrad of each other.  
01447   // build a list of pairs for each atom
01448   ResizeArray<int> *pairlist = new ResizeArray<int>[sel->num_atoms];
01449   {
01450     GridSearchPair *pairs;
01451     pairs = vmd_gridsearch1(framepos, sel->num_atoms, sel->on, 
01452                             2.0f * (maxrad + srad), 0, sel->num_atoms * 1000);
01454     GridSearchPair *p, *tmp; 
01455     for (p = pairs; p != NULL; p = tmp) {
01456       int ind1=p->ind1;
01457       int ind2=p->ind2;
01458       pairlist[ind1].append(ind2);
01459       pairlist[ind2].append(ind1);
01460       tmp = p->next;
01461       free(p);
01462     }
01463   }
01465   static const float RAND_MAX_INV = 1.0f/float(VMD_RAND_MAX);
01466   // Seed the random number generator before each calculation.  This gives
01467   // reproducible results and still allows a more accurate answer to be
01468   // obtained by increasing the samples size.  I don't know if this is a
01469   // "good" seed value or not, I just picked something random-looking.
01470   vmd_srandom(38572111);
01472   // All the spheres use the same random points.  
01473   float *spherepts = new float[3L*npts];
01474   for (i=0; i<npts; i++) {
01475     float u1 = (float) vmd_random();
01476     float u2 = (float) vmd_random();
01477     float z = 2.0f*u1*RAND_MAX_INV -1.0f;
01478     float phi = (float) (2.0f*VMD_PI*u2*RAND_MAX_INV);
01479     float R = sqrtf(1.0f-z*z);
01480     float sphi, cphi;
01481     sincosf(phi, &sphi, &cphi);
01482     spherepts[3L*i  ] = R*cphi;
01483     spherepts[3L*i+1] = R*sphi;
01484     spherepts[3L*i+2] = z;
01485   }
01487   const float prefac = (float) (4 * VMD_PI / npts);
01488   float totarea = 0.0f;
01489   // compute area for each atom based on its pairlist
01490   for (i=sel->firstsel; i<=sel->lastsel; i++) {
01491     if (sel->on[i]) {
01492       // only atoms in restrictsel contribute
01493       if (restrictsel && !restrictsel->on[i]) continue;
01494       const float *loc = framepos+3L*i;
01495       float rad = radius[i]+srad;
01496       float surfpos[3];
01497       int surfpts = npts;
01498       const ResizeArray<int> &nbrs = pairlist[i];
01499       for (int j=0; j<npts; j++) {
01500         surfpos[0] = loc[0] + rad*spherepts[3L*j  ];
01501         surfpos[1] = loc[1] + rad*spherepts[3L*j+1];
01502         surfpos[2] = loc[2] + rad*spherepts[3L*j+2];
01503         int on = 1;
01504         for (int k=0; k<nbrs.num(); k++) {
01505           int ind = nbrs[k];
01506           const float *nbrloc = framepos+3L*ind;
01507           float radsq = radius[ind]+srad; radsq *= radsq;
01508           float dx = surfpos[0]-nbrloc[0];
01509           float dy = surfpos[1]-nbrloc[1];
01510           float dz = surfpos[2]-nbrloc[2];
01511           if (dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz <= radsq) {
01512             on = 0;
01513             break;
01514           }
01515         }
01516         if (on) {
01517           if (sasapts) {
01518             sasapts->append3(&surfpos[0]);
01519           }
01520         } else {
01521           surfpts--;
01522         }
01523       }
01524       float atomarea = prefac * rad * rad * surfpts;
01525       totarea += atomarea;
01526     }
01527   }
01529   delete [] pairlist;
01530   delete [] spherepts;
01531   *sasa = totarea;
01532   return 0;
01533 }
01537 #if 1
01539 // #define DEBUGSASATHR 1
01541 typedef struct {
01542   MoleculeList *mlist;
01543   const AtomSel **sellist; 
01544   int numsels;
01545   float srad; 
01546   float *sasalist;
01547   int nsamples;
01548   float *spherepts;
01549 } sasathreadparms;
01551 // For different values of the random seed, the computed SASA's of brH.pdb 
01552 // converge to within 1% of each other when the number of points is about
01553 // 500.  We therefore use 500 as the default number.
01554 static void * measure_sasa_thread(void *voidparms) {
01555   int threadid;
01556   sasathreadparms *parms = NULL;
01557   wkf_threadlaunch_getdata(voidparms, (void **) &parms);
01558   wkf_threadlaunch_getid(voidparms, &threadid, NULL);
01559 #if defined(DEBUGSASATHR)
01560 printf("sasathread[%d] running...\n", threadid);
01561 #endif
01563   /*
01564    * copy in per-thread parameters
01565    */
01566   MoleculeList *mlist = parms->mlist;
01567   const AtomSel **sellist = parms->sellist;
01568 //  int numsels = parms->numsels;
01569   float srad = parms->srad;
01570   float *sasalist = parms->sasalist;
01571   const int npts = parms->nsamples;
01572   float *spherepts = parms->spherepts;
01574   int i, selidx;
01575   wkf_tasktile_t tile;
01576   while (wkf_threadlaunch_next_tile(voidparms, 1, &tile) != WKF_SCHED_DONE) {
01577 #if defined(DEBUGSASATHR)
01578 printf("sasathread[%d] running idx %d to %d\n", threadid, tile.start, tile.end);
01579 #endif
01580     for (selidx=tile.start; selidx<tile.end; selidx++) {
01581       const AtomSel *sel = sellist[selidx];
01582       Molecule *mol = mlist->mol_from_id(sel->molid());
01584       if (!sel->selected) {
01585         sasalist[selidx] = 0;
01586         continue;
01587       }
01589       const float *framepos = sel->coordinates(mlist);
01590       if (!framepos) {
01591 #if defined(DEBUGSASATHR)
01592 printf("measure_sasalist: failed to get coords!!!\n");
01593 #endif
01594         return NULL; // MEASURE_ERR_NOFRAMEPOS;
01595       }
01597       const float *radius = mol->"radius");
01598       if (!radius) {
01599 #if defined(DEBUGSASATHR)
01600 printf("measure_sasalist: failed to get radii!!!\n");
01601 #endif
01602         return NULL; // MEASURE_ERR_NORADII;
01603       }
01606       float minrad=-1, maxrad=-1;
01607 #if 1
01608       // Query min/max atom radii for the entire molecule
01609       mol->get_radii_minmax(minrad, maxrad);
01610 #else
01611       // find biggest atom radius 
01612       for (i=0; i<sel->num_atoms; i++) {
01613         float rad = radius[i];
01614         if (maxrad < rad) maxrad = rad;
01615       }
01616 #endif
01618       // Find atoms within maxrad of each other.  
01619       // build a list of pairs for each atom
01620       ResizeArray<int> *pairlist = new ResizeArray<int>[sel->num_atoms];
01621       {
01622         GridSearchPair *pairs;
01623         pairs = vmd_gridsearch1(framepos, sel->num_atoms, sel->on, 
01624                                 2.0f * (maxrad + srad), 0, 
01625                                 sel->num_atoms * 1000);
01627         GridSearchPair *p, *tmp; 
01628         for (p = pairs; p != NULL; p = tmp) {
01629           int ind1=p->ind1;
01630           int ind2=p->ind2;
01631           pairlist[ind1].append(ind2);
01632           pairlist[ind2].append(ind1);
01633           tmp = p->next;
01634           free(p);
01635         }
01636       }
01638       const float prefac = (float) (4 * VMD_PI / npts);
01639       float totarea = 0.0f;
01640       // compute area for each atom based on its pairlist
01641       for (i=sel->firstsel; i<=sel->lastsel; i++) {
01642         if (sel->on[i]) {
01643           const float *loc = framepos+3L*i;
01644           float rad = radius[i]+srad;
01645           float surfpos[3];
01646           int surfpts = npts;
01647           const ResizeArray<int> &nbrs = pairlist[i];
01648           for (int j=0; j<npts; j++) {
01649             surfpos[0] = loc[0] + rad*spherepts[3L*j  ];
01650             surfpos[1] = loc[1] + rad*spherepts[3L*j+1];
01651             surfpos[2] = loc[2] + rad*spherepts[3L*j+2];
01652             int on = 1;
01653             for (int k=0; k<nbrs.num(); k++) {
01654               int ind = nbrs[k];
01655               const float *nbrloc = framepos+3L*ind;
01656               float radsq = radius[ind]+srad; radsq *= radsq;
01657               float dx = surfpos[0]-nbrloc[0];
01658               float dy = surfpos[1]-nbrloc[1];
01659               float dz = surfpos[2]-nbrloc[2];
01660               if (dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz <= radsq) {
01661                 on = 0;
01662                 break;
01663               }
01664             }
01665             if (!on) {
01666               surfpts--;
01667             }
01668           }
01669           float atomarea = prefac * rad * rad * surfpts;
01670           totarea += atomarea;
01671         }
01672       }
01674       delete [] pairlist;
01675       sasalist[selidx] = totarea;
01676     }
01677   }
01679   return NULL;
01680 }
01682 #if 1
01684 // For different values of the random seed, the computed SASA's of brH.pdb 
01685 // converge to within 1% of each other when the number of points is about
01686 // 500.  We therefore use 500 as the default number.
01687 extern int measure_sasalist(MoleculeList *mlist,
01688                             const AtomSel **sellist, int numsels,
01689                             float srad, float *sasalist, const int *nsamples) {
01691   // check arguments
01692   if (!sellist) return MEASURE_ERR_NOSEL;
01694   int i, rc;
01695   int npts = nsamples ? *nsamples : NPTS;
01697 #if defined(VMDTHREADS)
01698   int numprocs = wkf_thread_numprocessors();
01699 #else
01700   int numprocs = 1;
01701 #endif
01703 #if defined(DEBUGSASATHR)
01704 printf("sasaprocs: %d\n", numprocs);
01705 #endif
01707   static const float RAND_MAX_INV = 1.0f/float(VMD_RAND_MAX);
01709   // Seed the random number generator before each calculation.  This gives
01710   // reproducible results and still allows a more accurate answer to be
01711   // obtained by increasing the samples size.  I don't know if this is a
01712   // "good" seed value or not, I just picked something random-looking.
01713   vmd_srandom(38572111);
01715   // All the spheres use the same random points.  
01716   float *spherepts = new float[3L*npts];
01717   for (i=0; i<npts; i++) {
01718     float u1 = (float) vmd_random();
01719     float u2 = (float) vmd_random();
01720     float z = 2.0f*u1*RAND_MAX_INV -1.0f;
01721     float phi = (float) (2.0f*VMD_PI*u2*RAND_MAX_INV);
01722     float R = sqrtf(1.0f-z*z);
01723     float sphi, cphi;
01724     sincosf(phi, &sphi, &cphi);
01725     spherepts[3L*i  ] = R*cphi;
01726     spherepts[3L*i+1] = R*sphi;
01727     spherepts[3L*i+2] = z;
01728   }
01730   sasathreadparms parms;
01731   parms.mlist = mlist;
01732   parms.sellist = sellist;
01733   parms.numsels = numsels;
01734   parms.srad = srad;
01735   parms.sasalist = sasalist;
01736   parms.nsamples = npts;
01737   parms.spherepts = spherepts;
01740   /* spawn child threads to do the work */
01741   wkf_tasktile_t tile;
01742   tile.start=0;
01743   tile.end=numsels;
01744   rc = wkf_threadlaunch(numprocs, &parms, measure_sasa_thread, &tile);
01746   delete [] spherepts;
01748   return rc;
01749 }
01752 #else
01754 // For different values of the random seed, the computed SASA's of brH.pdb 
01755 // converge to within 1% of each other when the number of points is about
01756 // 500.  We therefore use 500 as the default number.
01757 extern int measure_sasalist(MoleculeList *mlist,
01758                             const AtomSel **sellist, int numsels,
01759                             float srad, float *sasalist, const int *nsamples) {
01761   // check arguments
01762   if (!sellist) return MEASURE_ERR_NOSEL;
01764   int i;
01765   int npts = nsamples ? *nsamples : NPTS;
01767   int selidx;
01768   for (selidx=0; selidx<numsels; selidx++) {
01769     const AtomSel *sel = sellist[selidx];
01770     Molecule *mol = mlist->mol_from_id(sel->molid());
01772     if (!sel->selected) {
01773       sasalist[selidx] = 0;
01774       continue;
01775     }
01777     const float *framepos = sel->coordinates(mlist);
01778     if (!framepos) {
01779 #if defined(DEBUGSASATHR)
01780 printf("measure_sasalist: failed to get coords!!!\n");
01781 #endif
01782       return MEASURE_ERR_NOFRAMEPOS;
01783     }
01785     const float *radius = mol->"radius");
01786     if (!radius) {
01787 #if defined(DEBUGSASATHR)
01788 printf("measure_sasalist: failed to get radii!!!\n");
01789 #endif
01790       return MEASURE_ERR_NORADII;
01791     }
01793     float minrad=-1, maxrad=-1;
01794 #if 1
01795     // Query min/max atom radii for the entire molecule
01796     mol->get_radii_minmax(minrad, maxrad);
01797 #else
01798     // find biggest atom radius 
01799     for (i=0; i<sel->num_atoms; i++) {
01800       float rad = radius[i];
01801       if (maxrad < rad) maxrad = rad;
01802     }
01803 #endif
01805     // Find atoms within maxrad of each other.  
01806     // build a list of pairs for each atom
01807     ResizeArray<int> *pairlist = new ResizeArray<int>[sel->num_atoms];
01808     {
01809       GridSearchPair *pairs;
01810       pairs = vmd_gridsearch1(framepos, sel->num_atoms, sel->on, 
01811                               2.0f * (maxrad + srad), 0, sel->num_atoms * 1000);
01813       GridSearchPair *p, *tmp; 
01814       for (p = pairs; p != NULL; p = tmp) {
01815         int ind1=p->ind1;
01816         int ind2=p->ind2;
01817         pairlist[ind1].append(ind2);
01818         pairlist[ind2].append(ind1);
01819         tmp = p->next;
01820         free(p);
01821       }
01822     }
01824     static const float RAND_MAX_INV = 1.0f/VMD_RAND_MAX;
01825     // Seed the random number generator before each calculation.  This gives
01826     // reproducible results and still allows a more accurate answer to be
01827     // obtained by increasing the samples size.  I don't know if this is a
01828     // "good" seed value or not, I just picked something random-looking.
01829     vmd_srandom(38572111);
01831     // All the spheres use the same random points.  
01832     float *spherepts = new float[3L*npts];
01833     for (i=0; i<npts; i++) {
01834       float u1 = (float) vmd_random();
01835       float u2 = (float) vmd_random();
01836       float z = 2.0f*u1*RAND_MAX_INV -1.0f;
01837       float phi = (float) (2.0f*VMD_PI*u2*RAND_MAX_INV);
01838       float R = sqrtf(1.0f-z*z);
01839       float sphi, cphi;
01840       sincosf(phi, &sphi, &cphi);
01841       spherepts[3L*i  ] = R*cphi;
01842       spherepts[3L*i+1] = R*sphi;
01843       spherepts[3L*i+2] = z;
01844     }
01846     const float prefac = (float) (4 * VMD_PI / npts);
01847     float totarea = 0.0f;
01848     // compute area for each atom based on its pairlist
01849     for (i=sel->firstsel; i<=sel->lastsel; i++) {
01850       if (sel->on[i]) {
01851         const float *loc = framepos+3L*i;
01852         float rad = radius[i]+srad;
01853         float surfpos[3];
01854         int surfpts = npts;
01855         const ResizeArray<int> &nbrs = pairlist[i];
01856         for (int j=0; j<npts; j++) {
01857           surfpos[0] = loc[0] + rad*spherepts[3L*j  ];
01858           surfpos[1] = loc[1] + rad*spherepts[3L*j+1];
01859           surfpos[2] = loc[2] + rad*spherepts[3L*j+2];
01860           int on = 1;
01861           for (int k=0; k<nbrs.num(); k++) {
01862             int ind = nbrs[k];
01863             const float *nbrloc = framepos+3L*ind;
01864             float radsq = radius[ind]+srad; radsq *= radsq;
01865             float dx = surfpos[0]-nbrloc[0];
01866             float dy = surfpos[1]-nbrloc[1];
01867             float dz = surfpos[2]-nbrloc[2];
01868             if (dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz <= radsq) {
01869               on = 0;
01870               break;
01871             }
01872           }
01873           if (!on) {
01874             surfpts--;
01875           }
01876         }
01877         float atomarea = prefac * rad * rad * surfpts;
01878         totarea += atomarea;
01879       }
01880     }
01882     delete [] pairlist;
01883     delete [] spherepts;
01884     sasalist[selidx] = totarea;
01885   }
01887   return 0;
01888 }
01890 #endif
01891 #endif
01895 //
01896 // Calculate g(r)
01897 //
01899 // find the minimum image distance for one coordinate component 
01900 // and square the result (orthogonal cells only).
01901 static float fix_pbc_n_sqr(float delta, const float boxby2) {
01902   while (delta >= boxby2) { delta -= 2.0f * boxby2; }
01903   while (delta < -boxby2) { delta += 2.0f * boxby2; }
01904   return delta * delta;
01905 }
01907 // calculate the minimum distance between two positions with respect 
01908 // to the periodic cell (orthogonal cells only).
01909 static float min_dist_with_pbc(const float *a, const float *b, 
01910                                 const float *boxby2) {
01911   float distsqr;
01912   distsqr  = fix_pbc_n_sqr(a[0] - b[0], boxby2[0]);
01913   distsqr += fix_pbc_n_sqr(a[1] - b[1], boxby2[1]);
01914   distsqr += fix_pbc_n_sqr(a[2] - b[2], boxby2[2]);
01915   return sqrtf(distsqr);
01916 }
01922 static inline double spherical_cap(const double &radius, const double &boxby2) {
01923   return (VMD_PI / 3.0 * (radius - boxby2) * (radius - boxby2)
01924           * ( 2.0 * radius + boxby2));
01925 }
01928 typedef struct {
01929   int threadid;
01930   int threadcount;
01931   int count_o_start;
01932   int count_o_end;
01933   const float *olist;
01934   int count_i;
01935   const float *ilist;
01936   int count_h;
01937   int *hlist;
01938   float delta;
01939   const float *boxby2;
01940   wkfmsgtimer *msgtp;
01941   int curframe;
01942   int maxframe;
01943 } gofrparms_t;
01945 // calculate the non-normalized pair-distribution function
01946 // for two lists of atom coordinates and store the resulting
01947 // histogram in the hlist array. orthogonal cell version.
01948 //
01949 // NOTE: this is just the workhorse function. special issues related
01950 // to atoms present in both lists have to be dealt with in the uplevel
01951 // functions, that then also can do various post-processing steps.
01952 extern "C" void * measure_gofr_orth(void *voidparms) {
01953   // handle per-thread parameters
01954   gofrparms_t *parms = (gofrparms_t *) voidparms;
01955   const int count_o_start = parms->count_o_start;
01956   const int count_o_end   = parms->count_o_end;
01957   const int count_i       = parms->count_i;
01958   const int count_h       = parms->count_h;
01959   const float *olist      = parms->olist;
01960   const float *ilist      = parms->ilist;
01961   const float *boxby2     = parms->boxby2;
01962   wkfmsgtimer *msgtp         = parms->msgtp;
01963   const int curframe      = parms->curframe;
01964   const int maxframe      = parms->maxframe;
01965   int *hlist              = parms->hlist;
01966   // other local variables
01967   int i, j, idx;
01968   float dist;
01969   const float deltascale = 1.0f / parms->delta;
01970   int msgcnt=0;
01972   // loop over the chunk of pairs that was associated to this thread.
01973   for (i=count_o_start; i<count_o_end; ++i) {
01975     // print progress messages only for thread(s) that have
01976     // a timer defined (usually only tid==0).
01977     if (msgtp && wkf_msg_timer_timeout(msgtp)) {
01978       char tmpbuf[1024];
01979       if (msgcnt==0) 
01980         sprintf(tmpbuf, "timestep %d of %d", curframe, maxframe);
01981       else
01982         sprintf(tmpbuf, "timestep %d of %d: (%6.2f %% complete)", curframe, maxframe, 
01983                 (100.0f * i) / (float) (count_o_end - count_o_start + 1));
01984       msgInfo << "vmd_measure_gofr_orth: " << tmpbuf << sendmsg;
01985       msgcnt++;
01986       // XXX we should update the display here...
01987     }
01989     for (j=0; j<count_i; ++j) {
01990       // calculate distance and add to histogram
01991       dist = min_dist_with_pbc(&olist[i*3L], &ilist[j*3L], boxby2);
01992       idx = (int) (dist * deltascale);
01993       if ((idx >= 0) && (idx < count_h)) 
01994         ++hlist[idx];
01995     }
01996   }
01998   return MEASURE_NOERR;
01999 }
02001 // main entry point for 'measure gofr'.
02002 // tasks:
02003 // - sanity check on arguments.
02004 // - select proper algorithm for PBC treatment.
02005 int measure_gofr(AtomSel *sel1, AtomSel *sel2, MoleculeList *mlist,
02006                  const int count_h, double *gofr, double *numint, double *histog,
02007                  const float delta, int first, int last, int step, int *framecntr,
02008                  int usepbc, int selupdate) {
02009   int i, j, frame;
02010   float a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma;
02011   int isortho=0;    // orthogonal unit cell not assumed by default.
02012   int duplicates=0; // counter for duplicate atoms in both selections.
02014   // initialize a/b/c/alpha/beta/gamma to arbitrary defaults to please the compiler.
02015   a=b=c=9999999.0;
02016   alpha=beta=gamma=90.0;
02018   // reset counter for total, skipped, and _orth processed frames.
02019   framecntr[0]=framecntr[1]=framecntr[2]=0;
02021   // First round of sanity checks.
02022   // neither list can be undefined
02023   if (!sel1 || !sel2 ) {
02024     return MEASURE_ERR_NOSEL;
02025   }
02027   // make sure that both selections are from the same molecule
02028   // so that we know that PBC unit cell info is the same for both
02029   if (sel2->molid() != sel1->molid()) {
02031   }
02033   Molecule *mymol = mlist->mol_from_id(sel1->molid());
02034   int maxframe = mymol->numframes() - 1;
02035   int nframes = 0;
02037   if (last == -1)
02038     last = maxframe;
02040   if ((last < first) || (last < 0) || (step <=0) || (first < -1)
02041       || (maxframe < 0) || (last > maxframe)) {
02042       msgErr << "measure gofr: bad frame range given." 
02043              << " max. allowed frame#: " << maxframe << sendmsg;
02045   }
02047   // test for non-orthogonal PBC cells, zero volume cells, etc.
02048   if (usepbc) { 
02049     for (isortho=1, nframes=0, frame=first; frame <=last; ++nframes, frame += step) {
02050       const Timestep *ts;
02052       if (first == -1) {
02053         // use current frame only. don't loop.
02054         ts = sel1->timestep(mlist);
02055         frame=last;
02056       } else {
02057         ts = mymol->get_frame(frame);
02058       }
02059       // get periodic cell information for current frame
02060       a = ts->a_length;
02061       b = ts->b_length;
02062       c = ts->c_length;
02063       alpha = ts->alpha;
02064       beta = ts->beta;
02065       gamma = ts->gamma;
02067       // check validity of PBC cell side lengths
02068       if (fabsf(a*b*c) < 0.0001) {
02069         msgErr << "measure gofr: unit cell volume is zero." << sendmsg;
02070         return MEASURE_ERR_GENERAL;
02071       }
02073       // check PBC unit cell shape to select proper low level algorithm.
02074       if ((alpha != 90.0) || (beta != 90.0) || (gamma != 90.0)) {
02075         isortho=0;
02076       }
02077     }
02078   } else {
02079     // initialize a/b/c/alpha/beta/gamma to arbitrary defaults
02080     isortho=1;
02081     a=b=c=9999999.0;
02082     alpha=beta=gamma=90.0;
02083   }
02085   // until we can handle non-orthogonal periodic cells, this is fatal
02086   if (!isortho) {
02087     msgErr << "measure gofr: only orthorhombic cells are supported (for now)." << sendmsg;
02088     return MEASURE_ERR_GENERAL;
02089   }
02091   // clear the result arrays
02092   for (i=0; i<count_h; ++i) {
02093     gofr[i] = numint[i] = histog[i] = 0.0;
02094   }
02096   // pre-allocate coordinate buffers of the max size we'll
02097   // ever need, so we don't have to reallocate if/when atom
02098   // selections are updated on-the-fly
02099   float *sel1coords = new float[3L*sel1->num_atoms];
02100   float *sel2coords = new float[3L*sel2->num_atoms];
02102   // setup status message timer
02103   wkfmsgtimer *msgt = wkf_msg_timer_create(5);
02105   // threading setup.
02106   wkf_thread_t *threads;
02107   gofrparms_t  *parms;
02108 #if defined(VMDTHREADS)
02109   int numprocs = wkf_thread_numprocessors();
02110 #else
02111   int numprocs = 1;
02112 #endif
02114   threads = new wkf_thread_t[numprocs];
02115   memset(threads, 0, numprocs * sizeof(wkf_thread_t));
02117   // allocate and (partially) initialize array of per-thread parameters
02118   parms = new gofrparms_t[numprocs];
02119   for (i=0; i<numprocs; ++i) {
02120     parms[i].threadid = i;
02121     parms[i].threadcount = numprocs;
02122     parms[i].delta = (float) delta;
02123     parms[i].msgtp = NULL;
02124     parms[i].count_h = count_h;
02125     parms[i].hlist = new int[count_h];
02126   }
02128   msgInfo << "measure gofr: using multi-threaded implementation with " 
02129           << numprocs << ((numprocs > 1) ? " CPUs" : " CPU") << sendmsg;
02131   for (nframes=0,frame=first; frame <=last; ++nframes, frame += step) {
02132     const Timestep *ts1, *ts2;
02134     if (frame  == -1) {
02135       // use current frame only. don't loop.
02136       ts1 = sel1->timestep(mlist);
02137       ts2 = sel2->timestep(mlist);
02138       frame=last;
02139     } else {
02140       sel1->which_frame = frame;
02141       sel2->which_frame = frame;
02142       ts1 = ts2 = mymol->get_frame(frame); // requires sels from same mol
02143     }
02145     if (usepbc) {
02146       // get periodic cell information for current frame
02147       a     = ts1->a_length;
02148       b     = ts1->b_length;
02149       c     = ts1->c_length;
02150       alpha = ts1->alpha;
02151       beta  = ts1->beta;
02152       gamma = ts1->gamma;
02153     }
02155     // compute half periodic cell size
02156     float boxby2[3];
02157     boxby2[0] = 0.5f * a;
02158     boxby2[1] = 0.5f * b;
02159     boxby2[2] = 0.5f * c;
02161     // update the selections if the user desires it
02162     if (selupdate) {
02163       if (sel1->change(NULL, mymol) != AtomSel::PARSE_SUCCESS)
02164         msgErr << "measure gofr: failed to evaluate atom selection update";
02165       if (sel2->change(NULL, mymol) != AtomSel::PARSE_SUCCESS)
02166         msgErr << "measure gofr: failed to evaluate atom selection update";
02167     }
02169     // check for duplicate atoms in the two lists, as these will have
02170     // to be subtracted back out of the first histogram slot
02171     if (sel2->molid() == sel1->molid()) {
02172       int i;
02173       for (i=0, duplicates=0; i<sel1->num_atoms; ++i) {
02174         if (sel1->on[i] && sel2->on[i])
02175           ++duplicates;
02176       }
02177     }
02179     // copy selected atoms to the two coordinate lists
02180     // requires that selections come from the same molecule
02181     const float *framepos = ts1->pos;
02182     for (i=0, j=0; i<sel1->num_atoms; ++i) {
02183       if (sel1->on[i]) {
02184         long a = i*3L;
02185         sel1coords[j    ] = framepos[a    ];
02186         sel1coords[j + 1] = framepos[a + 1];
02187         sel1coords[j + 2] = framepos[a + 2];
02188         j+=3;
02189       }
02190     }
02191     framepos = ts2->pos;
02192     for (i=0, j=0; i<sel2->num_atoms; ++i) {
02193       if (sel2->on[i]) {
02194         long a = i*3L;
02195         sel2coords[j    ] = framepos[a    ];
02196         sel2coords[j + 1] = framepos[a + 1];
02197         sel2coords[j + 2] = framepos[a + 2];
02198         j+=3;
02199       }
02200     }
02202     // clear the histogram for this frame
02203     // and set up argument structure for threaded execution.
02204     int maxframe = (int) ((last - first + 1) / ((float) step));
02205     for (i=0; i<numprocs; ++i) {
02206       memset(parms[i].hlist, 0, count_h * sizeof(int));
02207       parms[i].boxby2 = boxby2;
02208       parms[i].curframe = frame;
02209       parms[i].maxframe = maxframe;
02210     }
02211     parms[0].msgtp = msgt;
02213     if (isortho && sel1->selected && sel2->selected) {
02214       int count_o = sel1->selected;
02215       int count_i = sel2->selected;
02216       const float *olist = sel1coords;
02217       const float *ilist = sel2coords;
02218       // make sure the outer loop is the longer one to have 
02219       // better threading efficiency and cache utilization.
02220       if (count_o < count_i) {
02221         count_o = sel2->selected;
02222         count_i = sel1->selected;
02223         olist = sel2coords;
02224         ilist = sel1coords;
02225       }
02227       // distribute outer loop across threads in fixed size chunks.
02228       // this should work very well for small numbers of threads.
02229       // thrdelta is the chunk size and we need it to be at least 1 
02230       // _and_ numprocs*thrdelta >= count_o.
02231       int thrdelta = (count_o + (numprocs-1)) / numprocs;
02232       int o_min = 0;
02233       int o_max = thrdelta;
02234       for (i=0; i<numprocs; ++i, o_min += thrdelta, o_max += thrdelta) {
02235         if (o_max >  count_o)  o_max = count_o; // curb loop to max
02236         if (o_min >= count_o)  o_max = - 1;     // no work for this thread. too little data.
02237         parms[i].count_o_start = o_min;
02238         parms[i].count_o_end   = o_max;
02239         parms[i].count_i       = count_i;
02240         parms[i].olist         = olist;
02241         parms[i].ilist         = ilist;
02242       }
02244       // do the gofr calculation for orthogonal boxes.
02245       // XXX. non-orthogonal box not supported yet. detected and handled above.
02246 #if defined(VMDTHREADS)
02247       for (i=0; i<numprocs; ++i) {
02248         wkf_thread_create(&threads[i], measure_gofr_orth, &parms[i]);
02249       }
02250       for (i=0; i<numprocs; ++i) {
02251         wkf_thread_join(threads[i], NULL);
02252       } 
02253 #else
02254       measure_gofr_orth((void *) &parms[0]);
02255 #endif
02256       ++framecntr[2]; // frame processed with _orth algorithm
02257     } else {
02258       ++framecntr[1]; // frame skipped
02259     }
02260     ++framecntr[0];   // total frames.
02262     // correct the first histogram slot for the number of atoms that are 
02263     // present in both lists. they'll end up in the first histogram bin. 
02264     // we subtract only from the first thread histogram which is always defined.
02265     parms[0].hlist[0] -= duplicates;
02267     // in case of going 'into the edges', we should cut 
02268     // off the part that is not properly normalized to 
02269     // not confuse people that don't know about this.
02270     int h_max=count_h;
02271     float smallside=a;
02272     if (isortho && usepbc) {
02273       if(b < smallside) {
02274         smallside=b;
02275       }
02276       if(c < smallside) {
02277         smallside=c;
02278       }
02279       h_max=(int) (sqrtf(0.5f)*smallside/delta) +1;
02280       if (h_max > count_h) {
02281         h_max=count_h;
02282       }
02283     }
02284     // compute normalization function.
02285     double all=0.0;
02286     double pair_dens = 0.0;
02287     if (sel1->selected && sel2->selected) {
02288       if (usepbc) {
02289         pair_dens = a * b * c / ((double)sel1->selected * (double)sel2->selected - (double)duplicates);
02290       } else { // assume a particle volume of 30 \AA^3 (~ 1 water).
02291         pair_dens = 30.0 * (double)sel1->selected / 
02292           ((double)sel1->selected * (double)sel2->selected - (double)duplicates);
02293       }
02294     }
02296     // XXX for orthogonal boxes, we can reduce this to rmax < sqrt(0.5)*smallest side
02297     for (i=0; i<h_max; ++i) {
02298       // radius of inner and outer sphere that form the spherical slice
02299       double r_in  = delta * (double)i;
02300       double r_out = delta * (double)(i+1);
02301       double slice_vol = 4.0 / 3.0 * VMD_PI
02302         * ((r_out * r_out * r_out) - (r_in * r_in * r_in));
02304       if (isortho && usepbc) {
02305         // add correction for 0.5*box < r <= sqrt(0.5)*box
02306         if (r_out > boxby2[0]) {
02307           slice_vol -= 2.0 * spherical_cap(r_out, boxby2[0]);
02308         }
02309         if (r_out > boxby2[1]) {
02310           slice_vol -= 2.0 * spherical_cap(r_out, boxby2[1]);
02311         }
02312         if (r_out > boxby2[2]) {
02313           slice_vol -= 2.0 * spherical_cap(r_out, boxby2[2]);
02314         }
02315         if (r_in > boxby2[0]) {
02316           slice_vol += 2.0 * spherical_cap(r_in, boxby2[0]);
02317         }
02318         if (r_in > boxby2[1]) {
02319           slice_vol += 2.0 * spherical_cap(r_in, boxby2[1]);
02320         }
02321         if (r_in > boxby2[2]) {
02322           slice_vol += 2.0 * spherical_cap(r_in, boxby2[2]);
02323         }
02324       }
02326       double normf = pair_dens / slice_vol;
02327       double histv = 0.0;
02328       for (j=0; j<numprocs; ++j) {
02329         histv += (double) parms[j].hlist[i];
02330       }
02331       gofr[i] += normf * histv;
02332       all     += histv;
02333       if (sel1->selected) {
02334         numint[i] += all / (double)(sel1->selected);
02335       }
02336       histog[i] += histv;
02337     }
02338   }
02339   delete [] sel1coords;
02340   delete [] sel2coords;
02342   double norm = 1.0 / (double) nframes;
02343   for (i=0; i<count_h; ++i) {
02344     gofr[i]   *= norm;
02345     numint[i] *= norm;
02346     histog[i] *= norm;
02347   }
02348   wkf_msg_timer_destroy(msgt);
02350   // release thread-related storage
02351   for (i=0; i<numprocs; ++i) {
02352     delete [] parms[i].hlist;
02353   }
02354   delete [] threads;
02355   delete [] parms;
02357   return MEASURE_NOERR;
02358 }
02361 int measure_geom(MoleculeList *mlist, int *molid, int *atmid, ResizeArray<float> *gValues,
02362                  int frame, int first, int last, int defmolid, int geomtype) {
02363   int i, ret_val;
02364   for(i=0; i < geomtype; i++) {
02365     // make sure an atom is not repeated in this list
02366     if(i > 0 && molid[i-1]==molid[i] && atmid[i-1]==atmid[i]) {
02367       printf("measure_geom: %i/%i %i/%i\n", molid[i-1],atmid[i-1],molid[i],atmid[i]);
02368       return MEASURE_ERR_REPEATEDATOM;
02369     }
02370   }
02372   float value;
02373   int max_ts, orig_ts;
02375   // use the default molecule to determine which frames to cycle through
02376   Molecule *mol = mlist->mol_from_id(defmolid);
02377   if( !mol )
02378     return MEASURE_ERR_NOMOLECULE;
02380   // get current frame number and make sure there are frames
02381   if((orig_ts = mol->frame()) < 0)
02382     return MEASURE_ERR_NOFRAMES;
02384   // get the max frame number and determine frame range
02385   max_ts = mol->numframes()-1;
02386   if (frame<0) {
02387     if (first<0 && last<0) first = last = orig_ts; 
02388     if (last<0 || last>max_ts) last = max_ts;
02389     if (first<0) first = 0;
02390   } else {
02391     if (frame>max_ts) frame = max_ts;
02392     first = last = frame; 
02393   }
02395   // go through all the frames, calculating values
02396   for(i=first; i <= last; i++) {
02397     mol->override_current_frame(i);
02398     switch (geomtype) {
02399     case MEASURE_BOND:
02400       if ((ret_val=calculate_bond(mlist, molid, atmid, &value))<0)
02401         return ret_val;
02402       gValues->append(value);
02403       break;
02404     case MEASURE_ANGLE:
02405       if ((ret_val=calculate_angle(mlist, molid, atmid, &value))<0)
02406         return ret_val;
02407       gValues->append(value);
02408       break;
02409     case MEASURE_DIHED:
02410       if ((ret_val=calculate_dihed(mlist, molid, atmid, &value))<0)
02411         return ret_val;
02412       gValues->append(value);
02413       break;
02414     }
02415   }
02417   // reset the current frame
02418   mol->override_current_frame(orig_ts);
02420   return MEASURE_NOERR;
02421 }
02424 // calculate the value of this geometry, and return it
02425 int calculate_bond(MoleculeList *mlist, int *molid, int *atmid, float *value) {
02427   // get coords to calculate distance 
02428   int ret_val;
02429   float pos1[3], pos2[3];
02430   if ((ret_val=normal_atom_coord(mlist->mol_from_id(molid[0]), atmid[0], pos1))<0)
02431     return ret_val;
02432   if ((ret_val=normal_atom_coord(mlist->mol_from_id(molid[1]), atmid[1], pos2))<0)
02433     return ret_val;
02435   vec_sub(pos2, pos2, pos1);
02436   *value = norm(pos2);
02438   return MEASURE_NOERR;
02439 }
02441 // calculate the value of this geometry, and return it
02442 int calculate_angle(MoleculeList *mlist, int *molid, int *atmid, float *value) {
02444   // get coords to calculate distance 
02445   int ret_val;
02446   float pos1[3], pos2[3], pos3[3], r1[3], r2[3];
02447   if((ret_val=normal_atom_coord(mlist->mol_from_id(molid[0]), atmid[0], pos1))<0)
02448     return ret_val;
02449   if((ret_val=normal_atom_coord(mlist->mol_from_id(molid[1]), atmid[1], pos2))<0)
02450     return ret_val;
02451   if((ret_val=normal_atom_coord(mlist->mol_from_id(molid[2]), atmid[2], pos3))<0)
02452     return ret_val;
02454   vec_sub(r1, pos1, pos2);
02455   vec_sub(r2, pos3, pos2);
02456   *value = angle(r1, r2);
02458   return MEASURE_NOERR;
02459 }
02461 // calculate the value of this geometry, and return it
02462 int calculate_dihed(MoleculeList *mlist, int *molid, int *atmid, float *value) {
02464   // get coords to calculate distance 
02465   int ret_val;
02466   float pos1[3], pos2[3], pos3[3], pos4[3]; 
02467   if((ret_val=normal_atom_coord(mlist->mol_from_id(molid[0]), atmid[0], pos1))<0)
02468     return ret_val;
02469   if((ret_val=normal_atom_coord(mlist->mol_from_id(molid[1]), atmid[1], pos2))<0)
02470     return ret_val;
02471   if((ret_val=normal_atom_coord(mlist->mol_from_id(molid[2]), atmid[2], pos3))<0)
02472     return ret_val;
02473   if((ret_val=normal_atom_coord(mlist->mol_from_id(molid[3]), atmid[3], pos4))<0)
02474     return ret_val;
02476   *value = dihedral(pos1, pos2, pos3, pos4);
02478   return MEASURE_NOERR;
02479 }
02482 // for the given Molecule, find the UNTRANSFORMED coords for the given atom
02483 // return Molecule pointer if successful, NULL otherwise.
02484 int normal_atom_coord(Molecule *mol, int a, float *pos) {
02485   Timestep *now;
02487   int cell[3];
02488   memset(cell, 0, 3L*sizeof(int));
02490   // get the molecule pointer, and get the coords for the current timestep
02491   int ret_val = check_mol(mol, a);
02492   if (ret_val<0) 
02493     return ret_val;
02495   if ((now = mol->current())) {
02496     memcpy((void *)pos, (void *)(now->pos + 3L*a), 3L*sizeof(float));
02498     // Apply periodic image transformation before returning
02499     Matrix4 mat;
02500     now->get_transform_from_cell(cell, mat);
02501     mat.multpoint3d(pos, pos);
02503     return MEASURE_NOERR;
02504   }
02506   // if here, error (i.e. molecule contains no frames)
02507   return MEASURE_ERR_NOFRAMES;
02508 }
02511 // check whether the given molecule & atom index is OK
02512 // if OK, return Molecule pointer; otherwise, return NULL
02513 int check_mol(Molecule *mol, int a) {
02515   if (!mol)
02516     return MEASURE_ERR_NOMOLECULE;
02517   if (a < 0 || a >= mol->nAtoms)
02518     return MEASURE_ERR_BADATOMID;
02520   return MEASURE_NOERR;
02521 }
02524 int measure_energy(MoleculeList *mlist, int *molid, int *atmid, int natoms, ResizeArray<float> *gValues,
02525                  int frame, int first, int last, int defmolid, double *params, int geomtype) {
02526   int i, ret_val;
02527   for(i=0; i < natoms; i++) {
02528     // make sure an atom is not repeated in this list
02529     if(i > 0 && molid[i-1]==molid[i] && atmid[i-1]==atmid[i]) {
02530       printf("measure_energy: %i/%i %i/%i\n", molid[i-1],atmid[i-1],molid[i],atmid[i]);
02531       return MEASURE_ERR_REPEATEDATOM;
02532     }
02533   }
02535   float value;
02536   int max_ts, orig_ts;
02538   // use the default molecule to determine which frames to cycle through
02539   Molecule *mol = mlist->mol_from_id(defmolid);
02540   if( !mol )
02541     return MEASURE_ERR_NOMOLECULE;
02543   // get current frame number and make sure there are frames
02544   if((orig_ts = mol->frame()) < 0)
02545     return MEASURE_ERR_NOFRAMES;
02547   // get the max frame number and determine frame range
02548   max_ts = mol->numframes()-1;
02549   if (frame==-1) {
02550     if (first<0 && last<0) first = last = orig_ts; 
02551     if (last<0 || last>max_ts) last = max_ts;
02552     if (first<0) first = 0;
02553   } else {
02554     if (frame>max_ts || frame==-2) frame = max_ts;
02555     first = last = frame; 
02556   }
02558   // go through all the frames, calculating values
02559   for(i=first; i <= last; i++) {
02560     mol->override_current_frame(i);
02561     switch (geomtype) {
02562     case MEASURE_BOND:
02563       if ((ret_val=compute_bond_energy(mlist, molid, atmid, &value, (float) params[0], (float) params[1]))<0)
02564         return ret_val;
02565       gValues->append(value);
02566       break;
02567     case MEASURE_ANGLE:
02568       if ((ret_val=compute_angle_energy(mlist, molid, atmid, &value, (float) params[0], (float) params[1], (float) params[2], (float) params[3]))<0)
02569         return ret_val;
02570       gValues->append(value);
02571       break;
02572     case MEASURE_DIHED:
02573       if ((ret_val=compute_dihed_energy(mlist, molid, atmid, &value, (float) params[0], int(params[1]), (float) params[2]))<0)
02574         return ret_val;
02575       gValues->append(value);
02576       break;
02577     case MEASURE_IMPRP:
02578       if ((ret_val=compute_imprp_energy(mlist, molid, atmid, &value, (float) params[0], (float) params[1]))<0)
02579         return ret_val;
02580       gValues->append(value);
02581       break;
02582     case MEASURE_VDW:
02583       if ((ret_val=compute_vdw_energy(mlist, molid, atmid, &value, (float) params[0], (float) params[1], (float) params[2], (float) params[3], (float) params[4], (float) params[5]))<0)
02584         return ret_val;
02585       gValues->append(value);
02586       break;
02587     case MEASURE_ELECT:
02588       if ((ret_val=compute_elect_energy(mlist, molid, atmid, &value, (float) params[0], (float) params[1], (bool) params[2], (bool) params[3], (float) params[4]))<0)
02589         return ret_val;
02590       gValues->append(value);
02591       break;
02592     }
02593   }
02595   // reset the current frame
02596   mol->override_current_frame(orig_ts);
02598   return MEASURE_NOERR;
02599 }
02601 // calculate the energy of this geometry
02602 int compute_bond_energy(MoleculeList *mlist, int *molid, int *atmid, float *energy, float k, float x0) {
02603   int ret_val;
02604   float dist;
02606   // Get the coordinates
02607   if ((ret_val=calculate_bond(mlist, molid, atmid, &dist))<0)
02608         return ret_val;
02609   float x = dist-x0;
02610   *energy = k*x*x;
02612   return MEASURE_NOERR;
02613 }
02615 // calculate the energy of this geometry
02616 int compute_angle_energy(MoleculeList *mlist, int *molid, int *atmid, float *energy,
02617                          float k, float x0, float kub, float s0) {
02618   int ret_val;
02619   float value;
02621   // Get the coordinates
02622   if ((ret_val=calculate_angle(mlist, molid, atmid, &value))<0)
02623         return ret_val;
02624   float x = (float) DEGTORAD((value-x0));
02625   float s = 0.0f;
02627   if (kub>0.0f) {
02628     int twoatoms[2];
02629     twoatoms[0] = atmid[0];
02630     twoatoms[1] = atmid[2];
02631     if ((ret_val=calculate_bond(mlist, molid, twoatoms, &value))<0)
02632       return ret_val;
02633     s = value-s0;
02634   }
02636   *energy = k*x*x + kub*s*s;
02638   return MEASURE_NOERR;
02639 }
02641 // calculate the energy of this geometry
02642 int compute_dihed_energy(MoleculeList *mlist, int *molid, int *atmid, float *energy,
02643                          float k, int n, float delta) {
02644   int ret_val;
02645   float value;
02647   // Get the coordinates
02648   if ((ret_val=calculate_dihed(mlist, molid, atmid, &value))<0)
02649         return ret_val;
02650   *energy = k*(1+cosf((float) (DEGTORAD((n*value-delta)))));
02652   return MEASURE_NOERR;
02653 }
02655 // calculate the energy of this geometry
02656 int compute_imprp_energy(MoleculeList *mlist, int *molid, int *atmid, float *energy,
02657                          float k, float x0) {
02658   int ret_val;
02659   float value;
02661   // Get the coordinates
02662   if ((ret_val=calculate_dihed(mlist, molid, atmid, &value))<0)
02663         return ret_val;
02664   float x = (float) (DEGTORAD((value-x0)));
02665   *energy = k*x*x;
02667   return MEASURE_NOERR;
02668 }
02670 // Calculate the VDW energy for specified pair of atoms
02671 // VDW energy:                                               
02672 // Evdw = eps * ((Rmin/dist)**12 - 2*(Rmin/dist)**6)         
02673 // eps = sqrt(eps1*eps2),  Rmin = Rmin1+Rmin2                
02674 int compute_vdw_energy(MoleculeList *mlist, int *molid, int *atmid, float *energy, float eps1, float rmin1,
02675                          float eps2, float rmin2, float cutoff, float switchdist) {
02676   int ret_val;
02677   float dist;
02679   // Get the coordinates
02680   if ((ret_val=calculate_bond(mlist, molid, atmid, &dist))<0)
02681     return ret_val;
02683   float sw=1.0;
02684   if (switchdist>0.0 && cutoff>0.0) {
02685     if (dist>=cutoff) {
02686       sw = 0.0;
02687     } else if (dist>=switchdist) {
02688       // This is the CHARMM switching function
02689       float dist2 = dist*dist;
02690       float cut2 = cutoff*cutoff;
02691       float switch2 = switchdist*switchdist;
02692       float s = cut2-dist2;
02693       float range = cut2-switch2;
02694       sw = s*s*(cut2+2*dist2-3*switch2)/(range*range*range);
02695     }
02696   }
02698   float term6 = (float) powf((rmin1+rmin2)/dist,6);
02699   *energy = sqrtf(eps1*eps2)*(term6*term6 - 2.0f*term6)*sw;
02701   return MEASURE_NOERR;
02702 }
02704 int compute_elect_energy(MoleculeList *mlist, int *molid, int *atmid, float *energy, float q1, float q2,
02705                          bool flag1, bool flag2, float cutoff) {
02706   int ret_val;
02707   float dist;
02709   // Get the coordinates
02710   if ((ret_val=calculate_bond(mlist, molid, atmid, &dist))<0)
02711     return ret_val;
02713   // Get atom charges
02714   if (!flag1) q1 = mlist->mol_from_id(molid[0])->charge()[atmid[0]];
02715   if (!flag2) q2 = mlist->mol_from_id(molid[0])->charge()[atmid[1]];
02717   if (cutoff>0.0) {
02718     if (dist<cutoff) {
02719       float efac = 1.0f-dist*dist/(cutoff*cutoff);
02720       *energy = 332.0636f*q1*q2/dist*efac*efac;
02721     } else {
02722       *energy = 0.0f;
02723     }
02724   } else {
02725     *energy = 332.0636f*q1*q2/dist;
02726   }
02728   return MEASURE_NOERR;
02729 }
02732 // Compute the center of mass for a given selection.
02733 // The result is put in rcom which has to have a size of at least 3.
02734 static void center_of_mass(AtomSel *sel, MoleculeList *mlist, float *rcom) {
02735   int i;
02736   float m = 0, mtot = 0;
02737   Molecule *mol = mlist->mol_from_id(sel->molid());
02739   // get atom masses
02740   const float *mass = mol->mass();
02742   // get atom coordinates
02743   const float *pos = sel->coordinates(mlist);
02745   memset(rcom, 0, 3L*sizeof(float));
02747   // center of mass
02748   for (i=sel->firstsel; i<=sel->lastsel; i++) {
02749     if (sel->on[i]) {
02750       long ind = i * 3L;
02752       m = mass[i];
02754       rcom[0] += m*pos[ind    ];
02755       rcom[1] += m*pos[ind + 1];
02756       rcom[2] += m*pos[ind + 2];
02758       // total mass
02759       mtot += m;
02760     }
02761   }
02763   rcom[0] /= mtot;
02764   rcom[1] /= mtot;
02765   rcom[2] /= mtot;
02766 }
02769 // Calculate principle axes and moments of inertia for selected atoms.
02770 // The corresponding eigenvalues are also returned, they can be used
02771 // to see if two axes are equivalent. The center of mass will be put
02772 // in parameter rcom.
02773 // The user can provide his own set of coordinates in coor. If this
02774 // parameter is NULL then the coordinates from the selection are used.
02775 extern int measure_inertia(AtomSel *sel, MoleculeList *mlist, const float *coor, float rcom[3],
02776                            float priaxes[3][3], float itensor[4][4], float evalue[3]) {
02777   if (!sel)                     return MEASURE_ERR_NOSEL;
02778   if (sel->num_atoms == 0)      return MEASURE_ERR_NOATOMS;
02780   Molecule *mol = mlist->mol_from_id(sel->molid());
02782   float x, y, z, m;
02783   float Ixx=0, Iyy=0, Izz=0, Ixy=0, Ixz=0, Iyz=0;
02784   int i,j=0;
02786   // need to put 3x3 inertia tensor into 4x4 matrix for jacobi eigensolver
02787   // itensor = {{0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 1}};
02788   memset(itensor, 0, 16L*sizeof(float));
02789   itensor[3][3] = 1.0;
02791   // compute center of mass
02792   center_of_mass(sel, mlist, rcom);
02794   // get atom coordinates
02795   const float *pos = sel->coordinates(mlist);
02797   // get atom masses
02798   const float *mass = mol->mass();
02801   // moments of inertia tensor
02802   for (i=sel->firstsel; i<=sel->lastsel; i++) {
02803     if (sel->on[i]) {
02804       // position relative to COM
02805       if (coor) {
02806         // use user provided coordinates
02807         x = coor[j*3L    ] - rcom[0];
02808         y = coor[j*3L + 1] - rcom[1];
02809         z = coor[j*3L + 2] - rcom[2];
02810         j++;
02811       } else {
02812         // use coordinates from selection
02813         x = pos[i*3L    ] - rcom[0];
02814         y = pos[i*3L + 1] - rcom[1];
02815         z = pos[i*3L + 2] - rcom[2];
02816       }
02818       m = mass[i];
02820       Ixx += m*(y*y+z*z);
02821       Iyy += m*(x*x+z*z);
02822       Izz += m*(x*x+y*y);
02823       Ixy -= m*x*y;
02824       Ixz -= m*x*z;
02825       Iyz -= m*y*z;
02826     }
02827   }
02829   itensor[0][0] = Ixx;
02830   itensor[1][1] = Iyy;
02831   itensor[2][2] = Izz;
02832   itensor[0][1] = Ixy;
02833   itensor[1][0] = Ixy;
02834   itensor[0][2] = Ixz;
02835   itensor[2][0] = Ixz;
02836   itensor[1][2] = Iyz;
02837   itensor[2][1] = Iyz;
02839   // Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of moments of inertia tensor.
02840   // The eigenvectors correspond to the principle axes of inertia.
02841   float evector[3][3];
02842   if (jacobi(itensor,evalue,evector) != 0) return MEASURE_ERR_NONZEROJACOBI;
02844   // transpose the evector matrix to put the vectors in rows
02845   float vectmp;
02846   vectmp=evector[0][1]; evector[0][1]=evector[1][0]; evector[1][0]=vectmp;
02847   vectmp=evector[0][2]; evector[0][2]=evector[2][0]; evector[2][0]=vectmp;
02848   vectmp=evector[2][1]; evector[2][1]=evector[1][2]; evector[1][2]=vectmp;
02851   // sort so that the eigenvalues are from largest to smallest
02852   // (or rather so a[0] is eigenvector with largest eigenvalue, ...)
02853   float *a[3];
02854   a[0] = evector[0];
02855   a[1] = evector[1];
02856   a[2] = evector[2];
02857   // The code for SWAP is copied from measure_fit().
02858   // It swaps rows in the eigenvector matrix.
02859 #define SWAP(qq,ww) {                                           \
02860     float v; float *v1;                                         \
02861     v = evalue[qq]; evalue[qq] = evalue[ww]; evalue[ww] = v;    \
02862     v1 = a[qq]; a[qq] = a[ww]; a[ww] = v1;                      \
02863 }
02864   if (evalue[0] < evalue[1]) {
02865     SWAP(0, 1);
02866   }
02867   if (evalue[0] < evalue[2]) {
02868     SWAP(0, 2);
02869   }
02870   if (evalue[1] < evalue[2]) {
02871     SWAP(1, 2);
02872   }
02874 #if 0
02875   // If the 2nd and 3rd eigenvalues are identical and not close to zero
02876   // then the corresponding axes are not unique. 
02877   if (evalue[1]/evalue[0]>0.1 && fabs(evalue[1]-evalue[2])/evalue[0]<0.05
02878       && fabs(evalue[0]-evalue[1])/evalue[0]>0.05) {
02879     msgInfo << "Principal axes of inertia 2 and 3 are not unique!" << sendmsg;
02880   }
02881 #endif
02883   for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
02884     for (j=0; j<3; j++) 
02885       priaxes[i][j] = a[i][j];
02886   }
02888   return MEASURE_NOERR;
02889 }

Generated on Wed Apr 24 02:42:35 2024 for VMD (current) by doxygen1.2.14 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2002