#include "ResizeArray.h"
#include "Molecule.h"
Go to the source code of this file.
Defines | |
#define | MEASURE_NOERR 0 |
#define | MEASURE_ERR_NOSEL -1 |
#define | MEASURE_ERR_NOATOMS -2 |
#define | MEASURE_ERR_NOCOM -4 |
#define | MEASURE_ERR_NORGYR -4 |
#define | MEASURE_ERR_GENERAL -13 |
#define | MEASURE_ERR_NORADII -14 |
#define | MEASURE_ERR_NOTSUP -16 |
#define | MEASURE_ERR_NOFRAMES -20 |
#define | MEASURE_BOND 2 |
#define | MEASURE_ANGLE 3 |
#define | MEASURE_DIHED 4 |
#define | MEASURE_IMPRP 5 |
#define | MEASURE_VDW 6 |
#define | MEASURE_ELECT 7 |
Enumerations | |
Functions | |
const char * | measure_error (int errnum) |
int | measure_move (const AtomSel *sel, float *framepos, const Matrix4 &mat) |
int | measure_avpos (const AtomSel *sel, MoleculeList *mlist, int start, int end, int step, float *avpos) |
int | measure_center (const AtomSel *sel, const float *framepos, const float *weight, float *com) |
int | measure_center_perresidue (MoleculeList *mlist, const AtomSel *sel, const float *framepos, const float *weight, float *com) |
int | measure_dipole (const AtomSel *sel, MoleculeList *mlist, float *dipole, int unitsdebye, int usecenter) |
int | measure_hbonds (Molecule *mol, AtomSel *sel1, AtomSel *sel2, double cut, double maxangle, int *donlist, int *hydlist, int *acclist, int maxsize) |
int | measure_fit (const AtomSel *sel1, const AtomSel *sel2, const float *x, const float *y, const float *weight, const int *order, Matrix4 *mat) |
int | measure_minmax (int num, const int *on, const float *framepos, const float *radii, float *min_coord, float *max_coord) |
int | measure_rgyr (const AtomSel *sel, MoleculeList *mlist, const float *weight, float *rgyr) |
measure the radius of gyration, including the given weights. More... | |
int | measure_rmsd (const AtomSel *sel1, const AtomSel *sel2, int num, const float *f1, const float *f2, float *weight, float *rmsd) |
measure the rmsd given a selection and weight term. More... | |
int | measure_rmsd_perresidue (const AtomSel *sel1, const AtomSel *sel2, MoleculeList *mlist, int num, float *weight, float *rmsd) |
int | measure_rmsd_qcp (VMDApp *app, const AtomSel *sel1, const AtomSel *sel2, int num, const float *f1, const float *f2, float *weight, float *rmsd) |
int | measure_rmsdmat_qcp (VMDApp *app, const AtomSel *sel, MoleculeList *mlist, int num, float *weight, int start, int end, int step, float *rmsd) |
int | measure_rmsdmat_qcp_ooc (VMDApp *app, const AtomSel *sel, MoleculeList *mlist, int nfiles, const char **trjfileset, int num, float *weight, int start, int end, int step, int &framecount, float *&rmsd) |
int | FastCalcRMSDAndRotation (double *rot, double *A, float *rmsd, double E0, int len, double minScore) |
int | measure_rmsf (const AtomSel *sel, MoleculeList *mlist, int start, int end, int step, float *rmsf) |
int | measure_rmsf_perresidue (const AtomSel *sel, MoleculeList *mlist, int start, int end, int step, float *rmsf) |
int | measure_sumweights (const AtomSel *sel, int numweights, const float *weights, float *weightsum) |
int | measure_sasa (const AtomSel *sel, const float *framepos, const float *radius, float srad, float *sasa, ResizeArray< float > *pts, const AtomSel *restrictsel, const int *nsamples) |
int | measure_sasalist (MoleculeList *mlist, const AtomSel **sellist, int numsels, float srad, float *sasalist, const int *nsamples) |
int | measure_sasa_perresidue (const AtomSel *sel, const float *framepos, const float *radius, float srad, float *sasa, ResizeArray< float > *sasapts, const AtomSel *restrictsel, const int *nsamples, int *rescount, MoleculeList *mlist) |
int | measure_cluster (AtomSel *sel, MoleculeList *mlist, const int numcluster, const int algorithm, const int likeness, const double cutoff, int *clustersize, int **clusterlist, int first, int last, int step, int selupdate, float *weights) |
int | measure_clustsize (const AtomSel *sel, MoleculeList *mlist, const double cutoff, int *clustersize, int *clusternum, int *clusteridx, int minsize, int numshared, int usepbc) |
int | measure_gofr (AtomSel *sel1, AtomSel *sel2, MoleculeList *mlist, const int count_h, double *gofr, double *numint, double *histog, const float delta, int first, int last, int step, int *framecntr, int usepbc, int selupdate) |
int | measure_rdf (VMDApp *app, AtomSel *sel1, AtomSel *sel2, MoleculeList *mlist, const int count_h, double *gofr, double *numint, double *histog, const float delta, int first, int last, int step, int *framecntr, int usepbc, int selupdate) |
int | measure_geom (MoleculeList *mlist, int *molid, int *atmid, ResizeArray< float > *gValues, int frame, int first, int last, int defmolid, int geomtype) |
int | calculate_bond (MoleculeList *mlist, int *molid, int *atmid, float *value) |
int | calculate_angle (MoleculeList *mlist, int *molid, int *atmid, float *value) |
int | calculate_dihed (MoleculeList *mlist, int *molid, int *atmid, float *value) |
int | check_mol (Molecule *mol, int a) |
int | normal_atom_coord (Molecule *m, int a, float *pos) |
int | measure_energy (MoleculeList *mlist, int *molid, int *atmid, int natoms, ResizeArray< float > *gValues, int frame, int first, int last, int defmolid, double *params, int geomtype) |
int | compute_bond_energy (MoleculeList *mlist, int *molid, int *atmid, float *energy, float k, float x0) |
int | compute_angle_energy (MoleculeList *mlist, int *molid, int *atmid, float *energy, float k, float x0, float kub, float s0) |
int | compute_dihed_energy (MoleculeList *mlist, int *molid, int *atmid, float *energy, float k, int n, float delta) |
int | compute_imprp_energy (MoleculeList *mlist, int *molid, int *atmid, float *energy, float k, float x0) |
int | compute_vdw_energy (MoleculeList *mlist, int *molid, int *atmid, float *energy, float rmin1, float eps1, float rmin2, float eps2, float cutoff, float switchdist) |
int | compute_elect_energy (MoleculeList *mlist, int *molid, int *atmid, float *energy, float q1, float q2, bool flag1, bool flag2, float cutoff) |
int | measure_pbc2onc (MoleculeList *mlist, int molid, int frame, const float *center, Matrix4 &transform) |
void | get_transform_to_orthonormal_cell (const float *cell, const float center[3], Matrix4 &transform) |
int | measure_pbc_neighbors (MoleculeList *mlist, AtomSel *sel, int molid, int frame, const Matrix4 *alignment, const float *center, const float *cutoff, const float *box, ResizeArray< float > *extcoord_array, ResizeArray< int > *indexmap_array) |
int | compute_pbcminmax (MoleculeList *mlist, int molid, int frame, const float *center, const Matrix4 *transform, float *min, float *max) |
int | measure_surface (AtomSel *sel, MoleculeList *mlist, const float *framepos, const double gridsz, const double radius, const double sel_dist, int **surface, int *n_surf) |
int | measure_inertia (AtomSel *sel, MoleculeList *mlist, const float *coor, float rcom[3], float priaxes[3][3], float itensor[4][4], float evalue[3]) |
Definition at line 57 of file Measure.h. Referenced by measure_energy, measure_geom, py_measure_angle, vmd_measure_angle, and vmd_measure_energy. |
Definition at line 56 of file Measure.h. Referenced by measure_energy, measure_geom, py_measure_bond, vmd_measure_bond, and vmd_measure_energy. |
Definition at line 58 of file Measure.h. Referenced by measure_energy, measure_geom, py_measure_dihed, vmd_measure_dihed, and vmd_measure_energy. |
Definition at line 61 of file Measure.h. Referenced by measure_energy, and vmd_measure_energy. |
Definition at line 52 of file Measure.h. Referenced by check_mol. |
Definition at line 53 of file Measure.h. Referenced by measure_pbc_neighbors. |
Definition at line 48 of file Measure.h. Referenced by measure_avpos, measure_cluster, measure_gofr, measure_rdf, measure_rmsdmat_qcp, measure_rmsdmat_qcp_ooc, measure_rmsf, and measure_rmsf_perresidue. |
Definition at line 46 of file Measure.h. Referenced by tcl_get_orders. |
Definition at line 31 of file Measure.h. Referenced by get_weights_from_tcl_list, and tcl_get_weights. |
Definition at line 38 of file Measure.h. Referenced by get_weights_from_attribute, get_weights_from_tcl_list, measure_sumweights, tcl_get_weights, vmd_measure_cluster, and vmd_volmap_new_fromtype. |
Definition at line 36 of file Measure.h. Referenced by measure_center, measure_rgyr, measure_rmsd, and measure_rmsd_perresidue. |
Definition at line 44 of file Measure.h. Referenced by measure_fit, measure_gofr, measure_rdf, measure_rgyr, and measure_sumweights. |
Definition at line 40 of file Measure.h. Referenced by measure_fit, measure_rmsd, measure_rmsd_perresidue, measure_rmsd_qcp, measure_sasa, and measure_sasa_perresidue. |
Definition at line 49 of file Measure.h. Referenced by measure_gofr, and measure_rdf. |
Definition at line 30 of file Measure.h. Referenced by VolMapCreate::compute_init, Symmetry::guess, measure_avpos, measure_dipole, measure_inertia, measure_minmax, measure_rmsf, measure_rmsf_perresidue, measure_surface, and measure_trans_overlap. |
Definition at line 33 of file Measure.h. Referenced by measure_center, and measure_center_perresidue. |
Definition at line 42 of file Measure.h. Referenced by measure_center, measure_center_perresidue, measure_move, measure_sasa, and measure_sasa_perresidue. |
Definition at line 51 of file Measure.h. Referenced by compute_pbcminmax, measure_energy, measure_geom, measure_pbc2onc, measure_pbc_neighbors, and normal_atom_coord. |
Definition at line 34 of file Measure.h. Referenced by measure_minmax. |
Definition at line 37 of file Measure.h. Referenced by check_mol, compute_pbcminmax, measure_energy, measure_geom, measure_pbc2onc, measure_pbc_neighbors, tcl_get_weights, vmd_measure_cluster, vmd_measure_clustsize, vmd_measure_fit, vmd_measure_inertia, vmd_measure_pbc_neighbors, vmd_measure_symmetry, vmd_measure_trans_overlap, vmd_volmap_ils, and vmd_volmap_new_fromtype. |
Definition at line 39 of file Measure.h. Referenced by tcl_get_orders, and tcl_get_weights. |
Definition at line 43 of file Measure.h. Referenced by measure_fit, and measure_inertia. |
Definition at line 35 of file Measure.h. Referenced by measure_rgyr. |
Definition at line 47 of file Measure.h. Referenced by measure_fit. |
Definition at line 32 of file Measure.h. Referenced by VolMapCreateInterp::compute_frame, VolMapCreateDensity::compute_frame, measure_center, measure_center_perresidue, measure_rmsd, measure_rmsd_perresidue, measure_rmsd_qcp, and measure_sumweights. |
Definition at line 50 of file Measure.h. Referenced by measure_energy, and measure_geom. |
Definition at line 54 of file Measure.h. Referenced by VolMapCreate::compute_init. |
Definition at line 59 of file Measure.h. Referenced by measure_energy, and vmd_measure_energy. |
Definition at line 60 of file Measure.h. Referenced by measure_energy, and vmd_measure_energy. |
Definition at line 2583 of file Measure.C. Referenced by compute_angle_energy, and measure_geom. |
Definition at line 2566 of file Measure.C. Referenced by compute_angle_energy, compute_bond_energy, compute_elect_energy, compute_vdw_energy, and measure_geom. |
Definition at line 2603 of file Measure.C. Referenced by compute_dihed_energy, compute_imprp_energy, and measure_geom. |
Definition at line 2654 of file Measure.C. Referenced by normal_atom_coord. |
Definition at line 2757 of file Measure.C. Referenced by measure_energy. |
Definition at line 2743 of file Measure.C. Referenced by measure_energy. |
Definition at line 2783 of file Measure.C. Referenced by measure_energy. |
Definition at line 2845 of file Measure.C. Referenced by measure_energy. |
Definition at line 2797 of file Measure.C. Referenced by measure_energy. |
Definition at line 652 of file MeasurePBC.C. |
Definition at line 2815 of file Measure.C. Referenced by measure_energy. |
Definition at line 1432 of file MeasureQCP.C. |
Definition at line 419 of file Measure.C. Referenced by measure_avpos_perresidue, measure_rmsf, and vmd_measure_avpos. |
Definition at line 196 of file Measure.C. Referenced by center, cluster_get_rgyrd, fit, fpbc_exec_wrapatomic_cpu, fpbc_exec_wrapcompound_cpu, measure_fit, measure_rgyr, and vmd_measure_center. |
Definition at line 154 of file Measure.C. References num. Referenced by centerperresidue, measure_rmsf_perresidue, and vmd_measure_centerperresidue. |
Definition at line 738 of file MeasureCluster.C. |
Definition at line 919 of file MeasureCluster.C. |
Definition at line 462 of file Measure.C. Referenced by vmd_measure_dipole. |
Definition at line 2665 of file Measure.C. Referenced by vmd_measure_energy. |
Definition at line 1128 of file Measure.C. Referenced by py_fit, and vmd_measure_fit. |
Definition at line 2502 of file Measure.C. Referenced by py_measure_angle, py_measure_bond, py_measure_dihed, vmd_measure_angle, vmd_measure_bond, and vmd_measure_dihed. |
Definition at line 2146 of file Measure.C. Referenced by vmd_measure_gofr. |
Definition at line 557 of file Measure.C. Referenced by py_hbonds, and vmd_measure_hbonds. |
Definition at line 2916 of file Measure.C. Referenced by Symmetry::impose, and vmd_measure_inertia. |
Definition at line 281 of file Measure.C. Referenced by VolMapCreate::calculate_minmax, measure_surface, minmax, and vmd_measure_minmax. |
Definition at line 71 of file Measure.C. References mat. Referenced by atomselect_move, move, and py_move. |
Definition at line 228 of file MeasurePBC.C. References n. |
Definition at line 131 of file MeasureRDF.C. References num. |
measure the radius of gyration, including the given weights.
Definition at line 737 of file Measure.C. Referenced by py_rgyr, and vmd_measure_rgyr. |
measure the rmsd given a selection and weight term.
Definition at line 866 of file Measure.C. Referenced by cluster_get_rmsd, py_rmsd, and vmd_measure_rmsd. |
Definition at line 780 of file Measure.C. Referenced by py_rmsdperresidue, and vmd_measure_rmsdperresidue. |
Definition at line 846 of file MeasureQCP.C. |
Definition at line 1068 of file MeasureQCP.C. |
Definition at line 1249 of file MeasureQCP.C. |
Definition at line 682 of file Measure.C. Referenced by py_rmsf, and vmd_measure_rmsf. |
Definition at line 626 of file Measure.C. Referenced by py_rmsfperresidue, and vmd_measure_rmsfperresidue. |
Definition at line 1556 of file Measure.C. Referenced by sasa, and vmd_measure_sasa. |
Definition at line 1416 of file Measure.C. Referenced by sasa_perresidue, and vmd_measure_sasaperresidue. |
Definition at line 1828 of file Measure.C. Referenced by vmd_measure_sasalist. |
Definition at line 123 of file Measure.C. References num. Referenced by vmd_measure_sumweights. |
Definition at line 1481 of file MeasureSurface.C. |
Definition at line 2625 of file Measure.C. Referenced by calculate_angle, calculate_bond, and calculate_dihed. |