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PinchTool Member List

This is the complete list of members for PinchTool, including all inherited members.
act_on_command(int, Command *)UIObject [inline, virtual]
active() constUIObject [inline]
add_buttons(Buttons *, const SensorConfig *)Tool
add_feedback(Feedback *, const SensorConfig *)Tool
add_tracker(VMDTracker *, const SensorConfig *)Tool
addplaneconstraint(float k, const float *point, const float *normal)Tool [protected]
alive() constTool [inline]
appUIObject [protected]
assign_rep(int mol, int rep)Tool
check_event()Tool [virtual]
clear_rep()Tool [inline]
cmdQueueUIObject [protected]
command_wanted(int cmd)UIObject [protected]
dimension()Tool [protected]
do_event()PinchTool [virtual]
do_off()UIObject [inline, protected, virtual]
do_on()UIObject [inline, protected, virtual]
dtoolTool [protected]
forceoff()Tool [protected]
forcescaleTool [protected]
get_buttons() constTool [inline]
get_feedback() constTool [inline]
get_rep_molid() constTool [inline]
get_rep_name() constTool [inline]
get_targeted_atom(int *molret, int *atomret) constTool [protected]
get_tracker() constTool [inline]
getdevices(char **ret)Tool
getforcescale()Tool [inline]
getspringscale() constTool [inline]
getTargetScale()Tool [protected]
id() constTool [inline]
is_targeted() constTool [inline, protected]
isgrabbing()PinchTool [inline, virtual]
kill()Tool [inline]
let_go()Tool [inline, protected]
make_callbacksUIObject [protected]
Off()UIObject [inline]
On()UIObject [inline]
orientation()Tool [virtual]
PinchTool(int id, VMDApp *, Displayable *)PinchTool
position() constTool [virtual]
remove_device(const char *device)Tool
reset()UIObject [inline, protected, virtual]
runcommand(Command *)UIObject [protected]
sendforce()Tool [protected]
set_callbacks(int on)UIObject [inline]
setconstraint(float k, const float *point)Tool [protected]
setforcefield(const float *origin, const float *force, const float *jacobian)Tool [protected]
setforcescale(float f)Tool [inline]
setoffset(float *offset)Tool
setplaneconstraint(float k, const float *point, const float *normal)Tool [protected]
setscale(float scale)Tool
setspringscale(float sc)PinchTool [inline, virtual]
start_tug()PinchTool [inline, protected, virtual]
steal_sensor(Tool *from)Tool
target(int target_type, float *mpos, int just_checking)Tool [protected]
Tool(int id, VMDApp *, Displayable *aParentDisplayable)Tool
tool_location_update()Tool [protected]
tug(const float *)Tool [protected]
type_name() constPinchTool [inline, virtual]
UIObject(VMDApp *)UIObject
want_command(int cmd)UIObject [inline]
wasgrabbingTool [protected]
~Tool()Tool [virtual]
~UIObject(void)UIObject [virtual]

Generated on Thu Feb 6 02:45:49 2025 for VMD (current) by doxygen1.2.14 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2002