how to use the dual-processor machines

From: Xiaoqing Wang (
Date: Sat Jul 30 2005 - 08:37:39 CDT


I run NAMD_2.6b1 Linux-amd64 binary on AMD64 opteron cluster.
There are two cpus per node.
How to use the dual-processor machines.

Is it as follows?

If the nodelist file contains
group main
host node1
host node2
running NAMD as:
charmrun namd2 +p4 <configfile>

But the CPU speed is slower than that when the nodelist file contains
group main
host node1
host node2
host node3
host node4
running NAMD as:
charmrun namd2 +p4 <configfile>

Any tips would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!


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