Paper on Classical treatment for calculating pKas

From: Brian Bennion (
Date: Fri Mar 12 2004 - 13:40:33 CST

I thought since there had been discussions recently about simulating pH
that this paper might stimulate some more thinking.

 Proton Binding to Proteins: pKa Calculations with Explicit and Implicit
Solvent Models
Thomas Simonson, Jens Carlsson, and David A. Case


**Brian Bennion, Ph.D. **
**Computational and Systems Biology Division **
**Biology and Biotechnology Research Program **
**Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory **
**P.O. Box 808, L-448 **
**7000 East Avenue phone: (925) 422-5722 **
**Livermore, CA 94550 fax: (925) 424-6605 **

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