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Defining and setting up collective variables

A collective variable is defined by the keyword colvar followed by its configuration options contained within curly braces:

colvar {
  name xi
  <other options>

There are multiple ways of defining a variable:

All components listed in section [*], including the cartesian component make use of atom selection keyword described in section [*].

The remainder of this section lists options to control the behavior of a variable, regardless of how it was defined. Only the options name, width, lowerBoundary and upperBoundary are the most commonly used ([*]).

General options for a collective variable

Trajectory output

Extended Lagrangian.

The following options enable extended-system dynamics, where a colvar is coupled to an additional degree of freedom (fictitious particle) by a harmonic spring. All biasing and confining forces are then applied to the extended degree of freedom. The ``actual'' geometric colvar (function of Cartesian coordinates) only feels the force from the harmonic spring. This is particularly useful when combined with an ABF bias ([*]) to perform eABF simulations (10.6.2).

Statistical analysis of collective variables

When the global keyword analysis is defined in the configuration file, run-time calculations of statistical properties for individual colvars can be performed. At the moment, several types of time correlation functions, running averages and running standard deviations are available.

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