Now on the dance floor--Here's Charles and Michele!

From: charles joseph smith (
Date: Thu Jan 31 2002 - 13:05:10 CST

  • Next message: Joe Grohens: "Tango dance tonight at Regent"

    Let me tell you that my strong dance partner, Michele, will come
    from France and will be at the U. of I. for five months. She is expected
    to do physics research at the Loomis Lab on the weekdays as a visiting
    professor. You may have seen us dance at the Regent last year.

    Sadly, once Michele arrives don't expect to see us dance immediately. Two
    weeks before her trip, living in her house in Mulhouse, France,
    Michele had cut her finger in a knife accident while she tried make a
    sandwich. We planned to dance in the Swing and Salsa Semi-Formal this
    coming Feb. 8. But her injury means we may not go there after all. She
    says it will take two weeks for her finger to be better. If her hand
    heals ahead of schedule, expect us dancing in the lindy circle in the
    semi-formal, if there is a lindy circle at all.

    We also plan to go to the Chicago Salsa Congress and salsa our nights away
    this Valentine's Day weekend. We plan to go to more of the salsa dances
    their than classes or workshops. I also intend to get my favorite salsa
    cassettes and CDs there.

    Finally, we will go to the Catskills on March 7-10; we call this "a spring
    break--ballroom dance style". We will go to this famous resort in
    Monticello, New York (the site where "Dirty Dancing" was shot) to enjoy a
    non-competitive, fun week of Latin, Ballroom, and Swing dancing.

    When we dance Argentine tango, we dance it quite differently. One thing
    you will see is that I will lean my head in such a way that it actually
    touches over Michele's left shoulder. Quite passionate for this type of
    tango, isn't it?


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