Re: Replica exchange problem

From: Josh Vermaas (
Date: Mon Sep 21 2020 - 15:36:19 CDT

Keep the NAMD-L on the replies, so that the wider community can benefit.
The NAN values are the problem here, since those are the non-numeric values
Tcl is complaining about. When are they popping up? Is it already a problem
at step 0, or only at the first exchange step?


On Mon, Sep 21, 2020, 1:58 PM Julian David Baquero Contreras <> wrote:

> Good afternoon,
> Thank you very much for the previous answer. The situation is that the
> number of replicas does not matter, one of them appears the following
> ENERGY: 100 46566.4743 94260.8332 71584.1425 2277.6796 -1951225.0071
> 13502916.0935 0.0000 0.1534 nan nan nan 11766380.3694 -nan nan nan nan
> 6193441.0142 nan nan
> FEP: 100 216318.0910 -1951225.0071 13502916.0935
> TCL: can't use non-numeric floating-point value as operand of "-"
> FATAL ERROR: can't use non-numeric floating-point value as operand of "-"
> while executing
> "expr $ saved_array (TOTAL) - $ saved_array (KINETIC)"
> ("while" body line 38)
> invoked from within
> "while {$ i_run <$ num_runs} {
> # if {$ i_run == 0} {
> # minimize 200
> #}
> if {$ i_run% 2 == 0} {
> set swap a; set other b
> } else {
> ... "
> (file "FEP_remd_softcore.namd" line 149)
> invoked from within
> "source FEP_remd_softcore.namd"
> The system is balanced, but in the inputs fep_site.conf,
> FEP_remd_softcore.namd and fep_site_base.namd it is not seen how the
> equ_site_6 files are used, which are the balance files. What should be
> added or taken into account to add the files?
> Thank you very much for the help. I expect a prompt response.
> El mié., 2 de sep. de 2020 a la(s) 17:10, Josh Vermaas (
> escribió:
>> Hi Julian,
>> Don't use a multicore build of NAMD for replica exchange, as that isn't
>> supported. The netlrts build will be fine for this purpose, and you'd call
>> it with charmrun. On a single node, it'd be something like this:
>> charmrun ++local +p 12 +ppn 1 namd2 configfile.namd +replicas 12 +stdout
>> output_site/%d/job0.%d.log
>> That will buy you a 12 replicas, each with a single processor assigned to
>> their computation. This WILL run slowly, just FYI.
>> -Josh
>> On Wed, Sep 2, 2020 at 12:16 PM Julian David Baquero Contreras <
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have been trying to perform a protein-ligand calculation using replica
>>> exchange, since I did the system on the CHARM-GUI web. But I get the
>>> following error:
>>> Charm ++: standalone mode (not using charmrun)
>>> Charm ++> Running in Multicore mode: 12 threads (PEs)
>>> ------- Partition 0 Processor 0 Exiting: Called CmiAbort ------
>>> Reason: + partitions other than 1 is not allowed for multicore build
>>> [0] Stack Traceback:
>>> [0: 0] namd2 0x150e6f7
>>> [0: 1] namd2 0x516dd3
>>> [0: 2] namd2 0x50c7b2
>>> [0: 3] 0x7fbfa0df909b __libc_start_main
>>> [0: 4] namd2 0x411935
>>> Segment violation
>>> I am doing this from a single node since I have the NAMD version
>>> 2.14_Linux-x86_64-multicore. The command I use is the following:
>>> namd2 + p12 + replicas 12 fep_site.conf --source FEP_remd_softcore.namd
>>> + stdout output_site /% d / job0.% d.log
>>> If I add the charmrun command the exact same thing happens how could I
>>> perform this calculation using this single node?
>>> Thank you very much, I look forward to a prompt reply.
>>> --
>>> Julián David Baquero Contreras.
>>> Químico.
>>> Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
>>> Bogotá, Colombia.
> --
> Julián David Baquero Contreras.
> Químico.
> Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
> Bogotá, Colombia.
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