From: Shoresh Shafei (
Date: Fri Jan 30 2015 - 02:28:17 CST
Thank you for tying it on your machine. The questions is why this is happening. Did you have any explanation for it?
Best Regards
> On Jan 30, 2015, at 3:25 AM, Tristan Croll <> wrote:
> I tried this out on my machine using TIP3P water, the CHARMM-36 forcefield, and NAMD 2.10, and I see the same thing. During energy minimization the water molecules adopt a wide range of angles down to about 95 degrees, but they all snap back to ideality as soon as the equilibrium simulation starts.
> Tristan
> From: <> on behalf of Norman Geist <>
> Sent: Thursday, 29 January 2015 5:56 PM
> To: 'Shoresh Shafei'
> Cc:
> Subject: AW: namd-l: problem with water molecules angle in MD simulation
> Couldn’t see anything unsual. Have you already tried recreating the .top file, sometimes there are corruptions which lead to such behavior?
> Norman Geist.
> Von: Shoresh Shafei []
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 28. Januar 2015 17:21
> An: Norman Geist
> Betreff: Re: namd-l: problem with water molecules angle in MD simulation
> Hi Norman,
> The minimization and constant T simulation input files are attached.
> The rigid bond option did not work when used in Minimization simulation.
> Thank You!
> Shoresh
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