IMD on MPI versions of NAMD

From: Brian Bennion (
Date: Mon Dec 01 2003 - 12:19:28 CST


Has anyone had experience with VMD-IMD-NAMD on a massively parallel
In my case I have NAMD working in an MPI environment on a couple of
thousand processors. Each job is started with a native 'srun' command
which is similar to the prun command noted in the docs.

Which host would I tell the IMD interface to connect with?

Thank you for your comments.

On Mon, 1 Dec 2003, Fangqiang Zhu wrote:

> Hi,
> Please find comments from Justin Gullingsrud below. Hope it helps.
> Zhu
> From: "David E. Konerding" <>
> Date: November 26, 2003 12:09:10 PM PST
> To:
> Subject: namd-l: updating coordinates using IMD
> Hi,
> I am interested in using IMD, I've gone through the code and managed
> to write a simple Python extension (yes, I know about the python IMD
> wrappers, but
> I wanted a pure python version). It works OK in most cases, although
> I find that the NAMD side is a bit flaky; sometimes it disconnects telling
> me my
> VMD version number is too old. When it does work I can collect forces
> and energies.
> What is probably happening is that you are not sending the GO message soon
> enough after receiving the handshake message from NAMD. If NAMD doesn't
> receive a
> response within one second it drops the connection with an error message
> about incompatible IMD versions. That message could admittedly be a bit
> more helpful.
> I have a few questions:
> 1) Is the IMD socket protocol truly asynchronous: the read and write
> messages are totally distinct from each other (I'm more accustomed to
> call/response style
> protocols).
> Yes, neither VMD nor NAMD wait for a response from each other. The idea is
> that there is no point in resending coordinates or forces if something was
> lost in transmission.
> VMD is continually redrawing the screen based on the most recent
> coordinates, and, when steering atoms with something like a haptic device,
> forces are continually changing.
> Making either system wait would decrease the responsiveness.
> 2) IMD doesn't seem to have any support for changing the coordinates
> directly and getting an energy evaluation. IE, I want to NAMD to remain
> paused, I
> update all atomic coords to new ones, get back the energy given those
> coords,
> and NAMD goes back to a paused state.
> Yes, there is currently support only for sending forces to a dynamics
> simulation.
> My thinking was to add a new message, IMD_COORDS, which the client
> could send to NAMD and update the coordinates. Then, another message,
> IMD_GO_ONCE, would cause NAMD to evaluate forces/energies, send one
> IMD_ENERGIES and one IMD_FCOORDS, and return to paused.
> IMD_GO_ONCE shouldn't be any problem. For technical reasons I think it
> would be difficult to make NAMD accept a new set of coordinate while the
> simulation was running.
> Jim Phillips could comment more precisely, but I think one would need to
> suspend the simulation momentarily, apply the new coordinates, then resume,
> and I'm not sure if the
> current interface is capable of that.
> Cheers,
> Justin

**Brian Bennion, Ph.D.                                         **
**Computational and Systems Biology Division                   **
**Biology and Biotechnology Research Program                   **
**Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory                       **
**P.O. Box 808, L-448                     **
**7000 East Avenue       phone: (925) 422-5722                 **
**Livermore, CA  94550   fax:   (925) 424-6605                 **

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