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Adaptive Biasing Force Calculations

This feature has been contributed to NAMD by the following authors:

Jérôme Hénin and Christophe Chipot

Equipe de dynamique des assemblages membranaires,
Institut nancéien de chimie moléculaire,
Université Henri Poincaré,
BP 239,
54506 Vand\oeuvre-lès-Nancy cedex, France


Introduction and theoretical background

Strictly speaking, a potential of mean force (PMF) is the reversible work supplied to the system to bring two solvated particles, or ensembles of particles, from an infinite separation to some contact distance: [8]

w(r) = -\frac{1}{\beta} \ln g(r)
\end{displaymath} (4)

Here, $g(r)$ is the pair correlation function of the two particles, or ensembles thereof. The vocabulary ``PMF'' has, however, been extended to a wide range of reaction coordinates that go far beyond simple interatomic or intermolecular distances. In this perspective, generalization of equation (4) is not straightforward. This explains why it may be desirable to turn to a definition suitable for any type of reaction coordinate, $\xi$:

A(\xi) = -\frac{1}{\beta} \ln {\mathcal P}_\xi + A_0
\end{displaymath} (5)

$A(\xi)$ is the free energy of the state defined by a particular value of $\xi$, which corresponds to an iso-$\xi$ hypersurface in phase space. $A_0$ is a constant and ${\mathcal P}_\xi $ is the probability density to find the chemical system of interest at $\xi$.

The connection between the derivative of the free energy with respect to the reaction coordinate, ${\rm d}A(\xi) / {\rm d}\xi$, and the forces exerted along the latter may be written as: [24,11]

\frac{{\rm d}A(\xi)}{{\rm d}\xi} = \left\langle \frac{\parti...
...{\partial \xi} \right\rangle_\xi
= -\langle F_\xi \rangle_\xi
\end{displaymath} (6)

where $\vert J\vert$ is the determinant of the Jacobian for the transformation from generalized to Cartesian coordinates. The first term of the ensemble average corresponds to the Cartesian forces exerted on the system, derived from the potential energy function, ${\mathcal V}({\bf x})$. The second contribution is a geometric correction arising from the change in the metric of the phase space due to the use of generalized coordinates. It is worth noting, that, contrary to its instantaneous component, $F_\xi$, only the average force, $\langle F_\xi \rangle_\xi$, is physically meaningful.

In the framework of the average biasing force (ABF) approach, [10,20] $F_\xi$ is accumulated in small windows or bins of finite size, $\delta \xi$, thereby providing an estimate of the derivative ${\rm d}A(\xi) / {\rm d}\xi$ defined in equation (6). The force applied along the reaction coordinate, $\xi$, to overcome free energy barriers is defined by:

{\bf F}^{\rm ABF} = \mbox{\boldmath$\nabla_{\!\!x}\,$}\widet...
...ngle F_\xi \rangle_\xi \ \mbox{\boldmath$\nabla_{\!\!x}\,$}\xi
\end{displaymath} (7)

where $\widetilde A$ denotes the current estimate of the free energy and $\langle F_\xi \rangle_\xi$, the current average of $F_\xi$.

As sampling of the phase space proceeds, the estimate $\mbox{\boldmath$\nabla_{\!\!x}\,$}\widetilde A$ is progressively refined. The biasing force, ${\bf F}^{\rm ABF}$, introduced in the equations of motion guarantees that in the bin centered about $\xi$, the force acting along the reaction coordinate averages to zero over time. Evolution of the system along $\xi$ is, therefore, governed mainly by its self-diffusion properties.

A particular feature of the instantaneous force, $F_\xi$, is its tendency to fluctuate significantly. As a result, in the beginning of an ABF simulation, the accumulated average in each bin will generally take large, inaccurate values. Under these circumstances, applying the biasing force along $\xi$ according to equation (7) may severely perturb the dynamics of the system, thereby biasing artificially the accrued average, and, thus, impede convergence. To avoid such undesirable effects, no biasing force is applied in a bin centered about $\xi$ until a reasonable number of force samples has been collected. When the user-defined minimum number of samples is reached, the biasing force is introduced progressively in the form of a linear ramp. For optimal efficiency, this minimal number of samples should be adjusted on a system-dependent basis.

In addition, to alleviate the deleterious effects caused by abrupt variations of the force, the corresponding fluctuations are smoothed out, using a weighted running average over a preset number of adjacent bins, in lieu of the average of the current bin itself. It is, however, crucial to ascertain that the free energy profile varies regularly in the $\xi$-interval, over which the average is performed.

To obtain an adequate sampling in reasonable simulation times, it is recommended to split long reaction pathways into consecutive ranges of $\xi$. In contrast with probability-based methods, ABF does not require that these windows overlap by virtue of the continuity of the force across the the reaction pathway.

A more comprehensive discussion of the theoretical basis of the method and its implementation in NAMD can be found in [13].

Using the NAMD implementation of the adaptive biasing force method

The ABF method has been implemented as a suite of Tcl routines that can be invoked from the main configuration file used to run molecular dynamics simulations with NAMD.

The routines can be invoked by including the following command in the configuration file:

source <path to>/lib/abf/abf.tcl

where <path to>/lib/abf/abf.tcl is the complete path to the main ABF file. The other Tcl files of the ABF package must be located in the same directory.

A second option for loading the ABF module is to source the lib/init.tcl file distributed with NAMD, and then use the Tcl package facility. The file may be sourced in the config file:

source <path to>/lib/init.tcl
package require abf

Or, to make the config file portable, the init file may be the first config file passed to NAMD:

namd2 <path to>/lib/init.tcl myconfig.namd

and then the config file need only contain:

package require abf

Note that the ABF code makes use of the TclForces and TclForcesScript commands. As a result, NAMD configuration files should not call the latter directly when running ABF.

Parameters for ABF simulations

The following parameters have been defined to control ABF calculations. They may be set using the folowing syntax:

abf <keyword> <value>

where <value> may be a number, a word or a Tcl list. Keywords are not case-sensitive.

Including restraints in ABF simulations

In close connection with the possibility to run umbrella sampling simulations, the ABF module of NAMD also includes the capability to add sets of restraints to confine the system in selected regions of configurational space. Incorporation of harmonic restraints may be invoked using a syntax similar in spirit to that adopted in the conformational free energy module of NAMD:

abf restraintList {
   angle1  {angle {A 1 CA} {G 1 N3} {G 1 N1}          40.0 30.0}
   dihe1   {dihe  {A 1 O1} {A 1 CA} {A 1 O2} {G 1 N3} 40.0  0.0}
   dihe2   {dihe  {A 1 CA} {A 1 O2} {G 1 N2} {G 1 N3} 40.0  0.0}

The general syntax of an item of this list is:

name {type atom1 atom2 [atom3] [atom4] k reference}

where name could be any word used to refer to the restraint in the NAMD output. type is the type of restraint, i.e.a distance, dist, a valence angle, angle, or a dihedral angle, dihe. Definition of the successive atoms follows the syntax of NAMD conformation free energy calculations. k is the force constant of the harmonic restraint, the unit of which depends on type. reference is the reference, target value of the restrained coordinate.

Aside from dist, angle and dihe, which correspond to harmonic restraints, linear ramps have been added for distances, using the specific keyword distLin. In this particular case, generally useful in umbrella sampling free energy calculations, the syntax is:

name {distLin atom1 atom2 F r1 r2}

where F is the force in kcal/mol/Å. The restraint is applied over the interval between r1 and r2.

The harm restraint applies, onto one single atom, a harmonic potential of the form

V(x,y,z) = \frac{1}{2} k_x (x-x_0)^2
+ \frac{1}{2} k_y (y-y_0)^2 + \frac{1}{2} k_z (z-z_0)^2

This way, atoms may be restrained to the vicinity of a plane, an axis, or a point, depending on the number of nonzero force constants. The syntax is:

name {harm atom {kx ky kz} {x0 y0 z0} }

Important recommendations when running ABF simulations

The formalism implemented in NAMD had been originally devised in the framework of unconstrained MD. Holonomic constraints may, however, be introduced without interfering with the computation of the bias and, hence, the PMF, granted that some precautions are taken.

Either of the following strategies may be adopted:

Atoms involved in the computation of $F_\xi$ do not participate in constrained degrees of freedom. If, for instance, chemical bonds between hydrogen and heavy atoms are frozen, $\xi$ could be chosen as a distance between atoms that are not involved in a constraint.

In some cases, not all atoms used for defining $\xi$ are involved in the computation of the force component $F_\xi$. Specifically, reference atoms abf1 in the RC types zCoord and zCoord-1atom are not taken into account in $F_\xi$. Therefore, constraints involving those atoms have no effect on the ABF protocol.

The definition of $\xi$ involves atoms forming constrained bonds. In this case, the effect of constraints on ABF can be eliminated by using a group-based RC built on atom groups containing both ``ends'' of all rigid bonds involved, i.e.hydrogens together with their mother atom.

For example, if the distance from a methane molecule to the center of mass of a water lamella is studied with the zCoord RC by taking water oxygens as a reference (abf1) and all five atoms of methane as the group of interest (abf2):

Example of input file for computing potentials of mean force

In this example, the system consists of a short, ten-residue peptide, formed by L-alanine amino acids. Reversible folding/unfolding of this peptide is carried out using as a reaction coordinate the carbon atom of the first and the last carbonyl groups -- $\xi$, hence, corresponds to a a simple interatomic distance, defined by the keyword distance. The reaction pathway is explored between 12 and 32 Å, i.e., over a distance of 20 Å, in a single window. The variations of the free energy derivative are soft enough to warrant the use of bins with a width of 0.2 Å, in which forces are accrued.

source                ~/lib/abf/abf.tcl

abf coordinate        distance

abf abf1              4
abf abf2              99

abf dxi               0.2
abf xiMin             12.0
abf xiMax             32.0
abf outFile           deca-alanine.dat
abf fullSamples       500
abf inFiles           {}
abf distFile          deca-alanine.dist
abf dSmooth           0.4

Here, the ABF is applied after 500 samples have been collected, which, in vacuum, have proven to be sufficient to get a reasonable estimate of $\left\langle F_\xi \right\rangle$.

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