General Meeting Minutes---January 27, 2002

From: Incognita3@CS.COM
Date: Wed Jan 30 2002 - 16:45:57 CST

Dancing Illini General Meeting Minutes January 27, 2002 7:30pm
Officers and Chairpersons present: Lynn, Mike, Tanja, Emily, Jeremy, and Jim.
       Officers not in attendance: Janice, Ron, and Jeff.

Lynn called the meeting to order.

Copies of the constitution were distributed. It was given a preliminary
reading. Lynn had some concerns about Article 2 section 1, paragraph 3. The
paragraph beginning "Under no circumstances should an officer interfere with
the duties..." She felt this might be counter productive to promoting the
team atmosphere necessary in the administrative body. She would like it to
be "tweaked" to better express the idea that officers help one another out
without steam rolling over one another's positions.

Jim suggested rearranging items in Article 1, Sections 1 and 2 so that they
flow more naturally. This was noted and will be instituted.

Jeremy had an objection to Article 1, but changed his mind upon reading the
new version. Tanja stated that this is just version 1. We can play with it
until we like it better, or until February's general meeting; whichever
happens first.

Jim brought up the fact that dues are only mentioned once in the
constitution. Tanja stated that specifics about such information belong in
the bylaws, hopefully in a form that says, "We will set dues and fees each
semester, period." Jeremy stated that he has had no opportunity to work on
the bylaws yet, but they can be changed at any general meeting.

We discussed offering up the Revised Version of the Constitution at the
February General Meeting, and hopefully ratifying it in the March general
meeting before we open up nominations for the 2002 to 2003 officers and

The nominations for Vice President and Treasurer were opened (the current
treasurer wishes to be retired). Both positions must be filled by a
student. We shall announce these position openings during announcement times
in classes. We shall also ask for some volunteers to be appointed helpers,
such as video librarian, and equipment tech.

Jeremy offered the spring budget for approval. He noted that on paper we
will lose money this semester, but he reminded us that on paper his budgets
always project a deficit and we always end up with more money than when we
started. (He asserted this is further evidence that he isn't a very good
treasurer, and we should replace him ASAP.) After reviewing the budget, we
amended it to add ~$60 for purchasing space at the Regent for practice 2
times this semester during week 4 of classes. (Tanja agreed to set these
practices up with Dave.)

The spring budget was voted in unanimously

It was mentioned that Jeff wanted to discuss practice issues. There was a
moment of silence as we all attempted to use the Force and divine which
pearls of practice wisdom Jeff might wish to discuss. We were unsuccessful
with our channeling efforts, so we tabled the matter until such a point when
Jeff could be present for the discussion.

While we were on the subject of Jeff, Lynn stated she'd like the secretary to
bring back the social calendar and the newsletter. Assuming Jeff is
amenable, she would like to collaborate with him to make the newsletter a
reality (she likes doing the research).

Jeremy mentioned that SORF money may have been approved for the Indy
Competition–there was a communication breakdown. We'll know more next week.
Tanja has requested SORF funds for the Michigan Competition (end of
February), and will request money for OSU as soon as they get their
registration info online.

Emily agreed that there will be 2 dinner dances this semester, in either the
5th or 6th week of class (preferably on salsa nights).

The next General Meeting will be at the Regent Ballroom, Wed. February 13th,
at 9:00 in the lobby. (We will be really quiet so that we won't disturb

The meeting ended at 8:00.

        Respectfully Submitted;
            Tanja Hodges—competition chair

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