The "Little Lily of Salsa" will be back dancing again

From: charles joseph smith (
Date: Mon Feb 21 2000 - 02:34:15 CST

Last time I danced salsa at the Regent, it was like a traffic jam. I had
counted about some 600 or 700 salseros and salseras dancing the night
away. I was brave enough to deal with the crowdiness to enjoy a very
exciting 2-hour escapade of salsa, merengue and cha-cha dancing.

I felt so much liveliness in my salsa dancing. This made me a very
musical person inside of me. What was surprising was that when I sat down
to sit out a salsa dance(I ended up beat in my lower legs), one girl I
didn't know wanted to dance salsa with me. I didn't know her name but I
danced with her anyway, despite the fact that I was about to stop dancing.

Sorry I didn't go to the Regent this weekend; I had to go to Chicago that
weekend. I had the deepest regrets because I missed the dance. Hence, I
need some feedback on the atmosphere of the Regent during the second
salsa night of 2000. Was it as crowded as last time, or less crowded?
How many ruedas were done? Did some old friends, like Roberto Barreiro
or Carlos Varela or Mark Balzer, came back?

But don't worry. You will see "The Little Lily of Salsa"(that's me)in the
next three weeks at the Regent. I felt heartbroken that I didn't go on
Feb. 18.


Charles Joseph Smith

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