Re: SOC: Nightclub two-step

Mark Balzer (m-balzer@STUDENTS.UIUC.EDU)
Tue, 25 Feb 1997 23:56:41 -0600

>I really want to learn it, but there was no class this and last
>semester. I had to watch other people dancing 2-step and try to
>fake it afterwards - and that's not the best and easiest way.

Yes, it's true: there are more dances than the DI can provide group
instruction in each semester.

Providing instruction in every dance, at every level, whenever a member
wants it was the major thrust behind the establishment of our extensive
video library.

Members can borrow videos which provide instruction in all dances
(including the nightclub 2-step), at all levels. Your DI video librarian
will be available during the first 15 minutes of each and every practice
session at the Regent to lend out tapes. Tapes may even be reserved in
advance. See the weekly post on this for details or give me a call.

Providing instruction in every dance, at every level, whenever a member
wants it was also the major thrust behind the establishment of our tutor
program, our free tutor lesson coupon and our professional lesson rebate
coupon. If you've already used your coupons, you still qualify for $5
rebates on private lessons... up to 3 per semester. I encourage everyone
to take advantage of these member benefits which are completely explained
in the bylaws on the DI web page.

Your full-service dance club attendant,
