Re: SOC: Nightclub two-step (was: Hello all...) (fwd)

Sriram Shankar (shankar@ARIES.SCS.UIUC.EDU)
Tue, 25 Feb 1997 22:14:08 -0600

> On Mon, 25 Feb 1997, Peter Bruhn wrote:
> I would be very happy if Henry would teach 2-step. I really want to learn
> it, but there was no class this and last semester. I had to watch other
> people dancing 2-step and try to fake it afterwards - and that's not the
> best and easiest way.
> I believe David's class is great (as all his classes) - but it is no real
> alternative: It's at the same time as the DI intermediate class, it is $40
> for six weeks, it's far away from campus, and probably there are not much
> DI-people.
> Peter

If you are keen on learning this dance formally and an avenue such
as the one offered by Henry becomes available, I strongly suggest
that you represent this to the social chairs or whomsoever might
be responsible for setting up a class schedule. The DI runs on
the strength and support of its members, and if there is a reasonable
quorum in this representation, I am certain the club officer in
charge will be compelled strongly to include the dance requested
in the class schedule.

David Lin's class has been commended eternally by a lot of dancers
in our community because of its content and style, and the fact
that dance floors with floor-to-ceiling mirrors are available makes
it all the more attractive. But the facts are that the Regent is
far from campus and few people are inclined to or have the means to
travel 5-6 miles in the middle of a week.

Taking the bus is often recommended as an alternative but I am
certain those that give this suggestion have not had to brave cold
and rain waiting for the temperamental MTD buses.

If you can afford the time and have a way to get to the Regent, by
all means do that. That is the better of the choices you will

But precluding that possibility, take up Henry on his offer. I
have learnt from him, and he is fun to learn from and dance with.
And he will teach you a few simple routines that you can straight
away apply, after one hour of dancing....

I can smell the smoke, there is quite likely going to be a fire
...:-) Oh heck, call me an arsonist. But first, call 9-1-1...
