Re: Budget debate and related issues:

Sriram Shankar (shankar@ARIES.SCS.UIUC.EDU)
Fri, 4 Oct 1996 12:25:08 -0500

Hello all...
I couldn't stay away much longer, please compliment me today if you
see me, for showing such restraint for so long......:-)

Commenting on the apportioning of blame, though done facetiously
by Jeremy in an attempt to not step on any one person's toes, to
the rest of the club that did not attend the club meetings.......
A huge measure of the ambivalence shown by several members in the
club arises from an experience that no amount of discussion seems
to help in resolving issues at club meetings, and because the
pizza you order is not from Pizza Hut...:-) Aside from time spent
(read:wasted) mulling over non-life threatening issues with a
clique of intransigent megalomaniacs, and side-stepping egos and
allegiances, nothing really is accomplished in the meetings which
I have attended. (Don't tell me it was because of me all the
time...=-( ).

And few issues have or will see an unanimous vote in favor or
against them simply because there are too many to-be professionals,
with minds and opinions of their own. Therefore, why would I
commit an evening of my time to being cooped in such a meeting
when the same denouement of fractious debating and inconclusive
arguments can result in my absence.

Does this mean I can't adopt a position on one of these issues.."
I would say, if one has paid the dues, then one should know why
one's money is being spent in a frivolous manner, if one thinks
it is. It is quite correct to then say, "If you want to make
policy, you be on the committee next year". Why, just last year,
the shoe was on the other foot :-).

Let us remember this: DI members - The officers, whether they
agree with one another or not, are, and I hope this is true, working
with the best interests of the club in mind. And to the committee
members, I say "Job well done, ladies and gentlemen. Do remember
however that concordant with the position comes the head ache of
responsibility and I trust each of knew of this onus when you took
up the position".

I still think this is a voluntary position. It was not advertised,
no wages were announced and one opts to be an officer I hope in
the interest of returning to the club what it has offered you.
Please do, therefore, what you care to do for the club under your
own motivation and time. Expecting a fiscal return from the club
is both in poor taste and unjust to officers past that in their own
rights made huge, unsolicited contributions to this club of ours.

My opinion on the purchase of these two speakers, and I will be
forthright with it, is that it is wasteful expenditure. One does
not just spend money because the club has a lot of it now. On
the other hand, we did need speakers and it might well turn out
to be one of our better investments. I certainly hope so. But
turning this issue into venting masked rivalries and vendetta is,
as Stu mentioned, not requited on a discussion group as this.

Please keep your masked insinuations and direct strikes at other
club members off the discussion list. I quote again one of the
great philosophers of my time, Rodney King "Can't we all just
get along...". ;-)

Ciao and have a good day.