Argentine Tango workshops

From: joe grohens (joe@WOLFRAM.COM)
Date: Wed Nov 08 2000 - 15:14:55 CST

Dear Dancers,

If you are planning to attend any of Alberto and Valorie's Argentine Tango workshops this weekend, I encourage you to pre-enroll. There's still time to do so.

The workshops are $25 pre-registered, with discounts for taking multiples. The cost at the door is an additional $5.

For details about the workshops, see

To register, you can printout the web registration form and mail it to me or give it to me prior to the first workshop you attend.


Suggestions for picking a workshop.

- Brand new to Argentine Tango? Take the Friday evening class.
- Just starting Argentine Tango? Take one or both on Saturday.
- You want a challenge? Take one or both on Sunday.

All workshops are at White Street Arts Center.

- Can't afford the tuition fee? Come to the pre-milonga lesson on Saturday at Phillips Recreation Center - 7:30. That's $5.00 including admission to the dance.



7:30 PM - 9:15 PM
What Tango Should We Dance?
A primer on the fundamental requirement needed to dance Argentine Tango: dancing to the music. All levels of experience.


1 PM - 2:45 PM
Tangos around the Floor
Essentials of floor navigation for improvising on the line of dance. This session will focus on parallel and crossed feet navigation on the
line of dance connecting various patterns with changes of front and forward and back ochos.

3 PM - 4:45 PM
The Right Idea
Right turn "giros" with "sacadas". This session will focus on the use of right-hand turns and displacements to enhance the development of
circular patterns while observing the protocols of navigating on the line of dance.


1 PM - 2:45 PM
Nothing Left Behind
Left turn "giros" with "enrosques". This session will focus on the use of left-hand turns to enhance the development of circular patterns
while observing the protocols of navigating on the line of dance.

3 PM - 4:45 PM
Time to Smell the Roses
This session will focus on the use of "boleos, paradas, barridas and calesitas" to create changes of direction.

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