Graduation / Cinco de Mayo Milonga

From: TangoLeon@AOL.COM
Date: Sun Apr 30 2000 - 10:44:12 CDT

Yes, tangueros, next Saturday May 6 the Phillips Recreation Center will once
again welcome you to engage in tango, at our monthly milonga. The end of the
semester is approaching, and University tangueros will be especially pleased
to have the opportunity to take a break from the end-of-the-semester madness,
to surrender oneself to the music and dance of tango. Please note there are
substantial medical benefits from doing so. Dancing tango requires a
different part of the brain than academic activities, thereby allowing the
academic part of the brain to receive needed rest, which improves
performance. The catharsis that comes from immersion in tango is also healthy
for the heart, prolonging the lifespan. This should be reason enough to
attend the milonga, but the joy of dancing tango should overcome whatever
remaining doubts exist about what your plans should be for next Saturday.

It's difficult to decide what to name this milonga. It's obvious that
graduation is coming, so it should be called the "Graduation Milonga".
However, the milonga will also be one day after Cinco de Mayo, which is
another reason for celebration. Therefore, the milonga will be called the
"Graduation / Cinco de Mayo Milonga".

If you are leaving town this summer due to graduation, send me your name and
we will formally say goodbye and wish you luck as you search for another
tango community (a precondition for accepting a job, of course).

We have a very exciting milonga planned. The Guerilla Parlour Ensemble will
play at the milonga, once again providing a wonderfully stimulating
atmosphere for dancing tango that few tango communities have the opportunity
to enjoy. Even if you'd timid about your dancing, it will be worth your time
to come and listen to the GEP.

The milonga is from 8 PM - midnight. Local reports indicated that extending
the milonga one hour in April resulted in safer streets in Urbana, so we will
wisely continue this policy.

Before the milonga there is another workshop, from 7-8 PM. This will be
another workshop in 'milonga' (an early form of tango) given by Tom (El
Tigre) and Nancy Ronquillo. El Tigre says that you need not have taken or
completed the milonga workshop in February to take this workshop. So, if you
have difficulty figuring what to do when milonga music comes on (or if you
just want to improve your milonga), this workshop is for you. (This probably
includes everyone reading this message.)

The cost of the milonga alone is $3. The workshop is $5, and includes
admission to the milonga.

So, drop your books and your worries and bring your feet over to the Phillips
Center next Saturday and relax, meet with friends, and enjoy good music and
dance. See you there.

I've attached a flyer for the milonga. So take your refrigerator magnets and
put it in a prominent place on the door. Don't forget to copy the flyer (or
forward this message) to friends that need to be converted to tango.

El Leon del Tango

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