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Plugin development best practices guide
This section contains a description of "best practices" resulting from accumulated knowledge and experience developing VMD plugins over the last several years.
Scripting-based plugins vs. C/C++
One of the questions that is often raised by new plugin developers is whether they should develop plugins in C/C++, Python, or in Tcl/Tk. Frequently, inexperienced plugin developers are working on the assumption that by writing in C/C++ they'll achieve performance levels far beyond that of scripting-based plugins, often however this is not the case, particularly when the plugin is primarily calling VMD routines to perform its work. In cases like these, the scripting interfaces don't reduce performance much, because the bulk of the runtime is due to internal VMD routines, and the best method for achieving improved performance is usually to use a better algorithm, or to use the functions of VMD in the most efficient way to get the job done. There are indeed cases where writing a plugin in C/C++ is the best way to go, but these are typically cases where there aren't any built-in VMD function to perform some arithmetic-heavy computations, or in cases where the types of data structures needed for implementation of an algorithm make script-based plugin solutions somewhat unwieldy.
Use of callbacks within plugins
The VMD callback mechanism was originally designed to make it possible for user-written scripts and plugins to efficiently detect and react to various types of events in VMD. As the VMD plugin system has grown in scope and complexity, it has become obvious that the existing callback mechanism needs to be bolstered, and guidelines need to be developed in order to make plugins interact with each other in a cooperative way. Generally speaking, plugins should only attempt to listen to and take action on VMD callback events when they have mouse focus, i.e. when the user is actively using them or interacting with them. In cases where a plugin is not actively in use, it should "unwatch" callbacks and remain passive, so that it does not interfere with the correct operation of other plugins/scripts that the user may have invoked. A simple example of this scenario would be a case where multiple plugins start acting on VMD mouse picking events, each adding structural highlight representations, or other interactions. In such a scenario, a single user mouse selection would result in a multitude of duplicative highlighted representations, slowing things down and causing confusion. For this reason, plugins should limit the scope of their callback registration to the minimum necessary, and only during the times when they are in the process of being used. In future versions of VMD, we intend to provide a built-in mechanism to manage "plugin focus" to assist developers with these issues. Until then, it is a good idea to design plugins taking these issues into account and doing one's best to minimize callback processing activity when possible.
plg_bestpractices.dox,v 1.2 2008/04/01 19:05:49 johns Exp
Generated on Thu Feb 13 03:09:35 2025 for VMD Plugins (current) by
1.2.14 written by Dimitri van Heesch,
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