From: Constantin Gunkel (
Date: Fri Oct 30 2020 - 09:45:17 CDT
@Peter Freddolino
Thanks for the quick answer.
Here is the first restart file. The rest look all the same, just
importing the information of the last restart outputs and not the
original one. I have also tried them without the extra new minimization
steps below but nothing really works.
# input
set input ../hoffnung/SI.restart
coordinates ${input}.coor
velocities ${input}.vel
extendedSystem ${input}.xsc
structure ../hoffnung/SI.psf
parameters ../hoffnung/par_all36_prot.prm
parameters ../hoffnung/par_all36_na.prm
parameters ../hoffnung/par_all36_lipid.prm
parameters ../hoffnung/par_all36_carb.prm
parameters ../hoffnung/par_all36_cgenff.prm
parameters ../hoffnung/toppar_water_ions_namd.str
paratypecharmm on
# output
set output ../hoffnung/SI1
outputname $output
dcdfile ${output}.dcd
xstFile ${output}.xst
dcdfreq 10000
xstFreq 10000
binaryoutput no
binaryrestart no
outputEnergies 100
restartfreq 1000
fixedAtoms off
# Basic dynamics
exclude scaled1-4
1-4scaling 1
COMmotion no
dielectric 1.0
# Simulation space partitioning
switching on
switchdist 9
cutoff 10
pairlistdist 12
# Multiple timestepping
firsttimestep 475000
timestep 2
rigidBonds all
stepspercycle 20
nonbondedFreq 2
fullElectFrequency 4
# Temperature control
set temperature 325
# Langevin Dynamics
langevin on; # do langevin dynamics
langevinDamping 1; # damping coefficient (gamma) of
langevinTemp $temperature; # bath temperature
langevinHydrogen no; # don't couple langevin bath to
seed 12345
# Pressure control
langevinPiston on
langevinPistonTarget 1.01325; # in bar -> 1.01325 bar = 1 atm
langevinPistonPeriod 200
langevinPistonDecay 100
langevinPistonTemp $temperature
useFlexibleCell no
useGroupPressure yes
fixedAtomsForces off
wrapAll on
wrapwater on
dcdUnitCell yes
PME yes
PMEGridSizeX 120
PMEGridSizeY 120
PMEGridSizeZ 150
# Extra Parameters
margin 3
# Scripting
minimize 40000
run 400000
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