Dancing Illini general meeting minutes, 10/3/96

emily r. bergner (bergner@STUDENTS.UIUC.EDU)
Mon, 14 Oct 1996 13:40:01 -0500

Dancing Illini general meeting minutes, 10/3/96

**Officer's reports:**

-We received $200.00 from SORF for the first half of this semester.
-We recently purchased new speakers for the sound system.

*Vice President*

-Working on typing up and submitting SORF forms for the second half of
this semester.
-Will begin working on a newsletter for the club.

-Has submitted the fall budget, which had not yet been approved at the
beginning of the meeting--was approved during the meeting.

*Education Co-Chairs*
-Bought button maker to make "Ask me to dance!" buttons. These will be
given out to anyone who would like to greet dancers and make them feel
welcome. There will be some available at the dance on Sunday (10/6).

Helped Mark buy speakers.

-Reports that beginner class size is settling down to about 100 people.
Intermediate is at about 20 people for intermediate 2 (salsa and tango)
and about 40 for intermediate 1 (cha-cha and hustle).
-Suggested that in order to give intermediate 1 class a chance to
practice, we organize a few field trips to C-street.

*Competition Chair*
-The Dancing Illini competition will take place Saturday, October 26 from
9am-6pm in the Illini rooms A, B, and C.
-Looking for people to house students from other schools for the competition.
If interested, you should email Jay at jumping@uiuc.edu
-Volunteers are still needed for the comp to work at the registration
table and door, etc. Volunteers get FREE LUNCH and FREE GENERAL ADMISSION!
-Still looking for an MC and a DJ.
-General comp information:
--Fifteen schools have asked for information about the comp.
--Hoping to have a pre-comp party at the Regent the night before the
comp, modified somehow from the pre-comp parties of past years.
--The judges, MC, volunteers will receive free lunch on the day of the
comp, and everyone else will be on their own for lunch.
--We will try to hold a post comp dance from 7-10pm, since the Illini
Rooms are reserved until then.
--There will be demos performed at 6:30pm.
--If anyone is interested in helping, please contact Jay.

*Social Chair*
-There will be a dance Sunday, October 6 from 1-4pm in the Union.
-The Lake House at Crystal Lake Park is reserved for December 6 from
6:30-9:30pm for a party.

**General Issues:**

--The idea of a practice competition during beginner class to make the
beginners feel more comfortable with competing was suggested. There
could be a prize for the winning couples, possibly a free intermediate
class nest semester. It was suggested that this be planned for the week
of the comp. Possible judges who might be willing to help are Bruce, and
Paul and Margaret Klock. It was suggested that only one dance would be
used in the comp, due to time constraints, etc.

--Tanja will print up some flyers describing the comp.

--Jay will bring comp sign-up sheets to our classes.

--Pauline and Joanna were nominated as the new Co-Workshop chairs, and
were voted in unanimously.

--The president presented the fall budget for the absent treasurer.
There was a lengthy budget discussion. The budget was approved without

Submitted 10/11/96
Emily Bergner