"Evening of Waltzing" Sat. Feb 25

From: Ron Carbonari (rcarbona@UIUC.EDU)
Date: Tue Feb 21 2006 - 14:18:14 CST

  • Next message: Scott Bain: "Mid-semester Dance Night Reminder"

    Hello Jim, Can you post this message to the DI list. It is in regards to
    the "Evening of Waltz" dance.

       We are going to be offering another "Evening of Waltzing" with the
    English dancers and Country dancers. The Waltz we will be dancing is
    closer related to the Viennese Waltz, than the Slow Ballroom Waltz we teach
    in our classes. As described in the message below, beginners are welcome
    and we will be teaching the basic step an hour before the dance begins, so
    everyone can have fun.

    For any question regarding this event from the DI listing,
    Please email Ron Carbonari : rcarbona@uiuc.edu
                                                or call (217) 778 - 6386


        On Saturday, February 25, there will be an evening of waltzing
    (and more) at the Phillips Recreation Center. At 7 p.m. there will
    be a workshop on the basic of waltz led by Janice Mouschovias and
    Ron Carbonari. Then from 8 to 11 there will be a dance party of
    waltzes and other couple dances, such as the polka, as well as
    set dances in waltz time (such as Waterfall Waltz or The Duke
    of Kent's Waltz) led by Jonathan Sivier. Music for the evening
    will be provided by the Flatland Consort. Admission is $5.00.

        The evening is sponsored by the Central Illinois English Country
    Dancers, The Dancing Illini and the Urbana Country Dancers. We hope
    all members of these groups, as well as others interested in dancing
    will attend. The set dances will be taught and then prompted so no
    previous knowledge or experience is required. Partners and costumes
    are not required, but we ask that dancers wear soft-soled shoes to
    help protect the dance floor.

        We need a few people to come early (~6:30) to help with the set
    up and to be at the table when people start coming. If you would
    be willing to help out, please let me know.

        Also remember to bring a snack to share at the break. That
    always makes for a fun and socialable dance party.

    Contra-announce-l mailing list

  • Next message: Scott Bain: "Mid-semester Dance Night Reminder"

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