Sat June 28: Workshops on Milonga at Phillips Center

From: Ron Weigel (
Date: Mon Jun 23 2003 - 22:43:47 CDT

  • Next message: Yuri Sohn: "Latin Dance Night on Tuesdays at McKinley"

    Ron & Susana's workshop series on Milonga continues this Saturday June 28 at
    the Phillips Recreation Center.

    The schedule is as follows:

    2 - 3:30 PM: Milonga II - Alternative Line-of-Dance Progression

    In addition to standard forward line-of-dance progression, there are steps
    used in Milonga that facilitate sideways and diagonal line of dance progression.
    Learn to construct combinations for using each orientation as well as
    switching between them.

    4 - 5:30 PM: Milonga III - Improvisation on Progressive Turns

    Learn different options for exiting from progressive turns, which can also be
    used to vary line-of-dance orientation (thus linking with material taught in
    Milonga II).

    Cost: $8 for 1 workshop; $15 for 2.

    The first workshop in the series covered the rhythm and basic steps in
    Milonga, including some exercises in constructing sequences from the basic steps.

    The remaining workshops will elaborate upon basic skills. The pre-requisite
    for taking Milonga II is the attainment of the skills taught in Milonga I or an
    equivalent level of expertise. Those comfortable with basic steps in Tango
    and a good connection to rhythm will also be ready for Milonga II.

    The pre-requisite for the Milonga III workshop is the acquisition of skills
    taught in the Milonga II workshop.


    The fourth and final workshop in this series [Milonga IV - Traspies &
    Sacadas] will be given at 7:30 - 9 PM on Saturday July 26, prior to the milonga.


    We are pleased to have this opportunity to offer these summer workshops to
    the tango community and look forward to seeing you on Saturday.

    Ron & Susana

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