WCS Dance Weekend June 8 & 9

From: beaverson sheena k (sbeavers@staff.uiuc.edu)
Date: Thu Jun 06 2002 - 09:13:19 CDT

  • Next message: Ron Weigel: "Milonga + Tango Teachnique Workshop: Sat June 15"

    Here is the information for our June 8 and 9th week end: We will begin
    our workshops Saturday at

    2:00 WCS Hitting the Breaks
    3:15 Cool Moves WCS
    4:30 Hustle

    Taught by Barry Durand at the Indianapolis Ballroom Company, 6213 LaPas
    Trail, Indpls. After a short break we will begin dancing at 7:00 till
    11:30. Cost is $15 per workshop or $35 for all three.

    Sunday our lesson will be at 2:00 with Barry Durand teaching Socially
    Leadable Cool Moves, open dancing will be from 3:00 until 6:00. Cost is
    $5 for all non-members and out-of-town attendees. This will be at Madam
    Walker Theater, 4th floor.

    Anyone interested in spending the night we suggest Lee's Inn, Greenwood,
    about a 20 min. drive to all events. The cost is $59 for one person or
    $65 for any other number in the room. Mention Indy Swing Dance Club or
    Charlotte Heiney for these rates. 317-865-0100. I think several people
    are planning to stay here.

    If you have any questions call me at 317-445-5114. I hope you can make.
    Plealse share this information with your friends.


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