Argentine Tango: Lesson, Class, Practice

From: Ron Weigel (weigel@UIUC.EDU)
Date: Mon Oct 01 2001 - 10:29:08 CDT

  • Next message: charles joseph smith: "Recalling Andrew's Cha-Cha Variations"

    Dear Ballroom Dancers,

    As ballroom dancers ourselves, Susana and I are pleased to have several
    ballroom dancers among the 20+ students in our introductory 'Fundamentals of
    Argentine Tango' class that started last Wednesday. However, we have 2 extra
    women and need 'a few good men' who want to learn the most romantic of
    dances - the Argentine Tango. You are not committed to a partner because we
    change partners throughout the class, but we'd like an equal number of men
    and women. The class meets on Wed 8:30 - 9:45 at the Phillips Recreation
    Center, costs $32, and runs for 8 weeks (until Nov 15).

    For those of you who missed the first class (or who were there and would
    like to review the material), we will have a review session and practice
    (for more individual attention) at the Illini Union (Room C on the first
    floor) this Tuesday from 8-10 PM.

    This will be preceded by a more advanced lesson (try it for a challenge or
    just observe) starting at 7 PM. The topics are the following:

    We will address strategies to maintain movement along the line of dance.

    First we will cover the popular 'cambio de frente' in moving along the line
    of dance (literally 'change of face', which puts you facing against the line
    of dance), a few ways to achieve 'cambio de frente' and strategies for
    regaining movement along the line of dance.

    After that we will switch to the topic 'Painting Yourself into a Corner? How
    to Navigate around the Corners of the Dance Floor' and address various
    options when approaching the corners of the dance floor.

    Although this topic is focused more on men's skills than women's, the steps
    and technique covered will be useful for women as well. So, women, learn
    something new and support your tangueros in their quest for perefection in
    tango navigational skills.

    We hope to see you Tuesday at the Illini Union and Wednesday at the Phillips

    Ron and Susana Weigel

    Ronald M. Weigel, Ph.D.
    Division of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine
    Department of Veterinary Pathobiology
    2001 S Lincoln Avenue
    University of Illinois
    Urbana, IL 61802 USA
    phone: (217)-244-1365
    messages: (217)-333-2449
    FAX: (217)-244-7421

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