Quad Day - Dancing Illini

From: Ron Carbonari (rcarbona@staff.uiuc.edu)
Date: Thu Aug 09 2001 - 15:58:54 CDT

  • Next message: TangoLeon@AOL.COM: "Sat Aug 25 - Milonga at Phillips Center"

    To all Dancing Illini participants,

    * This email is particularly addressed to those individuals
    * who have participated in Dancing Illini, but have never
    * help in promoting the club.

      I hope you all have had a wonderful vacation and a wonderful time last
    semester with Dancing Illini.

      As you all are aware, the new semester is upon us. And now is a great
    time to advertise for next semester events, such as posters and Quad day.
    Last year, there was only a few that volunteered, which made it difficult
    for us who desire to see this club continue and be ran with excellence.

    Thus, we can use your help for one or two hours.

          Quad day - Need people at the booth between 10 - 3pm
          Posters - (Prior to quad day, & after quad for the first two weeks)
          Chalk the sidewalks ( First week of school - after quad day)

    If you are interested in helping or have suggest please reply to:

        Dancing Officiers


       Tanja Hodges

    Thank you and I hope to see you all in the coming classes,


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