Postering: Friday June 08 Today :)

From: Ronald Carbonari (rcarbona@UIUC.EDU)
Date: Fri Jun 08 2001 - 08:52:29 CDT

Late notice, but someone just informed me of posting to this sight.

Today, Friday, June 08... 11:45 AM at the Union (The lounge by the Circle
drive - North side)

I like to get as many available individuals to help pass out flyers for the
summer dances poster for the Dancing Illini

If you are not able to make it, but would still like to help. I can give
you some poster and an area to start postering. Every little bit is going
to help.

Here are the major locations that I want to concentrate on.
       (If there are other, please inform me)

- Dorms
- Center Quad (Union)
- North Quad (engineering) + Bussinesses on North side of campus
- South Quad (Education-law) + bussiness on west side of campus
- Campus Bussiness around green street
- Sorority

Last time we had only a handfull of people. The more people to help the
easier the work load on all of us.

PLEASE: Email me back to let me know if you are able to help, or if you can
do some later.
Let me know of specific areas you would perfer.

Thank you SO much,
  Ron ---- 217/244-1508

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