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List of Figures

  1. Sample VMD session displaying myoglobin.
  2. The Main form
  3. The Main form animation controls
  4. The Molecule File Browser form
  5. The Display menu
  6. Relationship between screen height (SCRHEIGHT), screen distance to origin (SCRDIST), and the viewer
  7. The Graphics form (in Draw Style mode)
  8. The Graphics form (in Selections mode)
  9. The Labels form
  10. The Color form
  11. The Material Form
  12. The Render form
  13. The Tool form
  14. The Sequence form
  15. The RamaPlot Window
  16. RGB color scale: the three plots shows the contributions of each color, and the resulting colors are on the bottom.
  17. The shift to the red component of the RGB scale caused by the value of ``min''.
  18. RMS calculation and alignment extension