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Utility objects

Figure 5.1 illustrates the utility objects used in VMD program development. Several of these objects are C++ templates; instances of these classes are creates for different types, for example a Stack of integers or a Stack of char * items. These template and the other global objects are each detailed in section 6.2.


The Inform class is deserving of particular notice, since it is one of the most widely used objects in VMD. This class provides a streams-like object which is used to print messages to the VMD console. There are four global instances of this class, which are used for the following purposes:

To use an Inform object, text and data are given to object using insertion (<<) operators, i.e.,
msgInfo << "This is message number " << intVariable << "." << sendmsg;
The sendmsg manipulator ends the message; this will cause the message to be printed to the console, prepended by a string indicating the type of messages, and appended by a newline.

There are also several utility functions which are not part of any class; these are described in section 6.1.

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Justin Gullingsrud
Tue Apr 6 09:26:48 CDT 1999