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Extended-system Adaptive Biasing Force (eABF)

Extended-system ABF (eABF) is a variant of ABF (13.5.1) where the bias is not applied directly to the collective variable, but to an extended coordinate (``fictitious variable'') $ \lambda$ that evolves dynamically according to Newtonian or Langevin dynamics. Such an extended coordinate is enabled for a given colvar using the extendedLagrangian and associated keywords (13.2.4). The theory of eABF and the present implementation are documented in detail in reference [58].

Defining an ABF bias on a colvar wherein the extendedLagrangian option is active will perform eABF; there is no dedicated option.

The extended variable $ \lambda$ is coupled to the colvar $ z=\xi(q)$ by the harmonic potential $ (k/2) (z - \lambda)^2$ . Under eABF dynamics, the adaptive bias on $ \lambda$ is the running estimate of the average spring force:

$\displaystyle F^\mathrm{bias}(\lambda^*) = \left\langle k(\lambda - z) \right\rangle_{\lambda^*}$ (13.20)

where the angle brackets indicate a canonical average conditioned by $ \lambda=\lambda^*$ . At long simulation times, eABF produces a flat histogram of the extended variable $ \lambda$ , and a flattened histogram of $ \xi$ , whose exact shape depends on the strength of the coupling as defined by extendedFluctuation in the colvar. Coupling should be somewhat loose for faster exploration and convergence, but strong enough that the bias does help overcome barriers along the colvar $ \xi$ .[58] Distribution of the colvar may be assessed by plotting its histogram, which is written to the outputName.zcount file in every eABF simulation. Note that a histogram bias (13.5.7) applied to an extended-Lagrangian colvar will access the extended degree of freedom $ \lambda$ , not the original colvar $ \xi$ ; however, the joint histogram may be explicitly requested by listing the name of the colvar twice in a row within the colvars parameter of the histogram block.

The eABF PMF is that of the coordinate $ \lambda$ , it is not exactly the free energy profile of $ \xi$ . That quantity can be calculated based on the CZAR estimator.

CZAR estimator of the free energy

The corrected z-averaged restraint (CZAR) estimator is described in detail in reference [58]. It is computed automatically in eABF simulations, regardless of the number of colvars involved. Note that ABF may also be applied on a combination of extended and non-extended colvars; in that case, CZAR still provides an unbiased estimate of the free energy gradient.

CZAR estimates the free energy gradient as:

$\displaystyle A'(z) = - \frac{1}{\beta} \frac{d\ln \tilde \rho (z)}{dz} + k (\langle\lambda\rangle_z - z).$ (13.21)

where $ z=\xi(q)$ is the colvar, $ \lambda$ is the extended variable harmonically coupled to $ z$ with a force constant $ k$ , and $ \tilde\rho (z)$ is the observed distribution (histogram) of $ z$ , affected by the eABF bias.

There is only one optional parameter to the CZAR estimator:

Similar to ABF, the CZAR estimator produces two output files in multicolumn text format:

The sampling histogram associated with the CZAR estimator is the $ z$ -histogram, which is written in the file outputName.zcount.

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