Re: Define a colvar from other colvars

From: Vermaas, Joshua (
Date: Thu Dec 14 2017 - 14:40:22 CST

Hi Ben,

Yes. Define a *single* colvar that has two (or more) components, which
by default get added together. Here is an example from my own research,
were I wanted a colvar (which I call cnumber) to be the difference
between two coordination number colvars.

colvar {
    name cnumber
    coordNum {
        group1 {
            atomsFile tagged.pdb
            atomsCol B
            atomsColValue 1
        group2 {
            atomsFile tagged.pdb
            atomsCol B
            atomsColValue 2
        cutoff 8.0
        expNumer 4
        expDenom 10
        componentCoeff 1
    coordNum {
        group1 {
            atomsFile tagged.pdb
            atomsCol B
            atomsColValue 1
        group2 {
            atomsFile tagged.pdb
            atomsCol B
            atomsColValue 3
        cutoff 8.0
        expNumer 4
        expDenom 10
        componentCoeff -1

The componentCoeff is the important part (see
Then you'd restrain as usual.


On 12/14/2017 12:58 PM, Ben Adams wrote:
> Hi,
> My question is related to colvar module:
> Is there any way to define a collective variable as a combination of
> other colvars?
> Let's say I have two colvars 'c1' and 'c2' but I want to constrain
> 'c3' at a constant value and c3=a*c1+b*c2.
> Regards,
> Ben.

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