From: JC Gumbart (
Date: Mon Jun 24 2013 - 18:43:42 CDT
Clearly FFTK. :)
On Jun 24, 2013, at 2:15 PM, James Starlight wrote:
> Chris, thanks you! I'll be very thankful for your tutorial!
> By the way what is the current most useful way to obtain charm parameters for small ligand-like compounds (starting from its full atomic pdbs with hydrogens) ?
> With Gromacs (using charm36 force field) typically I use swiss-param server which also produce PRM files in addition to the gromacs topology.
> James
> 2013/6/24 Chris Chipot <>
> James,
> a NAMD tutorial for protein-ligand standard binding constant calculations
> is currently in alpha-version. It will be tested thoroughly in the coming days.
> If you can wait a little, I should be able to send you a copy by the end of
> this week.
> Chris Chipot
> On 6/24/13 8:51 AM, James Starlight wrote:
> Dear Namd users!
> I'd like to perform simulation of the protein-ligand complex ( In that case I'll deal with the water-soluble diffusional ligand). Could you provide me with some tutorial for such simulation ? ( in particular I'm looking for additional parameters which i should specify in the conf files).
> Thanks for help,
> James
> --
> _______________________________________________________________________
> Chris Chipot, Ph.D.
> Theoretical and Computational Biophysics Group
> Beckman Institute
> University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
> 405 North Mathews Phone: (217) 244-5711
> Urbana, Illinois 61801 Fax: (217) 244-6078
> E-mail:
> Web:
> It is hard for France to maintain a thirty-five-hour workweek when
> China and India have invented a thirty-five-hour workday.
> Thomas L. Friedman
> _______________________________________________________________________
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