From: Drew buschhorn (
Date: Thu Feb 18 2010 - 20:30:10 CST
Thanks for the tip. Swapped over to NAMD2.6 for Windows and didn't have any
further problems.
Thanks again,
On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 4:09 AM, Jian Liu <> wrote:
> Dear Drew.
> As far as I know, there are some bugs about TclForce commands (such as
> loadcoords,
> loadforces and loadmasses) on NAMD2.7b1/2_windows. I suggest that you
> change you
> computing platform to Linux or have a try with NAMD2.6_windows.
> May It can help you.
> Jian Liu
> Master-degree graduate candidate majoring in Molecular Modelling
> Outstanding Students and PhD. Wanted
> CV:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Drew buschhorn <>
> To:
> Subject: namd-l: tutorial-l: Nanotubes tutorial - coorList(577) no such
> element
> Date: 2010-2-18 14:45:24
> Hello, ( cross posted to tutorial-l first, but it doesn't seem to be active
> )
> Thanks for making NAMD and VMD avalible to the
> public. I'm not using NAMD for actual research, so
> please feel free to drop this into your low priority queue.
> I’ve been attempting to complete the nanotubes tutorial:
> However, in step 3.1: Submitting sim_short.conf,
> I'm unable to submit my processing request. When I
> execute the command, it begins processing, then the Tcl interpreter dies
> with the error:
> TCL: can't read "coorList(577)": no such element in array.
> I know a little bit of Tcl and have tried to investigate the
> error myself, but with little success. The wiki and previous digests
> also don't seem to have any similar reports.
> I'm not quite sure how to proceed, so if anyone has any time
> to give advice, I would appreciate it. I
> have included my debug information below, and attached a log of my
> attempt to run the command sequence described in 3.1.
> Drew.
> Former Inorganic ChemistDebug info
> OS: Windows Vista x64
> NAMD version: Version 2.7b2 (2009-11-12) Win32
> VMD version: Version 1.8.7 (2009-08-01) Win32 OpenGL
> Nanotubes files version:
> Note: I have been successful at running the same tutorial files using the
> NAMD linux binaries:
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