From: Goutham (
Date: Mon Jul 06 2009 - 16:10:18 CDT
Hey All,
When I do a MD run using Charmrun and namd, I get the following error:
FATAL ERROR: Tried to find atom type on node other than node 0
However, when I do a single processor run, without charmrun, the error
doesn't occur. And the program works just fine. Does any one have any idea
on what is happening here?
PS: Stack Trace -
FATAL ERROR: Tried to find atom type on node other than node 0
[1] Stack Traceback:
[0] CmiAbort+0x5f [0xa4b62f]
[1] _Z8NAMD_diePKc+0x62 [0x4ffe02]
[2] _ZN8Molecule17build_atom_statusEv+0x1629 [0x88a8a5]
[3] _ZN8Molecule16receive_MoleculeEP8MIStream+0xdb3 [0x88380d]
[4] _ZN4Node11namdOneRecvEv+0x4b7 [0x8a0907]
[5] _ZN4Node7startupEv+0xebe [0x89fcba]
[6] _ZN12CkIndex_Node18_call_startup_voidEPvP4Node+0x12 [0x89edf8]
[7] CkDeliverMessageFree+0x21 [0x9c2af1]
[8] _Z15_processHandlerPvP11CkCoreState+0x509 [0x9c20e5]
[9] CsdScheduleForever+0xa5 [0xa4c42d]
[10] CsdScheduler+0x1c [0xa4c02e]
[11] _Z11master_initiPPc+0x280 [0x508c20]
[12] _ZN7BackEnd4initEiPPc+0x31 [0x508999]
[13] main+0x2f [0x50432f]
[14] __libc_start_main+0xdb [0x3486b1c3fb]
[15] _ZNSt8ios_base4InitD1Ev+0x4a [0x4ff76a]
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