Date: Tue Sep 13 2005 - 11:13:44 CDT
Try this, Anna:
2500 kcal/mol * 1000 / 0.23 = 575000 N*m/mol
575000 N*m/mol * 10^9 * 10^12 = 5.75*10^26 pN*nm/mol
5.75*10^26 pN*nm/mol * 6.02*10^-23 * #molecules in your system ~ 200
with 4.2 pN*nm = 1 kBT
200 kBT is about the amount of work it takes to unfold RNA or a
multidomain protein. Please post corrections if you find a mistake
with my calculation...
Quoting Anna Modzelewska <>:
> Hi,
> I calculated the pair interactions energy between two proteins and I
> got values about -2500. Is it in kcal/mole?
> If yes, why these energies are so big? How to correlate them with
> experimental values?
> Thank you
> Anna
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