From: Kyle Gustafson (
Date: Fri Jul 29 2005 - 10:29:11 CDT
I try to make NAMD with ./config fftw tcl plugins
Linux-amd64-g++ (charm is net-linux-opteron) on my opteron
cluster running SuSE and gcc33.
I see many "deprecated or antiquated headers" warnings and the
make stops, saying it can't find the *plugin.h files, like so:
src/ScriptTcl.C:42:28: molfile_plugin.h: No such file or directory
src/ScriptTcl.C:43:31: libmolfile_plugin.h: No such file or
All-Unix.plugins has PLUGINDIR set to the absolute path ending
with LINUXAMD64 and the Linux-amd64.plugins file looks like:
include /home/namd2/NAMD_2.5_Source/arch/All-Unix.plugins
Is there any other path that must be specified which is not
mentioned in the NAMD release notes, or do these troubles
point to a deeper problem, like a compiler incompatibility or
ARCH mismatch? I don't need a huge answer, just a little hint...
Thanks for your help,
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